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Thread: Resident Evil 4: Scaring the Hell out of GameCube Owners at January 11 !

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Resident Evil 4: Scaring the Hell out of GameCube Owners at January 11 !

    News from Lik Sang [br][br]This won't be just another game release: on January 11th 2005, Capcom's latest installment in the series that originated the Survival-Horror genre is going to shake you to your very core. The arrival of Resident Evil 4 will have to be celebrated as an unique event in the history of the franchise. Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi mentioned in a recent interview that he and developer master-mind Shinji Mikami were tired of making the same stuff over and over again after seven or so years of Resident Evil; instead, they chose to come up with something new and original, deciding to go in a new direction with this one.[br][br]Recreating the title, Capcom Production Studio 4 achieved a videogame experience so incredibly intense, it needs to be played behind closed curtains, in total darkness and with your doors locked shut. You might even want to tell your family and friends not to knock, that way keeping you from near heart failure while you're absorbed in the frightening on-screen action. It's a take-no-prisoners approach the developers were opting for: superb full-3D environments, the most gorgeous visuals Resident Evil has ever sported and a mysterious storyline that keeps you on the edge until the very end.[br][br]Umbrella is no more. The evil corporation that let loose a virus which turned every living thing in its reach into a mindless, brain-munching zombie or similar appalling creature, has been destroyed by the government inside out. The events in Resident Evil 4 take place some six years after RPD Officer Leon Kennedy first struggled with not quite dead beings in the second episode of the series. Now an US agent, Leon gets dispatched to Europe to find the kidnapped daughter of the president and in turn has to face something even worse than bio-chemical mutation.[br]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Resident Evil 4: Scaring the Hell out of GameC

    i am very unhappy that it is now not a gcn exclusive

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 4: Scaring the Hell out of GameC

    yea but i think the ps2 version is outxmas time so its fine!!

    also why does i bother you that it not an exclusive?? (im not being rude i am just curious!)

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