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Thread: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

  1. #1

    Default DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    [br]- Filemanager bugs fixed.[br]- New sound core (hatari).[br]- Complete menu like UAE4ALL.[br]- 2 joysticks emulated.[br]- Autoframeskip for real speed.[br]- ZIP support bug fixed.[br][br]Downloads at DCaSTaway homepage.

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    excellent news

  3. #3
    Nintendo DS Coder
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    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    Great new release

    Feature request :
    - proper V-Sync (maybe you could use the vertical refresh for speed-limit, like DreamFRODO - that's what makes DreamFRODO better than any PC-C64 emu - syncing with a monitor with the correct refresh rate (50 / 60 Hz)
    - option to hide the soft-keyboard
    - 50 / 60 Hz mode (some games support this, but the emu doesn't)
    - high resolution screen-mode (640x400 black&white)

    Now off to some more testing

  4. #4

    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    very cool i was wainting for this release

  5. #5

    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    I am still getting a black screen after selecting run or reset. I get to the title screen okay, selecting an image okay. Do you still need diskb? Is there any way to include support for multiple versions of tos on the same cd so we who don't have it working can try various versions of tos without reburning?
    I am using mac dream tool to create a bootable cd. It works fine for creating a uae4all cd (which works fine), but the DCaSTaway just isn't happening yet.
    I am really looking forward to the day I get this thing working on my DC.
    Thanks for all your efforts.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    great release! ;D

    just a couple of bugs that could do with been 'ironed out'

    - widening the text display area for disk image selection, to preferably 27 chars, full length of dreamcast max text chars, as at the moment its only small, about 10 chars, not enough to see the name of everthing, eg automation 01, displays as just automation, so not possible to see what number the disk, along with games 1 & 2 etc..

    - increasing the luminosity / contrast of the st screen, the menu and and virtual keyboard are very bright and vivid, but the st screen is very dark

    - some games appear to 'tear' when they scroll, yet some seem ok, maybe vsync would fix it, with a 50/60hz switch would be excellent

    - when setting the frameskip to 0, i would think that would set the dt at the correct speed, but the framerate is too fast

    - cannot get arrow keys on the virtual keyboad, needed for a lot d-bug compact disk to move up and down game

    - could do with a hide keyboard option

    - could do with a stretch screen option or hide borders option? as screen seems very small, and bottom is cut off

    - if selecting shift or ctrl or alt, it could do with being 'highlighted' so it stays on while another key is depressed, to get the rest of the keyboard, maybe including the arrow keys? although im not sure where the arrow/cursor keys are on the ST

    thats about it! otherwise most excellent, off to enjoy and test more!

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    3 other things i thought of

    - remembering file position in file manager, so when you go back in to the menu to select a new disk image it in the same place, good if you need to insert a disk B

    - configurable button on dc controller, assigning space /enter / escape etc to buttons on controller

    - changable tos image, for increased compatibilty, tos 1.0, 1.02, 1.62, 2.06 etc

  8. #8
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    excellent update Chui

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie pang1978's Avatar
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    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    excelent work chui!

    thanks again


  10. #10

    Default Re: DCaSTaway beta-one released !

    I just tried the 1.04 UK tos with 1st_read.bin (beta1), an ip.bin, several games from planetemu. I get the title screen, select a disk image, but when I go to run, the screen turns black, every time.
    Can anyone suggest a fix? I'm burning with a mac. I even put diska and diskb on at the same time, which I don't think you have to do anymore. the title screen comes up and the file manager. I even put a blank disk image in and tried to run it, but can't even get a green atari desktop.
    Could it be the ip.bin? Does it matter which one you use?
    Sorry for the newbie questions.

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