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Thread: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004 Released

  1. #21
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004 *Released

    [quote author=tinku link=board=UAE4all;num=1096037279;start=15#19 date=09/26/04 at 14:52:40]qatmix:

    the site is DC but the forum in not it covers other consoles like the ps2. and there are more PS2 users illegal or not, it really doesnt matter. and i dont care to get into a my console is better than yours debate i have them all.

    the DC is dead m8 live with it, all there is is homebrew which 90% is appaling and does nothing for the Dreamcast image at all. unfinnished rubbish. ( i mean stuff that been around for ages and not fixed).

    I'm intouch with a lot of DC owners here and they have the same opinion as me about homebrew
    and dont bother with 90% of it after reading the docs.

    Ian Michael is the only developer that has removed homebrew from his site because it didnt come up to scratch MY HAT OFF TO HIM, if more people did that the dc scene would be much better with quality and not quantity.

    saying that i have already had requests for DC hardware because the Amiga emulator has appered, the st im not interested in and neither is anyone else here.

    Chui: your efforts are amazing, forget the ST and work on the Amiga as the same games exist for each system but enhanced on the Amiga as you know. the amiga killed the st in its day and will do so now.

    im entitled to my opinion *;D



    Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but try and make it an intelligent one. Don't go slagging off peoples homebrew efforts until you can produce something better... people could just say that your an uncontributing leech because you havnt made anything for the DC scene.

    The DC won't be dead until homebrew/porting and commercial releases stop being made for it. Which hasn't happened :P

  2. #22

    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    tinku: All I have to say is this: the PS2 development scene isn't any better than the Dreamcast development community when it comes to unfinished projects. And it's understandable for both systems as developers have lives outside of programming.

    You have a right to your opinion - as long as it's constructive criticism. When you go off slagging authors for no reason, then it's no longer an opinion - you are just being an ass.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    Agreed, Tinku your argument is invalid. there is not 1 Legal PS2 which plays homebrew. I own a PS2 (un chipped). So I can play games. However i also love the vibrancy of a homebrew scene. There are some great things for the DC which are free to all, yes they might not be onthe same level as a multimillion pound commercial game. But they sometimes offer interestign alternatives. Thats why i like the sene. :P

    Im not having a go. just enjoy it for what it its.

    Personally I hope the ST emu gets tidied up before concentrating on the Amiga etc as there are some top ST only games (I had both a ST and Amiga so Im not Biased)

    Cheers and be happy

  4. #24
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004 *Released

    Hmm ive not removed home brew i have 2 games i wrote one coming out in 3months as well which maybe you may like or not. Lot of us just dont have the time and have life and work outside of this hobby.

    The Amiga emulator is really impressive to me it's great seeing the best 16 bit machine shining on the best console. Both the amiga and dc had great homebrew software . The *Dreamcast is like the new amiga which is fitting to see the amiga on the dreamcast. You will find better homebrew on the amiga but there is good why it had much larger user base of programers. In time Dreamcast will see some great homebrew games there is some now like alice and feet of fury some new ones from dan soon among other's in no order..

    Still i thought totaly impossable at any playable speed i did tests using 200mhz pc i got 40% speed max so this really is some great work props to you people for making a impossable dream to a commodore fan come true.

    Dont know if you know but the amiga 500 could emulate the c64 vic20 and gameboy. *

    I might be able to help with some optmizing for the amiga emu ive found unrolling all loops gives %5 to 10% speed up if done by hand to a factor of 4x.

    If you have long functions break them up into smaller ones this avoids cache misses.

    Found a lot of things to do with optmizing for the sh4 in the sh4 chip docs which do infact work..

    Just dont have much time as you seen neogeo cd should be finshed but it's not. Im waiting for the fame sh4 core to finsh it.

    This has been the best year to me lets look forward to the the coming years.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004 *Released

    [quote author=Ian_micheal link=board=UAE4all;num=1096037279;start=15#23 date=09/26/04 at 21:45:30]If you have long functions break them up into smaller ones this avoids cache misses.[/quote]

    Hehe... even I know that... mind you, your the one that told me

  6. #26
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    Hey mate waves over there.

  7. #27
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    well, isnt it nice to hear a 'Im not getting into the which machine is best argument' speech, hahahhaaha. If I had a pound for every ps2/x-box et al fanboys in sheeps clothing that related words very much like the preceeding sentence, I would be richer than bill gates's gardner. Ive been playing video games since 1978, I have owned/played just about every home system known to man, so please before i'm criticised bear in mind I have a bit of experience here. I get so tired of that bloody argument, its a moot one at that. What these sad little techno masturbatory fetishists don't realise is that people who love video games generally as a rule like to own a variety of consoles/computers, this way we get to play a wide range of very different games. We are a good group of people (generally, but i can name names of people in other forus who have mods with the god syndrome). We apreciate the hard work, effort and long hours it takes to make something yourself, our hobby/life is based upon these very principles. Where would the scene be without those lone coders sitting in bedrooms in the early 80's, these people propogated the whole scene. These are the people who gave me and many others some of the greatest moments of our youth. The whole 80's computer scene would have died on its feet without the lone coder, so in fact the very misguided point about homebrew made by tinku ("the DC is dead m8 live with it, all there is is homebrew which 90% is appaling and does nothing for the Dreamcast image at all&quot just highlights the blind, misguided attitudes of the neo-fanboys. Homebrew is vital, we need it, every machine needs it. I used to love nothing more than playing homebrew in the 80' and 90's it can be such a relief from all the tripe companies such as EA et al serve up en masse. So lets be honest here, a machine is never dead, as long as there is someone getting enjoyment from playing games on that machine then it isnt dead, just look at the retro scene , its thriving, thriving in a very multimillion pound way. So... let me finish by saluting all the lonecoders everywhere, saluting all of us who still love good games, all of us that love good games whatever the system from whatever era, we remember are the true gamers, this isnt a fashion thing, we dont buy machines because billy at school has one, we buy games consoles because we love playing games, hats off to every last one of us....Scrabbus has now left the building, you can buy his book in the foyer on your way out, thank you.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    How much is the book ? and is it signed

  9. #29
    DCEmu Regular scrabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    hehehe, ive been writing essays on our hobbys since university, The book will follow shortly

  10. #30
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Default Re: UAE4ALL 24.09.2004  Released

    LOL scrabbus is in fact right. Also you cant hate systems cause every system has great games. It keeps getting better with the coders and i just want to add my input so thats it. I loved games as a kid but i dont think as much as i do now.

    Lets just put it this way we dont need to think about systems we only think about them when making a game or buying a game that is only available for that system. So dont hate appreciate what your getting cause every system has something different. Ports are quite different as something is always going to be taken out and is never going to be near as good as the original itself even if its not noticable it still is not like the original game.

    Now homebrews i go with scrabbus all the way on that but i do have to add the reason why i think homebrews may not have the popularity that they should. Classic games people really love to play but they dont have the system anymore so what a better way then to emulate it on a system and here comes the point to this dreamcast is dead commercially and so people may not want to play the homebrew games cause the system is dead and they dont want to play any of the new stuff cause they think Sega never made games anywhere as perfect as the "new systems".

    Some of us know that, that is wrong but in the real world the reason why people get the dreamcast is emulation for there older games and they dont want anything other then that cause they think the games suck and they think anything newer that would come out would also be the same. I love everything and anything about the scene and if i can get everything and anything from the scene i would love that to but its seems i dont have the right equipment cause my pc is an utter piece of crap whether it plays good games or not which it cant cause my video card is crap and any game that my pc plays my Dreamcast or Xbox can play.

    So all i have to say is any system is good it just depends what your fav game is. I would also like to thank many of the great coders for there great work i will say 2 cause i am very tired and can only think of 2 off of the top of my head Ian and Kamjin if i forgot anyone else you all are doing your contribution and we will see more amazing things so thanks to those 2 and many others for your great work.


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