View Full Version : DCEmu Homebrew, Emulation, Hacking and Development Forum

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  1. SRB2 psp - Any joy?
  2. Question about PSX eboots
  3. What is currently the best way to mod the Wii now?
  4. "Heroes Project" help wanted Iris source code needed + all you guys help
  5. Pokemon Battle Revolution Mod
  6. is R4i (Revolution) compatible with 1.3U firmware ?
  7. Warcraft Tower Defense
  8. help
  9. psp 3000 hen loader 2 and mapthis 5.20
  10. Need Help Trying to get Emulators for R4iSdhc
  11. Help Downgrading OFW 5.02
  12. Downgrade to 1.50 firmware?
  13. PSP as a IR reciever for PS3?
  14. Create Pandora Battery & Magic Memory Stick to Install Custom firmware on your PSP
  15. Anyone help me put JenesisDS On my Dsi
  16. Get routes doesn't work for mexico
  17. Is it possible to save PS1 games to the hard drive from a disc/USB?
  18. id Tech 3?
  19. Upgraded ELF2PBP 'conversion' tool
  20. Using a Game Engine
  21. Yamaha XG Support?
  22. Cannot.wait.for.5.50.EXPLOIT!.
  23. GMDL No Preview map image
  24. Can't Run Homebrew Channel
  25. EA Sports Active won't load
  26. Please make two new Sticky faqs!
  27. hallo
  28. downgrade psp slim 2001 fw5.50
  29. CFW Enabler for chickhen
  30. Help simplifying the start up process?
  31. Is there any way to go to the home menu with a Pandora battery inserted?
  32. Writing own homebrew - makefile problem?
  33. installed softmii, can't play brawl, must update firmware
  34. PSP Video-out Plug-in
  35. Is it now safe to update to 4.0?
  36. Ds To Psp
  37. 5.50 Music/Video/Photo Sub-folders in 5.00 M33!
  38. wii's on but nothing booting :(
  39. [Release PSPHacks Homebrew Idol2] labKillHomer3D
  40. New to the WiiScene, need some direction.
  41. Psp Ctf
  42. every one who wants go explore north america map pack here's how to get them
  43. Unofficial CFW 5.03GEN-A Path
  44. Quick, inexpensive and easy way to improve PSP-290 lock on time
  45. ubuntu 9.04 compile error
  46. Help With Bricked Wii. I have NAND Backup
  47. Storry again: blank UMD. <pls wiew this time>
  48. [Demo] RedHoody 2 (alpha 1.0)
  49. Reflash for 5.03GEN-A
  50. I need some advice - Just bought a preowned psp phat
  51. Version spoofing on cfw 4.01 M33-2
  52. I need help with a motion system for a ball in c++(please help!)
  53. Tutorial 13: Loading and saving simple XML files
  54. !HELP! I think i might of bricked my Wii
  55. I completed a pong game pls try and give feedback :)
  56. How can I play PSX games on my psp????????
  57. [Tutorial] How to hack your PSP Mega thread!
  58. Just got CFW and need help with gpSP
  59. Windows CE ?
  60. Best place to buy Supercard DS One? (UK preferably)
  61. Geodata for Toronto
  62. Newbie Needs Some Help
  63. 3.90 M3-33 to 5.03 problem
  64. What a group of people need to do.
  65. Exploit test
  66. PSP 3000 Hacking ,Good Explainers needed.
  67. Ios37
  68. What do I need to play gba on r4?
  69. patches
  70. [Project]Joyau: Programming in Ruby for PSP
  71. microsd card files
  72. homebrew
  73. homebrew problems. Need help!
  74. DS Cart Attributes
  75. outlandish idea
  76. Pandora.com
  77. How to get homebrew on the Wii
  78. MapThis with OSM router
  79. Nanodesktop 0.4 OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  80. [RELEASE] ndPython S252N04V04
  81. [RELEASE] ndSuperRes - Superresolution algorithm under ND
  82. 5.00m33 remove icons
  83. making homebrew
  84. Problems on PSP 1000
  85. homebrew problems 2
  86. Seizure Pixel Fixer V1.0 first release!
  87. DSorganize Compile - Fixing Errors On Arm7 Source
  88. sin(); and cos(); dont work correctly! (math.h) Help me please
  89. MOHH exploit and bin files
  90. Latest cfw????????
  91. Compiled examples from DDEr4 gives error on DC - Slot illegal instruction exception e
  92. 3000 screen in 2000 psp?
  93. Google and yahoo wont work, other maps doesnt have my location
  94. N5 revolution help needed
  95. Misc KOS related issues
  96. I Need Help With Cw Cheat For Psp 3k
  97. GPS wont go to my location
  98. New PSP Dev. Team. please PSP experts READ!!
  99. Hi, I am new to this, forgive me...
  100. Error 0x80020146 loading/starting pspsio.prx?
  101. would any of these 3 emulators be possible?
  102. Help a team
  103. Error when compiling "test"
  104. Green Screen app - Source?
  105. [RUMOR] ndSDL: SDL for Nanodesktop
  106. Flash0 files of 5.55 by dikkat !
  107. codeblocks and romdisks
  108. Can I install Homebrew Channel on 4.0E
  109. Psp 3001 Chickhen R3
  110. PC98 emulator for PSP
  111. Custom Firmware 5.55 T by Team 3 (T for 3)
  112. PSP 3000 - 5.51 to 5.03 downgrade
  113. DSTTi Fix for DSi 1.4 (Step by Step Guide)
  114. Big Project
  115. Dreamcast Karaoke unit
  116. Possible Wifi on DC solution?
  117. I Need a new r4i what one?
  118. Hack without flash cart
  119. pc serial port on dreamcast console
  120. New/Homebrew FPS??
  121. [ReLeAsE] 5.50 U3R-2.1 Final build 1000
  122. i'm lost - where i begin?
  123. 5.50 Gen-B 2: Does it play SNES, GBA, Capcom, emulators?
  124. can a ta-082 PSP on
  125. Backup Loader stopped working and Wii Sports Resort
  126. Backup Loader, not warez
  127. CFW Enabler Error
  128. 5.00 M33-6
  129. Segagaga Localization Help Request
  130. fix dsi
  131. Odd (but fast) new virtual keyboard, with demo video
  132. Dreamcast Fan Mod
  133. Screen Issue - Render split & purple?
  134. help with my psp
  135. Zombie Revenge
  136. MapThis and 5.50 GEN
  137. Liero
  138. Bricked Wii witout HC. Need help!!!
  139. Coder cable and dctool-serial
  140. WHY do I need Pandora?
  141. R4 to R4 sdhc and R4i sdhc skin converter
  142. upgrading my chipped psp without bricking it
  143. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 port for the PSP
  144. why is 5:03 genb newer than 5.50 gen-d?
  145. Will u think about this pmp mp4 player other than PSP?
  146. Changing kernel in 5.5X
  147. Larger maps?
  148. Project 64 port to PS2?
  149. How to Extract Multi-disk Eboots to an Iso
  150. New to forum: Coders Cables?
  151. GPS Software on PSP?
  152. Wanted: Help to set up DC Dev environment in Ubuntu
  153. internet channel hack?
  154. [RELEASE] fx_powerspoof 0.3
  155. Should I upgrade my cfw?
  156. Uart interface to propeller microcontroller
  157. PSX Eboots not loading?
  158. PSMonkey Site & Forum Update
  159. Help required to set the PAlib:DevKitPro ARM devellopment environment
  160. starfall (region free not working)
  161. psp go hack
  162. House of The Dead arcade hack?
  163. Should I downgrade to 3.2?
  164. Does PSP-3000 ship with a version higher than 5.03 yet?
  165. Fallout for psp???
  166. Hello
  167. .DSN and .BIN
  168. Anyregion changer mod06 for 4.1 by qk
  169. Cant install on 4.2u
  170. car stand
  171. DS Download Play
  172. where do i start
  173. New Memstick help
  174. Tehskeen Closed ? for now!
  175. i have a psp 3k
  176. Lack of 3D Homebrew
  177. MapThis question
  178. BBS Patch PROGRESS
  179. help please
  180. virtual boy / pc-fx emulator
  181. another world / heart of darkness
  182. osm->cvs->geodata.dat ?
  183. Problem with sdl
  184. help with a port
  185. PSP Fw 6.20 Tiff Crash V2
  186. Another Homebrew exploit for 6.20
  187. IvER v5.0
  188. How to run Mapthis on 5.50 Gen B
  189. Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2010
  190. MapThis Wifi problem....
  191. libxml2 for Dreamcast?
  192. Looking for Moderators & Members
  193. Map This! Sea navigation
  194. 6.20 MAD-001 *Download now*
  195. pokemon cheats for r4i revolution
  196. dcload-serial 1.0.4
  197. [PORTAL] RELEASE - Natural Portal v0.1
  198. PSP Custom Firmware
  199. Psone emulator
  200. Whats the newest Custom Firmware for PSP 1000s ?
  201. New To Forums...Where Do I Start?
  202. [RELEASED] PSNAbler for FTB3 PATCH - play SOCOM 3 online
  203. Whats the Latest Firmware from 5.00 m33-6?
  204. REQUEST: list of games ported to PSP
  205. Want to play NTSC games
  206. Using GMDL - hwo to tuen PNGs into a map?
  207. PSP Networking Apps
  208. gba emulator for ps2
  209. dsi games on ds
  210. How to create a basic window using c++
  211. Hack v1.4u
  212. Please Help with upgrading gamma 0.3 for err 002
  213. Where to get wii Modded
  214. ps2dev doesnt work D= (for me)
  215. Wad's,Iso's and confusion
  216. Hi, I'm new, but I have a request for map this
  217. [Realease] Simon says
  218. Help! Porting games made in SDL
  219. Map GBA buttons on M3DS Real Perfect possible?
  220. Mathieulh`s Interview about PSP Hacking Scene
  221. WODE Lite Postponed
  222. Hackmii News - Scams descammed
  223. Hackmii News - SunPlus: The biggest chip company you’ve never heard of
  224. Hackmii News - bad words
  225. 6.20 Firmware PSP unpack discussion
  226. gba emulation on dslite
  227. I need help unbricking a NON-HACKED Wii from version 4.2 (USA)
  228. DSi charges but won't power up
  229. gps help and maps on CFW 5.50 GEN-D2
  230. KGL-X issues
  231. Wii Brick Theme/Low-level failure Brick
  232. [OLD] WiiHelp [OLD]
  233. Need help!!!!
  234. Other Dreamcast games online
  235. Is there a rubic's cube game/emulator out there?
  236. DS programmers needed! (RTS4DS)
  237. wii64 save to mupen64/project64 converter
  238. SDL performance too slow to be normal
  239. DSi camera cracking - Image processing on DSi
  240. Question about Chao data structure (sonic adventure 1 and 2)
  241. Better TG16 TGCD PCEngine emulator for PS2
  242. How to download Google Mapmaker Data + Satellite imagery?
  243. Question about the PC games ports
  244. Unbrick PSP 3003 TA-090v2?
  245. Help getting CFW working
  246. i want cfw on psp 2004 ofw 5.50
  247. Getting back into the PSP scene after a long time and I need some quick help
  248. How to install these thigns to R4?...
  249. Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Patch
  250. New way to get CFW??