- Shogo: Mobile Armor Division PSP-Port NEED!!!
- kernel mode knowledge quest
- the little remote thingie
- Bugs go down, compatibility goes up!
- A comment and a small work in progress report.
- cdogs?
- Overclock?
- Pingus and Aleph One
- CPS1/CPS2 Emulator Port ?
- ohio scientific?
- Site Open
- Small update of myself .........................
- Somebody take my advice pleaseeee!!!!!!
- Read Please!!!!!!
- No Source = No Port
- Have you ever noticed this?
- Readd!!!
- Games that Can be ported in time
- Implement mp3 or Ogg in lua
- Broken Sword for ScummVM
- PSPFceUltra Release 2!
- Star Wars Iris Mod
- 2.6 At It's Greatest
- Music
- Man i want this game to be ported
- Tab editor music notation editor
- OpenMUGEN: Future MUGEN on PSP?
- Donkey64 emulator real
- Is it like this?
- Happy Birthday GPF :)
- Glitch in FileAssistant++
- is donkey 64 a fake??
- debug
- Another little update
- Iris Zelda
- PS2 Emulator?
- Comments on PSPU
- whr can i d/l donkey64 plz ***BIGUPZZmaNIGGAZ***
- Light Gun Game
- The adventures of triangles.... IN SPACE !!!
- .m4a file type music player for the psp
- These people make me sick.
- Official Iris Mod and another one.
- 3d engine
- Web Browsers
- Two firmwares one PSP!!!
- lil help here
- Autocad DWG/DXF viewer/editor
- Wormz For PSP: Now recruiting!!!
- Just an Iris thought...
- Quarn's bump map demo.
- Button Layout Idea
- stratagus
- Star Wars Mod for Iris Alpha 1
- Star Wars Mod for Iris Alpha 1
- Just an Idea...
- Bridge Builder/Pontifex/Bridge IT
- DTPK sound files in DC Games
- extracting .bin files, suikoden translation patch
- A few (Official) DC Development Hardware Questions
- new release
- Is this a real Iris mod PSmonkey?
- super smash brothers- already made, just for gta i want
- What're you all working on?
- Halo Mod for Iris Discussion
- (possible?)Playing PSP from a PS2 Wireless controller
- Great rss idea
- New StarWars Iris Map - Up_High
- New StarWars Iris Map - Up_High
- Monkey64 Update
- Iris LOTR mod
- Looking for a project to help with 3d modeling
- Help needed with PSP programming
- mugen!
- PSP Flash Player
- confirmed FULL running roms...
- Monkey Can You Answer This Plz?
- how to make maps?
- Mapping for Iris
- I got 60-40 fps
- The next snes9x_TYL
- how can i get iris working?!
- PSP Gameboy
- Party Poker?
- Guitar pro
- Lua game shortage
- Can any coders tell me if they get PMs from PSPupdates or Maxconsole staff
- beatmania
- PSX D-Pad in a PSP!?! - It wasn't that hard.
- RPG Game
- Having trouble with the SMM level editor.
- Tips for those who wants ports
- Wireless Keyboard using Wireless
- an idea for a homebrew port
- My Raid 0(SATA 160GB x2) are gone, that mean all my PSP source code goes as well.
- I cant get iris working?!
- IR Remotes
- Huh?
- next iris
- Iris Update (Just future progress discussion)
- Few Highly Loved Titles!
- program input
- Unarchiver
- Psp Toolchain Help!!!!
- is anyone continuing?(terra icognita 3d rpg?)
- smash gpsp
- Tyl Totaly Trashes on Monkey
- Monkey Support Forum
- Happy Easter
- Source Code Resources
- PSP Corrupt Data Remover
- Just a little help with LUA >_<
- cue club?
- Star Wars Iris Mod Models Pack
- Iris Models Pack
- Iris mapping without owning Quake
- PSP 2.5 Downgrager Idea
- Battle of the Bro.'s Mod for IRIS
- Help updating toolchain (noob to programming)
- an idea that may work....
- progess on monkey64
- What Happened To Quake 2?
- homebrew sodoku for luaplayer
- The Incredible Machine??
- PSP Video Titles...where are they?
- just a thought for iris....
- Code RED alien Arena
- when will 2.6 downgrader be available?
- Jezzball
- lua or c++
- I am a noob Please help
- I'm working with TMK's pspMAME....
- The best 3d Modeling App to use with lua?
- Speed chess clock
- Looking for coders for RTS game
- It just may work, but need a seasoned porter's opinion.
- F*ck.
- opening a .psp file
- Imagine REZ on PSP
- SOAP - Snakes On A Plane
- Probally Stupid But Hey An Idea
- Super Mario War
- Acorn
- Iris Map Dev Questions
- I'll let you figure this one out for a change
- My opinion on cracking FW
- PSMonkey I hope you read this bro.....
- Links web browser
- 2.60
- Do we get to play to??
- SandMenu
- Sega Saturn Emulator
- Static Recompiler instead of dyna rec?
- Hexic and Funky Truck
- I've been beaten but not out!
- Ewr
- Luxinia (not a game, but an engine)
- Hexen 2
- Compiling MAME4ALL for Dreamcast with DCDev R2 ISO
- shadow warrior
- Stratagus, an open source warcraft 2 engine!!
- Mame4all
- new 2.6 Donwgrader?
- More N64 Emulators!
- I'm noobish and want some info
- How do you write a PSP compiler?
- Answers don't come easy
- RTS engine/base (please leave feedback/ideas)
- Progress report
- PSP: McDonalds Serve 'N Go
- If you have any information on a working 2.6 downgrader please leave info here
- Please delete
- Enabiling USB on Fanjit's Gta eboot loader? And possible exploit?
- Connecting my psp to my ps2
- Whats the diff
- NeoGeo emulator
- Problem with Deadalus N64 Emu
- An N-gage emulator?
- I Knew you wouldnt stop!
- A DS emulator
- Neo Geo AES - Looking for a talented coder
- Virtual Boy emulator?
- A Question on everyones mind
- Why Let PSPupdates post about M64 ?
- Sony's PS1 Emulator For PSP
- ultimate homebrew app
- Sonic CD?
- Can't PLay UMD Movie
- PSMONKEY SUPPORT!! strictly; no flaming, release requests,etc.
- Using PSPSetX to safeguard the psp
- C-S 2d for psp
- The end is near !!
- Memory Stick Auto Backup Script
- Sweet Homebrew Development
- What equipment is needed to run the N64 emulator?
- PlayStation
- GreenDwarf v0.1
- My New Site!!! :D Check it Out !!!
- Porting Palm OS
- Mame4all
- MIPS assembly help
- PSone emu-getting the roms!
- Monkey 64 v2.0 - Yay
- The NEW Monkey 64 Compatibility Thread
- Layout/Banner
- Iris 0.15+ Insider map screens
- IrisRadiant from Q3Radiant source?
- Post ur Monkey 64 experience
- Load Rom Problem
- Flash Games 2.70
- Monkey 64 can't load rom problem
- Super Mario War
- Anyone remember chaos on ZX Spectrum?
- what do we need to make the psp emu?
- pc version of raiden project
- PSP Homepage ( working on title )
- Wouldn't it be great to play Runescape on PSP
- HERE IT IS! MAMEPSP Beta 0.01!
- Updated Monkey64 Compatibility info
- Newbie question re. LUA Coding Comp
- How Do I Change the Microcode?
- A new MMORPG??
- Old Find!
- Elasto Mania (Elma)
- How about a flight sim?
- Test
- is streaming video possible??
- I've said it once...
- Anyone Need Graphics , HTML , And PHP Work For Free
- I didn't like the lay out
- Developers holla at me- Has anyone thought of this?
- MAMEPSP 0.01 dat file
- Monkey64 & Daedalus coders work together !
- About downgrading
- Hints and Tips for getting a game to run
- gba emu request
- N64 Games Enhanced Feature?
- Entry to LUA Coding Comp.
- Paypal Donations Email Opened
- Monkey 64 v2.0 Source
- PSP Game Builder (15 days Lua Compo)
- Kramer's Lua Demo
- Raine: Mame's long lost brother
- PengBob 0.9, (15 days Lua Compo) Team Matrix
- porting from the psp- for 1.0-2.0 users
- Tyrian 2000
- Tux Kart???
- Project Updates
- -Poll: Which Iris Mod would you like to see?