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Thread: The Xbox Games You Won't Be Playing On The 360

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default The Xbox Games You Won't Be Playing On The 360

    Gamers in recent days have been looking at the backward compatibility lists that have been released all over the web. Now if you look at the list then take every other game currently playable on the Xbox you will get some idea of which games will not be available on the next gen console - games like Chronicles Of Rid$#@!, which is far superior to the likes of Total Fitness. So why is it not backward compatible?

    Here is the full list, take a look and see what games you may have to sell or trade in:

    007: Agent Under Fire - Electronic Arts 007: Everything or Nothing - EA
    2002 FIFA World Cup - Electronic Arts
    4x4 Evolution 2 - Gathering of Developers
    Aggressive Inline - Acclaim
    All-Star Baseball 2004 - Acclaim
    All-Star Baseball 2005 - Acclaim
    Alter Echo - THQ
    AMF Bowling 2004 - Bethesda
    Amped 2 - Microsoft
    Antz Extreme Racing - Empire Interactive
    Apex - Infogrames
    Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis - TDK
    Arctic Thunder - Midway
    Armed and Dangerous - LucasArts
    Arx Fatalis - Dreamcatcher
    Auto Modellista - Capcom
    Azurik - Microsoft
    Backyard Wrestling - Eidos
    Bad Boys: Miami Takedown - Crave
    Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance - Interplay
    Batman: Dark Tomorrow - Kemco
    Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu - Ubi Soft
    Batman: Vengeance - UbiSoft
    Beyond Good and Evil - Ubi Soft
    Bicycle Casino 2005 - Activision
    Big Mutha Truckers - THQ
    Bionicle - Lego Media
    Black Stone: Magic & Steel - Xicat
    Blade II - Activision
    Blinx: The Time Sweeper - Microsoft
    Blood Omen 2 - Eidos
    BloodRayne - Majesco
    BloodRayne 2 - Majesco
    Bloodwake - Microsoft
    Bloody Roar Extreme - Konami
    Breakdown - Namco
    Broken Sword: TSD - Dreamcatcher
    Bruce Lee: Quest Of The Dragon
    Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Electronic Arts
    Burnout - Acclaim
    Burnout 2: Point of Impact - Acclaim
    Burnout 3: Takedown - EA
    Cel Damage - Electronic Arts
    Chase: Hollywood Stunt Driver - Bam!
    Chessmaster - Ubisoft
    Chronicles of Rid$#@! - Vivendi Universal
    Colin Mcrae Rally 2005 - Codemasters
    Colin McRae Rally 3 - Infogrames
    Conflict: Desert Storm II - Gotham Games
    Corvette - TDK
    Counter-Strike - Microsoft
    Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex - Universal
    Crash Nitro Kart - Black Label
    Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller - Sega
    Crimson Sea - Koei
    Dakar 2 - Acclaim
    Dance Dance Revolution: Ultramix - Konami
    Dark Summit - THQ
    Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 - Acclaim
    Dead Man's Hand - Atari
    Dead or Alive Ultimate - Tecmo
    Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball - Tecmo
    Dead To Rights - Namco
    Def Jam: Fight for NY - EA
    Defender - Midway
    Deus Ex: Invisible War - Eidos
    Dino Crisis 3 - Capcom
    Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure - Activision
    Dr. Muto - Midway
    Dragon's Lair 3D: Return to the Lair - Ubi Soft
    DRIV3R - Atari
    Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the GL - Ubisoft
    Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes - Atari
    Dynasty Warriors 3 - Koei
    Dynasty Warriors 4 - Koei
    Enclave - Conspiracy
    Enter the Matrix - Atari
    ESPN College Hoops - Sega
    ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 - Konami
    ESPN Major League Baseball - Sega
    ESPN NBA 2K5 - Sega
    ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 - Konami
    ESPN NBA Basketball - Sega
    ESPN NFL 2K5 - Sega
    ESPN NFL Football - Sega
    ESPN NFL Prime Time 2002 - Konami
    ESPN NHL 2K5 - Sega
    ESPN NHL Hockey - Sega
    ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 - Konami
    Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick - THQ
    Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - Interplay
    Fatal Frame - Tecmo
    FIFA Soccer 2005 - EA
    Finding Nemo - THQ
    Ford Racing 2 - Gotham Games
    Freaky Flyers - Midway
    Full Spectrum Warrior - THQ
    Furious Karting - Infogrames
    Galleon: Islands of Mystery - Atlus
    Gauntlet: Dark Legacy - Midway
    Ghost Recon: Island Thunder - Ubi Soft
    Ghost Recon 2
    Ghost Recon 2: Expansion Pack
    Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance - Acclaim
    Gladius - LucasArts
    Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters - Melee - Atari
    Grabbed by the Ghoulies - Microsoft
    Group S Challenge - Capcom
    Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - Majesco
    Gun Metal - Majesco
    Gunvalkyrie - Sega
    Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban - EA
    Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets - Electronic Arts
    Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup - EA
    Haunted Mansion - TDK
    Headhunter: Redemption - Sega
    High Heat Baseball 2004 - 3DO
    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - Eidos
    Hunter The Reckoning: Redeemer - Vivendi
    Hunter: The Reckoning - Universal
    IHRA Drag Racing 2004 - Bethesda
    Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb - LucasArts
    IndyCar Series - Codemasters
    IndyCar Series 2005 - Codemasters
    I-Ninja - Namco
    Inside Pitch 2003 - Microsoft
    Intellivision Lives - Crave
    Jet Set Radio Future - Sega
    Kakuto Chojin - Microsoft
    Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders - Microsoft
    Knight's Apprentice - XS Games
    Knockout Kings 2002 - EA Sports
    Kung Fu Chaos - Microsoft
    Legacy of Kain: Defiance - Eidos
    Legends Of Wrestling - Acclaim
    Legends of Wrestling II - Acclaim
    Leisure Suit Larry: Magna $#@! Laude - VU Games
    Links 2004 - Microsoft
    Loons - The Fight For Fame - Infogrames
    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - Universal
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - EA
    Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - EA
    Lotus Challenge - Xicat
    Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter - Universal
    Mad Dash Racing - Eidos
    Madden 2002 - EA Sports
    Madden 2003 - EA Sports
    Madden NFL 2004 - EA
    Madden NFL 2005 - EA
    Mafia - Gathering
    Magic The Gathering: Battlegrounds - Atari
    Malice - Bethesda
    Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Capcom
    MechAssault - Microsoft
    Men of Valor - VU Games
    Mercedes-Benz World Racing - TDK
    Metal Dungeon - Xicat Interactive
    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance - Konami
    Metal Slug 3 - SNK
    Midnight Club II - Rockstar
    Midtown Madness 3 - Microsoft
    Midway Arcade Treasures - Midway
    Midway Arcade Treasures 2 - Midway
    Midway Arcade Treasures 3 - Midway
    Minority Report - Activision
    Mission: Impossible - Operation Surma - Atari
    MLB Slugfest 2003 - Midway
    MLB Slugfest 20-04 - Midway
    MLB Slugfest: Loaded - Midway
    Monopoly Party - Infogrames
    Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition - Bethesda
    Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - Midway
    Moto GP 2 - THQ
    MotoGP - THQ
    MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch - Gotham Games
    MTX: Mototrax - Activision
    MVP Baseball 2003 - EA
    MVP Baseball 2004 - EA
    MX 2002 - THQ
    MX Superfly - THQ
    MX Unleashed - THQ
    Myst III: Exile - Ubi Soft
    NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup - EA
    NASCAR Heat 2002 - Infogrames
    NASCAR Thunder 2002 - Electronic Arts
    NASCAR Thunder 2003 - Electronic Arts
    Nascar Thunder 2004 - EA
    NBA 2K2 - Sega
    NBA 2K3 - Sega
    NBA Ballers - Midway
    NBA Inside Drive 2002 - Microsoft
    NBA Inside Drive 2003 - Microsoft
    NBA Inside Drive 2004 - Microsoft
    NBA JAM - Acclaim
    NBA Live 2002 - Electronic Arts
    NBA LIVE 2005 - EA
    NBA Starting Five - Konami
    NBA Street Vol. 2 - EA
    NCAA College Basketball 2K3 - Sega
    NCAA College Football 2K3 - Sega
    NCAA Football 2003 - EA Sports
    NCAA Football 2004 - EA
    NCAA Football 2005 - EA
    Need for Speed Underground - EA
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 - Electronic Arts
    New Legends - THQ
    NFL 2K2 - Sega
    NFL 2K3 - Sega
    NFL Blitz Pro - Midway
    NFL Fever 2002 - Microsoft
    NFL Fever 2003 - Microsoft
    NFL Fever 2004 - Microsoft
    NFL Street - EA
    NHL 2002 - EA Sports
    NHL 2003 - Electronic Arts
    NHL 2005 - EA
    NHL 2K3 - Sega
    NHL Hitz 2002 - Midway
    NHL Hitz Pro - Midway
    NHL Rivals 2004 - Microsoft
    Nickelodeon Party Blast - Infogrames
    NightCaster - Microsoft
    NightCaster II: Equinox - Jaleco
    Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - Microsoft
    Otogi: Myth of Demons - Sega
    Outlaw Golf - Simon & Schuster Interactive
    OutRun 2 - Microsoft
    Pac-Man World 2 - Namco
    Panzer Dragoon Orta - Sega
    Phantasy Star Online Ep. I & II - Microsoft/Sega
    Pirates of the Caribbean - Bethesda
    Powerdrome - Bethesda
    Prisoner of War - Codemasters
    Pro Cast Sports Fishing - Capcom
    Pro Evolution Soccer 4
    Pro Fishing Challenge - Atlus
    Project Gotham Racing - Microsoft
    Project Gotham Racing 2 - Microsoft
    Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy - Midway
    Pulse Racer - Jaleco
    R: Racing Evolution - Namco
    Rallisport Challenge - Microsoft
    RalliSport Challenge 2 - Microsoft
    Rally Fusion: Race of Champions - Activision
    Rapala Pro Fishing - Activision
    Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc - Ubi Soft
    Reign of Fire - BAM Entertainment
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein: ToW - Activision
    Roadkill - Midway
    Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown - Capcom
    Robocop - Titus
    Rocky - Ubi Soft
    RollerCoaster Tycoon - Infogrames
    Room Zoom - Jaleco
    Run Like Hell - VU Games
    Samurai Warriors - Koei
    Scaler - GlobalStar
    Scooby Doo: Mystery Mayhem - THQ
    SeaBlade - Simon and Schuster
    Second Sight - Codemasters
    Secret Weapons Over Normandy - LucasArts
    Sega GT Online - Sega
    Serious Sam - Gotham Games
    Shadow Ops: Red Mercury - Atari
    Shark Tale - Activision
    Shenmue II - Microsoft/Sega
    Showdown: Legends of Wrestling - Acclaim
    Shrek - TDK
    Shrek 2 - Activision
    Shrek Super Party - TDK Mediactive
    Silent Hill 2 - Konami
    Silent Hill 4: The Room - Konami
    Silent Scope Complete - Konami
    Simpsons: Road Rage - Fox Interactive
    Smashing Drive - Namco
    Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix - Activision
    Soul Calibur II - Namco
    Spawn: Armageddon - Namco
    Spider-Man - Activision
    Spider-Man 2 - Activision
    Splashdown - Infogrames
    Splinter Cell - Ubi Soft
    Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow - Ubisoft
    SpongeBob Squarepants: The Movie - THQ
    SpyHunter - Midway
    SSX Tricky - EA Big
    Star Trek: Shattered Universe - TDK
    Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Outcast - LucasArts
    Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - LucasArts (correction: will be playable)
    Star Wars: Battlefront - LucasArts
    Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - LucasArts
    Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter - LucasArts
    Star Wars: Obi-Wan - Lucas Arts
    Starsky & Hutch - Gotham Games
    State of Emergency - Rockstar Games
    Steel Battalion - Capcom
    Steel Battalion: Line of Contact - Capcom
    Street Hoops - Activision
    Sudeki - Microsoft
    Superman: The Man of Steel - Infogrames
    SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom - SNK
    SWAT: Global Strike Team - Sierra/Vivendi
    Syberia - XS Games
    Tak 2: Staff of Dreams - THQ
    Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus - Microsoft
    Taz: Wanted - Infogrames
    Tenchu: Return From Darkness - Activision
    Tennis Masters Series 2003 - HIP Interactive
    Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - Atari
    Terminator 3: The Redemption - Atari
    Test Drive - Infogrames
    Test Drive Off Road: Wide Open - Infogrames
    Tetris Worlds - THQ
    The Bard's Tale - VU Games
    The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
    The Guy Game - Gathering
    The Hobbit - Sierra
    The Italian Job - Eidos
    The Sims - EA
    The Sims Bustin' Out - EA
    The Suffering - Midway
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 - Electronic Arts
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - EA
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 - EA
    TimeSplitters 2 - Eidos
    ToCA Race Driver 2 - Codemasters
    ToeJam & Earl 3 - Sega
    Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - Activision
    Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2x - Activision
    Tony Hawk's Underground - Activision
    Top Spin - Microsoft
    Total Immersion Racing - Empire
    Totaled! - Majesco
    TransWorld Snowboarding - Infogrames
    TransWorld Surf - Infogrames
    TriggerMan - Crave
    Triple Play 2002 - EA Sports
    Trivial Pursuit: Unhinged - Atari
    True Crime: Streets of L.A. - Activision
    Turok: Evolution - Acclaim
    UFC: Tapout 2 - TDK
    Ultimate Fighting Championship: Tapout - Crave
    Unreal Championship - Infogrames
    Unreal II: The Awakening - Atari
    Van Helsing - Vivendi Universal
    Vietcong: Purple Haze - Gathering
    Voodoo Vince - Microsoft
    V-Rally 3 - Infogrames
    Wakeboarding Unleashed - Activision
    Wallace & Gromit - Bam Entertainment
    War of the Whiskers - New Kid Co
    Whacked! - Microsoft
    Whiplash - Eidos
    WhiteOut - Konami
    Wings of War - Gathering
    World Championship Pool 2004 - Jaleco
    World Series Baseball - Sega
    Wrath Unleashed - LucasArts
    Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions - Activision
    WWE Raw - THQ
    X2: Wolverine's Revenge - Activision
    Xbox Music Mixer - Microsoft
    XGRA - Acclaim
    X-Men Legends - Activision
    X-Men: Next Dimension - Activision
    Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of Destiny - Konami
    Zapper - Infogrames

    Now don't forget this isnt final, and some of these games could creep onto the 360, but it does amount to a lot of succesful games unable to be played on the next gen console.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    My guess is that Microsoft didn't go out of their way to include or exclude any specific titles, except perhaps the all-important Halo games and a few other important titles.

    In other words, I'm pretty sure they wrote an emulator and then tested it to see what worked and what didn't. In the end, Youself Fitness ended up working and Rid$#@! didn't. It wasn't a conscience decision to include one and not the other. It was just a matter of luck based on what did and didn't run on the first version of their emulator.

    I'm sure in the future, later versions of the emu will support more games. This is just the initial list. The only key is, how do you upgrade the emu in the future? That could be somewhat of a nightmare for users. Not to mention the usual glitches and crashes that can happen in with emulation, which might not have been discovered in testing since it doesn't happen until level 8 of the game.

    In all, MS's decision to use emulation for backwards compatibility is a half-assed approach. I just hope it works better than it sounds.

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