View Full Version : DCEmu Homebrew, Emulation, Hacking and Development Forum

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  1. Shogo: Mobile Armor Division PSP-Port NEED!!!
  2. kernel mode knowledge quest
  3. the little remote thingie
  4. Bugs go down, compatibility goes up!
  5. A comment and a small work in progress report.
  6. cdogs?
  7. Overclock?
  8. Pingus and Aleph One
  9. CPS1/CPS2 Emulator Port ?
  10. ohio scientific?
  11. Site Open
  12. Small update of myself .........................
  13. Somebody take my advice pleaseeee!!!!!!
  14. Read Please!!!!!!
  15. No Source = No Port
  16. Have you ever noticed this?
  17. Readd!!!
  18. Games that Can be ported in time
  19. Implement mp3 or Ogg in lua
  20. Broken Sword for ScummVM
  21. PSPFceUltra Release 2!
  22. Star Wars Iris Mod
  23. 2.6 At It's Greatest
  24. Music
  25. Man i want this game to be ported
  26. Tab editor music notation editor
  27. OpenMUGEN: Future MUGEN on PSP?
  28. Donkey64 emulator real
  29. Is it like this?
  30. Happy Birthday GPF :)
  31. Glitch in FileAssistant++
  32. is donkey 64 a fake??
  33. debug
  34. Another little update
  35. Iris Zelda
  36. PS2 Emulator?
  37. Comments on PSPU
  38. whr can i d/l donkey64 plz ***BIGUPZZmaNIGGAZ***
  39. Light Gun Game
  40. The adventures of triangles.... IN SPACE !!!
  41. .m4a file type music player for the psp
  42. These people make me sick.
  43. Official Iris Mod and another one.
  44. 3d engine
  45. Web Browsers
  46. Two firmwares one PSP!!!
  47. lil help here
  48. Autocad DWG/DXF viewer/editor
  49. Wormz For PSP: Now recruiting!!!
  50. Just an Iris thought...
  51. Quarn's bump map demo.
  52. Button Layout Idea
  53. stratagus
  54. Star Wars Mod for Iris Alpha 1
  55. Star Wars Mod for Iris Alpha 1
  56. Just an Idea...
  57. Bridge Builder/Pontifex/Bridge IT
  58. DTPK sound files in DC Games
  60. extracting .bin files, suikoden translation patch
  61. A few (Official) DC Development Hardware Questions
  62. new release
  63. Is this a real Iris mod PSmonkey?
  64. super smash brothers- already made, just for gta i want
  65. What're you all working on?
  66. Halo Mod for Iris Discussion
  67. (possible?)Playing PSP from a PS2 Wireless controller
  68. Great rss idea
  69. New StarWars Iris Map - Up_High
  70. New StarWars Iris Map - Up_High
  71. Monkey64 Update
  72. Iris LOTR mod
  73. Looking for a project to help with 3d modeling
  74. Help needed with PSP programming
  75. mugen!
  76. PSP Flash Player
  77. confirmed FULL running roms...
  78. Monkey Can You Answer This Plz?
  79. how to make maps?
  80. Mapping for Iris
  81. I got 60-40 fps
  82. The next snes9x_TYL
  83. how can i get iris working?!
  84. PSP Gameboy
  85. Party Poker?
  86. Guitar pro
  87. Lua game shortage
  88. Can any coders tell me if they get PMs from PSPupdates or Maxconsole staff
  89. beatmania
  90. PSX D-Pad in a PSP!?! - It wasn't that hard.
  91. RPG Game
  92. Having trouble with the SMM level editor.
  93. Tips for those who wants ports
  94. Wireless Keyboard using Wireless
  95. an idea for a homebrew port
  96. My Raid 0(SATA 160GB x2) are gone, that mean all my PSP source code goes as well.
  97. I cant get iris working?!
  98. IR Remotes
  99. Huh?
  100. next iris
  101. Iris Update (Just future progress discussion)
  102. Few Highly Loved Titles!
  103. program input
  104. Unarchiver
  105. Psp Toolchain Help!!!!
  106. is anyone continuing?(terra icognita 3d rpg?)
  107. smash gpsp
  108. Tyl Totaly Trashes on Monkey
  109. Monkey Support Forum
  110. Happy Easter
  111. Source Code Resources
  112. PSP Corrupt Data Remover
  113. Just a little help with LUA >_<
  114. cue club?
  115. Star Wars Iris Mod Models Pack
  116. Iris Models Pack
  117. Iris mapping without owning Quake
  118. PSP 2.5 Downgrager Idea
  119. Battle of the Bro.'s Mod for IRIS
  120. Help updating toolchain (noob to programming)
  121. an idea that may work....
  122. progess on monkey64
  123. What Happened To Quake 2?
  124. homebrew sodoku for luaplayer
  125. The Incredible Machine??
  126. PSP Video Titles...where are they?
  127. just a thought for iris....
  128. Code RED alien Arena
  129. when will 2.6 downgrader be available?
  130. Jezzball
  131. lua or c++
  132. I am a noob Please help
  133. I'm working with TMK's pspMAME....
  134. The best 3d Modeling App to use with lua?
  135. Speed chess clock
  136. Looking for coders for RTS game
  137. It just may work, but need a seasoned porter's opinion.
  138. F*ck.
  139. opening a .psp file
  140. Imagine REZ on PSP
  141. SOAP - Snakes On A Plane
  142. Probally Stupid But Hey An Idea
  143. Super Mario War
  144. Acorn
  145. Iris Map Dev Questions
  146. I'll let you figure this one out for a change
  147. My opinion on cracking FW
  148. PSMonkey I hope you read this bro.....
  149. Links web browser
  150. 2.60
  151. Do we get to play to??
  152. SandMenu
  153. Sega Saturn Emulator
  154. Static Recompiler instead of dyna rec?
  155. Hexic and Funky Truck
  156. I've been beaten but not out!
  157. Ewr
  158. Luxinia (not a game, but an engine)
  159. Hexen 2
  160. Compiling MAME4ALL for Dreamcast with DCDev R2 ISO
  161. shadow warrior
  162. Stratagus, an open source warcraft 2 engine!!
  163. Mame4all
  164. new 2.6 Donwgrader?
  165. More N64 Emulators!
  166. I'm noobish and want some info
  167. How do you write a PSP compiler?
  168. Answers don't come easy
  169. RTS engine/base (please leave feedback/ideas)
  170. Progress report
  171. PSP: McDonalds Serve 'N Go
  172. If you have any information on a working 2.6 downgrader please leave info here
  173. Please delete
  174. Enabiling USB on Fanjit's Gta eboot loader? And possible exploit?
  175. Connecting my psp to my ps2
  176. Whats the diff
  177. NeoGeo emulator
  178. Problem with Deadalus N64 Emu
  179. An N-gage emulator?
  180. I Knew you wouldnt stop!
  181. A DS emulator
  182. Neo Geo AES - Looking for a talented coder
  183. Virtual Boy emulator?
  184. A Question on everyones mind
  185. Why Let PSPupdates post about M64 ?
  186. Sony's PS1 Emulator For PSP
  187. ultimate homebrew app
  188. Sonic CD?
  189. Can't PLay UMD Movie
  190. PSMONKEY SUPPORT!! strictly; no flaming, release requests,etc.
  191. Using PSPSetX to safeguard the psp
  192. C-S 2d for psp
  193. The end is near !!
  194. Memory Stick Auto Backup Script
  195. Sweet Homebrew Development
  196. What equipment is needed to run the N64 emulator?
  197. PlayStation
  198. GreenDwarf v0.1
  199. My New Site!!! :D Check it Out !!!
  200. Porting Palm OS
  201. Mame4all
  202. MIPS assembly help
  203. PSone emu-getting the roms!
  204. Monkey 64 v2.0 - Yay
  205. The NEW Monkey 64 Compatibility Thread
  206. Layout/Banner
  207. Iris 0.15+ Insider map screens
  208. IrisRadiant from Q3Radiant source?
  209. Post ur Monkey 64 experience
  210. Load Rom Problem
  211. Flash Games 2.70
  212. Monkey 64 can't load rom problem
  213. Super Mario War
  214. Anyone remember chaos on ZX Spectrum?
  215. what do we need to make the psp emu?
  216. pc version of raiden project
  217. PSP Homepage ( working on title )
  218. Wouldn't it be great to play Runescape on PSP
  219. HERE IT IS! MAMEPSP Beta 0.01!
  220. Updated Monkey64 Compatibility info
  221. Newbie question re. LUA Coding Comp
  222. How Do I Change the Microcode?
  223. A new MMORPG??
  224. Old Find!
  225. Elasto Mania (Elma)
  226. How about a flight sim?
  227. Test
  228. is streaming video possible??
  229. I've said it once...
  230. Anyone Need Graphics , HTML , And PHP Work For Free
  231. I didn't like the lay out
  232. Developers holla at me- Has anyone thought of this?
  233. MAMEPSP 0.01 dat file
  234. Monkey64 & Daedalus coders work together !
  235. About downgrading
  236. Hints and Tips for getting a game to run
  237. gba emu request
  238. N64 Games Enhanced Feature?
  239. Entry to LUA Coding Comp.
  240. Paypal Donations Email Opened
  241. Monkey 64 v2.0 Source
  242. PSP Game Builder (15 days Lua Compo)
  243. Kramer's Lua Demo
  244. Raine: Mame's long lost brother
  245. PengBob 0.9, (15 days Lua Compo) Team Matrix
  246. porting from the psp- for 1.0-2.0 users
  247. Tyrian 2000
  248. Tux Kart???
  249. Project Updates
  250. -Poll: Which Iris Mod would you like to see?