- couldnt we at least try porting the halo demo?
- Need some alpha testers for cdi4dc
- lua naruto
- devhook 0.43 released!!!
- lua???
- talkin
- master chief, now in new colors.
- Gathering A Custom Firmware Wish List
- Balls of Steel Pinball game
- Coders cable, usb-serial converter
- Debugging and emulators
- Need a Game Menu?
- lua tutorials???
- Colour for Transperant Pixels?
- FoxGlove 2.0
- Lua Wormz
- NDeSmuME 0.4.0 (Open Source)
- Taking a break- new game
- Nanodesktop for PSP is arriving
- a quick question?
- Wifime for DS?
- Question for PSMonkey
- balls of steel
- Balls of steel
- Balls of steel
- Thoughts on Lua
- Fenix for Dreamcast technical page/game projects page up
- MP4 video format
- The long over due project update post
- .SFO files
- Need Sprties Please
- metroid project preview movie release
- Need LUA Advice
- Metroid:Return of the SA-X development
- New Exploite for 2.7/2.71
- PSP Version number
- multi-artist free
- Dragonball Z FLASH FUSION
- eXigent concept beta (don't leak)
- Nanodesktop demos are online
- Do you think Star Trek: Elite Force could be ported?
- Zion - Masterchafed Collaberation
- dos games
- Lua Vector Class Library
- Update from Me "16 July 2006"
- GTA Multiplayer Server
- E's Lua Dev Thread
- Games like Talkman
- DS Development languages?
- is this a 2.7 custom firmware?? or Fake??
- help with 3d sample in c++
- Low Mhz mp3 player
- An offical Apology
- custom 2.71 with devhook?
- Need Halo Themed Backgrounds For Levels
- Iris Mapping Compo?
- Lua Error
- Pictochat for the PSP???Please Help
- Best way to approach Collision detection
- Why is DS for PSP not possible?
- Homebrew app psp to tv
- PSP Project: PSPSettlers - Settlers of Catan/Die Siedler von Catan
- Settlers of Catan for PSP
- Zombo's Cheat Archive Wiki
- How to save screenshots under photo HELP
- Do 'if' statements branch code in Lua?
- Lua Button Help
- The Godfather Video by me
- Dreamcast Development IRC Channel
- Lua version of Chu Chu Rocket
- Megaman X 4-6
- LTE SDK Release
- new Iris??
- My Last Release
- Pokemon Wannabee?
- LUA .20 sucks!
- Umd Tools
- Animation HELP
- VR and the psp
- shooter, horror... and then what?
- internet
- XxPsPmadxX Custom Firmware Patch v0.1b ("EBOOT RELEASE")
- Lua Coders Unite To Fight The Flamers
- how do u make lua for the xmb
- DBZ: Flash Fusion
- Which mode would you like for my new DBZ game?
- PSP Wikipedia
- LOH: LQ PSPool Mod v.1 :D
- Ideas to sychronize the cpus (emulators)
- XxPsPmadxX Custom Firmware Patch v0.2
- Project W.I.P for Mid 2006
- LUA graphics expert needed
- Looking for anyone interested in programming professionally
- World Tour Soccer Findings
- moddible 2d fighter alpha2
- Detecting PAL/NTSC console in KOS
- urm, anyone need a graphics maker dude?
- Compile cheat hacker 0.12 as a1.0 eboot
- Lua tekken coming soon
- need someone who can find tekken advance sprites
- wolfenstein maps on iris
- Firmware 2.8 dumped
- Dreamcast Development Help!
- New Lua help site
- Where to find DS development resources
- Need Screenshots Of 2.xx
- psp-ps2 hookup
- should we move to 1.0 firmware?
- Guardian Heroes (Saturn..)
- liero for psp?
- A save function?
- I've gotta new toy!!
- In need of 1.50fw UMD exploit **Nice Reward**
- Punk-O-Matic
- Nothing to write home about but...
- Ideals for future hacks(really good)
- 2 2.71 exploits found!!
- Mapping for new FPS?
- Dragonball Z: Flash Fusion
- Incredible Machine, perhaps possible!
- New FPS by PSMonkey & Team
- New Puzzle Game by PSMonkey
- Anyone else want a 32X emu?
- preview pic on Lua metroid project
- StepMania
- Oddworld: Abe games
- Geometry Wars
- where do I download....?
- Questions about IRIS and working with the engine
- Devhook audio recorder mod (need help)
- WildTangent Game engine
- Super WarioLand: Wario in Mario World (Supertux Mod)
- Anyone used recovery mode yet?
- Help wanted
- Frame stealer!!
- Pac Xon
- Tutorial or examples of 3d graphics in c++?
- slopes
- Make Me Somethin, I Provide code
- Other Games Or GTA patched
- Learn Lua?
- Super Monkey Poop Fight [WIP]
- Image.load error in Lua
- Just want to say thanks
- Omaha 1944 (my first map)
- need a really good artist
- Lua 101
- Scrolling maps + collision
- New Iris engine?
- Gamemaker for PSP???
- Need opinions! Metroid Project...
- Tahcoa Racing
- Need help!!
- RELEASE: Ani-Monsters Mario World 0.4.6
- Need beta testers
- Thoughts on linkens quest?
- *Updated* MapThis WIFI updateing tutorial
- The Beast Has Arived!!!!
- LUA and Music
- Where to start?
- maps from halo2
- Jumping with Collision Detection LuaPlayer Snippet
- DBZ flash fusion screenshots
- Developing homebrew for DS?
- Game Developer Pages of Intrest
- another opinion needed for metroid project!!!!
- LUA Rush Hour game announcment
- Porting the psone to psp. . .
- Why is there no divx player for PSP?
- ThrottleX 0.3 (Multiplayer coming soon hopefully)
- For the devs (someone needs info)...
- more KETM!
- Create a Worm (template included)
- An offer I don't want you to refuse...
- What and how is a microcode?
- DS emu on psp ?
- ketm moddage
- Sandbox Update!!
- Sandbox Preview
- FOR DBZ flash fusion Beta testers
- gps broken?
- zouzzz's birthday blork pack
- PSP light pen - possible?
- Dosbox PSP, whats happening with it?
- Project "Anonymity" a concept.
- thoughts on beta testing(dbz flash fusion)
- Animated sprite from strip (LUA)
- how do u make an image transparent in photoshop
- why dont u work with strrmnrrrm
- help with multiple bullets, scrolling shooter
- Is there a "split()" function? (In LUA)
- Button Input
- Working on a Street Fighter Lua game/Need Sprites and Sounds
- Naruto's QTH v0.2 Development Thread.
- Liero *With OPEN SOURCE!*
- PSP Media Player???
- Maping What do i need
- Small Update
- image crituqe
- Hybrid maps from Google
- ds - psp
- Metroid: Return of the SA-X beta 2 release
- help, .wav files
- Naruto QTHv0.2
- *Release* PSPirates v3
- Sandbox 1.0 is here!
- TI83 calculator
- Sandbox Theme: Moon-Walk
- Sandbox Themes: How To!! v1.0
- Heart of The Alien for PSP - R1 is out
- MapThis! Firmware & GPS Compatability
- New Theme - Construction
- Sandbox 1.2 Request!!
- Aye, I need someone's help
- MapThis! Ideas on best way to get maps onto the psp needed
- Lookie what showed up in the mail today
- Is there a Homebrew Competition coming out here?
- MapThis! Feature Request
- Genesis for 2.x
- POI Problem
- eMule -- source is available
- Archery theme for Sandbox!!!
- Share your POI files here
- and Bully's special priiiiize...
- How to create 3d models for games in c...
- Sound Designer Free
- Map requests?
- Edit Game Labels Via Devhook
- Help please psptoolchain!!!
- Can The Psp Emulate The Sega Saturn
- Game mods
- Own maps in Mapthis! (Not Google or MSN)
- Hidden Messages in Sandbox
- How to define the model dynamically?
- Worldwide BaseMap for free from Garmin
- PSP tx pin connector
- PSP GPS Compatibility THREAD
- jazz jackrabbit fyi
- Lots of questions
- REAL custom firmware for PSP
- visible coordinates on a 640x480 TV display?
- Midi player for PSP?
- can custom firmwares brick ur psp
- Dosbox
- In search for a patsy
- VLC (streaming internet TV)
- psp camera software for psp
- psp camera software
- GNASH (GNU Flash player)