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Thread: Chankast command line

  1. #1

    Default Chankast command line

    Some news from Garrofi himself:[br][br] Hi, I am garrofi, one of the chankast author. [br][br]I think I am not very popular right now [br][br]You can use -file:filename.bin or -file:data.iso to load an application. I use it to test kos examples in chankast. [br][br]Starsdemo.iso works and a lot of kos examples. I would like to improve net-bsd compatibility, but after reading some comentaries about us, I don't feel like doing it. [br][br]btw, I don't have emulated #trap opcode and a lot of homebrew apps use it. [br][br]Garrofi [br][br]As i told Garrofi last night in IRC (efnet #dcemu) we really do appreciate the very hard work he and the other members of his team have put into Chankast, obviously we as a scene will be much happier when it supports Homebrew more but its an excellent emulator.[br][br]If anyone can try these instructions and post news/screenshots please tell us in our DCEmus for PC forum.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Chankast command line

    ban me for what its worth... but I dont see how anyone can complain about chankast not running homebrew stuff on its first release.

    Basically, no emu has really existed that could be called usable, outside of its programmers own computers, until chankast hit the 'scene' on Saturday.

    It runs some Commercial offerings - isnt that what an emulator is meant to do ?? Mame doesnt only run homebrew arcades(if they exist), Project64/UltraHLE predominantly run commercial roms...

    These people should be congratulated for all the effort and time(and it must have been considerable) that they have put into their project in such a short time. Not bitched/putdown because their emulator, which has been worked on for only 3months is capable of reproducing the actually hardware/software that was designed to run on it and not some back bedroom OS that has been put together by a very intelligent group of people outside of the sega development team.

    The comments about 'warez' I find to be slightly naive in that apart from some east asian parts of the world, to all intents and purposes the DC is out of commission (ie not sold/supported). The access to 'iso' files is certainly more limited today than it was 3 years ago when the DC was a commercial offering and I suspect that interest will wane quickly. 400-700mb for each 'iso/rom' will put off a lot of people from 'trading' dc files, as opposed to the frenzy over n64 roms at 16mb each.

    I think, personally that the Chanka Team, should be left alone to continue development of 'Their' project at their own pace and with their own set of goals for what is at the end of the day theirs.

    Surely we don't want a similar situation to the N64 fiasco, where development stopped on the emu's because people started demanding that it should do this and that and this...

    Let them do whatever they want. Its their property which they decide to share with us. Lets not see it go underground please...



  3. #3

    Default Re: Chankast command line

    [quote author=r3v3rb link=board=DCPCEmu;num=1086117850;start=0#1 date=06/01/04 at 21:50:57]ban me for what its worth... but I dont see how anyone can complain about chankast not running homebrew stuff on its first release.[/quote]The morality issue has been dealt with. The authors are adding support for more homebrew in the next release.

    You're beating a dead horse. The issue is over - drop it.

  4. #4
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chankast command line

    The Authors are great people they know we support them but they also are concerned about piracy, what we need is to get a DVD drive that can read GDRoms, then theres no arguements whatsoever.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chankast command line

    I would like to improve net-bsd compatibility, but after reading some comentaries about us, I don't feel like doing it.
    What does he mean? I havnt seen any bad comentaries. ???

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chankast command line

    It has been loooots of bad comentaries!!!!
    There is ppl who only see ppl downloading chanka to play gamez! ppl who only see warez behind chanka.......

    many ppl sholud see the GREAT thing chanka is!!! itīs a veery hard work and an impressive achivment!!! just seein dremcast logo on my computer makes me cry, man!!!ok, hombrew stuff has been left for future releases.... buth this proyect is 3 months old!!!!!!!! 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!
    Pliz!!Letīs give some credit to the ppl who got to work a DC emu in so short time!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chankast command line

    i think what the author is trying to say is too many people complaining about what it does and feels that nobody likes it that moan and groan that it plays games.these people have probably lost alot of sleep making this happy that it does what it does.and hopefully the next release (if there is one considering all the negative things that people think about it)it will have homebrew support right in the emulator instead of command line.please lets just enjoy the release and wait for the next one.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chankast command line

    if thats true its very sad. This is an Alpha release. in other words its PRE BETA! so give it time you bad comintators.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Chankast command line

    [quote author=Wraggster link=board=DCPCEmu;num=1086117850;start=0#3 date=06/01/04 at 21:58:02]what we need is to get a DVD drive that can read GDRoms, then theres no arguements whatsoever.[/quote]

    What ??

    Sorry when where you able to plug an arcade PCB into your PC to play them in MAME ??

    Emulators have always been slightly risky business in respect to whats right and wrong...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Chankast command line

    Emulators for optical media have the advantage over emulators for EPROM media - they have the ability to run the games on the emulator completely legally.

    The Dreamcast uses optical media - GD-ROM. It uses CD-ROM media with smaller pits so more data can be read. I've heard that some DVD drives can already read GD-ROMs with a firmware update (the Yamaha 400), although I've seen no reports confirming that this is true. The authors of the 3DO emulator, FreeDO, were working on a Dreamcast emulator, ChooDO. They were working on firmware updates of popular DVD drives to read GD-ROMs.

    In short, emulators of optical media can never be compared to emulators of EPROM media for the simple fact that emulators of optical media actually do have the potential to read the original media - where the EPROM emulators in most cases (except for when a harness is built - such as Nintendo's GBA emus for SNES and Gamecube, the SNES/NES emulator for N64, and the emulators for the memory card slot of the Playstation) do not have the ability to read the original media. It's a completely different situation.

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