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Thread: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases imminent

  1. #1

    Default New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases imminent

    News from DCEmulation thanks to the great Dr Zoidberg.[br][br] scherzo has posted some infomation on the DCEmu forums about the next Super Famicast release that should be arriving very soon & has also asked if anybody would be willing to take over the project from him, here's some of what he had to say:[br][br]"First, by the end of the weekend, I will release a new version of Super Famicast. No, it will not be blazingly faster; not even close to fullspeed. Here's what it WILL have: [br]- Syncronized sound [br]- Mouse support [br]And that's it. Some of you might choose not to burn a new version since there isn't too much different from the last version. I might even give this a subversion number like 1.5. [br][br]Second, I want to ask someone to take over the task of speeding it up. The more and more I fool around with the code, the more I realize that maybe the task of writing the CPU core in assembler is in a little over my head being my first assembler project of any kind. I think I could do it, but not with the amount of free time I get. I foresee it taking and LOOOONG time if I do it."[br][br]scherzo has also been working on that great NES emulator that we haven't had news on for a little while, NesterDC, here is some more news from the same topic:[br][br]"Last night I got the latest version of NesterDC to compile in my dev environment. I plan on making a Special Edition of this emu with added features. The feature that will stand out the most is netplay and will support both the modem and bba. NesterDC will connect to a central server where you can find other people to play with. It will also sport a new interface using the system I developed for Super Famicast. [br][br]If anyone here has ideas for new features they would like to see in NesterDC SE (Special Edition, Scherzo Edition ) then post them here.[br][br]I will also need testers in the future, especially people with a bba since those are difficult to come by." [br][br]Amazing news

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    I know this will sound terriable but damn. All this ****ing hype over superfamicast and its not gonna go anywhere. Out of all the devolopers scherzo looked like he'd finsh it to the end. Now he's just done like so many others. I hate people who release things and never finsh them more than I do people who dont do anything at all.

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    Give him a chance hes still learning his craft, it is an open source emu so hopefully others with better knowledge of SH4 can help him.

    Its like Building a House, yes we can all do cerrtain jobs but now and again you need an expert to tidy little bits up and that philosophy carrys over to coding.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    He shouldnt of claimed he was gonna get it to fullspeed if he couldnt do it by himself.

  5. #5
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    i don't think he said he would, i think he said he would try. i think the idea of Super Famicast is that everone can chip in a little

  6. #6
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    [quote author=Wraggster link=board=dcemu;num=1082494155;start=0#2 date=04/21/04 at 19:14:37]Give him a chance hes still learning his craft, it is an open source emu so hopefully others with better knowledge of SH4 can help him.

    Its like Building a House, yes we can all do cerrtain jobs but now and again you need an expert to tidy little bits up and that philosophy carrys over to coding.[/quote]
    I agree totally, I know it was really hyped because we were excited to hear something on a
    snes emulator that was in the works. You never know though, scherzo COULD get better at
    compiling and start working on super famicast again, but he needs a chance. I am disappointed
    (spelling sux today} but I just have to live with the fact that it may take a very long time
    to get it going, from what I heard snes is hard to emulate. My brothers 200 mhz computer can
    handle zsnes fine, but this aint zsnes that is being ported (another thing that is impossible,
    from what I heard} this in snes 9x so it is totally different code and I think it may need
    more processing power to run 9x but then again GP 32 has a snes emu that runs full speed and
    I believe sound. quote me if I am wrong though, please. if we see full strength snes emulaton
    we will, if we don't then we don't, just get a snes or super famicom and get a super 8
    converter if you want import games, or get a flash card for your super famicom. like I said
    though if it happens it happens, just be patient, I for one have given up but if it happens
    then I will be happy for I can play games that weren't released here with english translation
    patches (frikin japs :P}.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    Meh the flash card thing is total ****ing bs. It would be easier to get a Video card with tv out and it would be better too. Anyways you werent saying this opinion at Dcemulation.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular WHurricane16's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    Please, just ban him. *This isn't cool, Cless.

    I wish I had more time, the Nester DC project sounds right up my alley. I guess I could make time to test, but I'd like to help out someway :/

  9. #9
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    ban me? they can't ban me HERE if I am good, you watch, if I am a nice guy here (and i can
    fake being good} they can't ban me if I am not flaming anybody can they? NOPE! banning, I don't
    think thats a word!

  10. #10
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: New Super Famicast & NesterDC SE releases

    so whats the story? clessy and demoniusx are the same guy or one of them is more stupid than i thought?
    anyway i think that would be a good idea to ban both, their posts are so useless... - DC tools and downloads

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