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View Full Version : Dont Ruin the Homebrew Scene With Shady Goings On

April 10th, 2006, 16:01
For a while certain actions in this scene have annoyed me and others, if its not sites trying to buy out the competition its the buying off of coders, recently we have seen certain "exclusive releases" where even when the release was posted on the official site we had several people crying that the link should go to the site that had the supposed exclusive. Now this buisness of Buying Off Coders is really bad for homebrew in general. Dirty tactics seem to be rife in the PSP scene, i personally would rather link every release to an actual site then we all know that the coder gets the praise rather than sites getting it.

Lets put an end to the Bullcrap, i dont need to name names but it needs to stop your only ruining it for everyone.

April 10th, 2006, 16:43
and so it begins...

April 10th, 2006, 17:26
< sarcarsm>
You are so right Wraggster, you're totally right. It's got to stop. The "scene" is totally ruined. Chaos rains down upon us as our homebrew becomes commercialized by evil corporate conglomerates who do nothing but make users pay for homebrew against their will.
< /sarcasm>

April 10th, 2006, 17:30
So apparently, a developer has no decision on whether or not something is an "exclusive release"? Has no right to do with their program what they please? Only if it comforms to your rules and standards of releasing? Didn't know you were the boss of everyone in the "homebrew scene," but now that I know, I'll keep that in mind.

But of course, its okay to claim "exclusivity" on a homebrew release if you provide webspace for the developer. Because that's totally different from providing official forum hosting or having programs uploaded to and released on a forum.

April 10th, 2006, 17:36
Clever swine's? are you sure you know the full story?

April 10th, 2006, 17:57
Clever swine's? are you sure you know the full story?
As the owner of PSPupdates.qj.net i'm pretty sure I know the full story, yes =)

Wraggster is referring to the PSPKick release, which was released exclusively through my site (http://pspupdates.qj.net/index.php?pg=49&aid=14230). The release notes and the actual file download were ONLY available on my site, yet Wraggster didn't source me.

When I had a conversation with Nathan Wray (the developer of PSPKick) about this... well, just see for yourself:

02:15] Clay: wraggster's at it again
[02:15] Nathan Wray (pspkick): ?
[02:15] Clay: (Link: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=102033
[02:16] Clay: "PSP Kick has been updated to v3 their Drum Machine and More, heres whats new:"
[02:16] Clay: with link to pspkick.com
[02:16] Clay: no sourcing PSPU
[02:17] Nathan Wray (pspkick): ahhhhh
[02:17] Nathan Wray (pspkick): rat *******
[02:17] Clay: heh
[02:17] Nathan Wray (pspkick): dick
[02:17] Clay: i've been through this a hundred times with them =)
[02:18] Clay: usually it takes the developer stepping in, but i wont ask you to do that - i'm just happy to see the download numbers going up and all the positive feedback
[02:19] Nathan Wray (pspkick): I will do whatever...

^^ From the above conversation, it is obvious that the developer was upset that the "home" he chose for his hard work was blatantly ignored due to Wraggster's unwillingness to source a competitive website.

For those of you who don't know, Wraggster and I have a rocky past, which was recently ammended and a truce was called (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=18312&page=1&pp=10) (read the whole thread). PSP Updates has properly sourced every piece of homebrew or information that came from DCEMU since then, but lately Wraggster has been back to his usual tactics of not sourcing properly to try to gain traffic.

I'm not there to start a rant or a flame war, just to present the facts. So, I'll probably not reply again to this topic.

Wraggster, as far as I can tell, the truce is over. I truly from the bottom of my heart hope that you see (from this chatlog which I have already pasted to you on MSN) that you were in the wrong in this situation, and ammend it.

I would love to continue our truce, but it doesn't appear that that is going to happen.

EDIT: And to your accusation of buying off coders, I didn't pay Nathan a dime. He released through me because I've always given his previous releases a big hype and hurrah, and he has had the most downloads from my site. It's loyalty.

April 10th, 2006, 18:37
i don't see what the problem is, wraggs linked to the offical site, you do the same with, say psmonkey, you never post anything about dcemu, just link to "PSmonkey's Dev Blog"

the offical site links to you, pspu so whats the problem. its doing the same as how you newspost ( actuallly some times you don't link at all, like in this news post here (http://pspupdates.qj.net/index.php?pg=49&aid=11095)

now, i don't really follow the psp that close, but it seems that there are a few dirty tricks going on... and tust me it is not good for the scene. The psp is not the first homebrew scene, and many have been tore apart with less fighting. i suggest that all partys think about whats good for the future of the scene

April 10th, 2006, 19:13
Lets be adults here and stop this using of cash to get coders to release on your forums for exclusive rights, i will still link to sites or forum posts but preferably sites, i dont think any truce has gone but the shit must stop.

wraggy remembers PSPadvance :P

you know what your doing and not just you but other certain webmasters using the psp scene purely for iso releases etc.

April 10th, 2006, 19:30
Heres a link where you didnt source and weeks before pspkick



April 10th, 2006, 20:56
OK your both acting like 4 year olds with toothache. Honestly, I visit both sites very often because both are good, informative and active. Really and truly, I prefer sites which have all, yes ALL, homebrew releases collected together in ONE place. I hate having to sit down on my old Dial up modem and load 50 freakin websites just to find the update to XXXXXXX which I got so many weeks ago.

If a developer decides to load exclusivley to any site, he is perfectly reasonable to expect that to happen. Its nice to go to your favourite site and see that lad which you and the other regulars helped so much has just EXCLUSIVLEY uploaded to to your site. But its not nice to see webmasters fight over bragging rites. As long as the release is exclusive for a little while, the developer should be happy, and as long as other webmasters show respect where its due, the webmasters should be happy. A single line saying "Originaly Uploaded exclusivley at www.xxxxx.com" is not really that much to ask for is it?

April 10th, 2006, 21:15
wew *whips sweat off fore head* so this wasnt about my jelo tu psp iris mod...

April 10th, 2006, 21:16
drama, drama....


if you have info, you link to a site where it can be found, regardless of whether or not it was the original posting, or a derivitive posting, or from an aggregator, or whatever. as long as that's done, nobody can say anything about it. google news does it (they link to a random news site for any news article that comes up on the google-homepages rss feed.... for example, if 100 sites have an article on a new scientific discovery, google news will link to a randomly selected site, regardless of who had it first, who wrote the article, who made the discovery, etc.)

the treatment of this like some sort of 'war' is ridiculous, nobody's been wronged here, the info is AT pspkick.com so what's the deal in linking there for the release announcement?

I had ENOUGH drama when i used to be an MMOG junkie. i'm really tired of it these days. lord.

run on home now, lil' children.

April 10th, 2006, 23:36
I agree with the post above for the most part. I just wish PSPU would stop bribing coders for exclusive releases, all that does is create tension.

April 11th, 2006, 01:45
:mad: :mad: :mad: wow, so many cheap shots it lost all meaning. you should always give credit where credit is due, otherwise you're just an ass and a plaugurist. so they paid for the rights, jealous much. the developer got some money, are you mad about that? or are you mad you didn't think of it yourself? maybe you just don't have the money to do it yourself? in anycase, it don't matter how they did it, they did it. they were giving the credit by the developer, and you're just jealous. i like both sites, some mistakes are made all the time. just some large conglomerate does it doesn't mean its right. the ciggarette industry kills it's users, should you then go out and murder everyone that posts on your site cause they do it? lets hope not, you'll get a huge surprize knocking on my door. (waits with sawed off 12gague behind door) move on, you do sounds like children, i was so disturbed by all this i felt the need to post. i have no life outside, and this made me post. it would be nice if both sites ALWAYS linked to the main site of the developer, and gave credit to the exclusivity the developer gave to whomever they choose. it's only right, and both of you twits know it. you'd both do better working together or apart, then fighting amongst each other. agreed? :o - twiz

April 11th, 2006, 02:08
wraggster's right... he shafted you too..

and it shouldnt really matter he gave cred to the creator.

and also all pspupdates cares about is getting bragging rights imo because here it has order and peace.. you cant post what you want and have to stay on topic

over there nearly every post is

I'm first!

F*** you this sucks

you guys are so stupid n00bs

no F*** you


it's rediculous

April 11th, 2006, 02:19
dudes your getting this all wrong first of all the creater of pspkick wanted it that way second pspu said okay wragg got angry and since you guys are psp dc news fanboys you think wragg is right but if this thread wasin pspu their members would think there right but guess what your all wrong!!!!!!

why you might say well because it is the developers choice if I made a game and only let pspcrazy have a link and you guys start getting pissed off at psp crazy you might as well go screw your self since nothing is going to change what is is and nothing except angry Ims can so about it

ps: pspupdates didn't pay the developer and everyone is making such a big deal about something that isn't true :(

Retards so go to the bad place. sorry for my anger :D

Ps: another ps PSPCRAZY RULES Dudes. You childish people you guys should read the stupid stuff you guys wrote.

April 11th, 2006, 03:43
I don't understand why it's so important what website gets it. Ok I can understand wanting to keep it off certain websites particularly but does it really matter as long as it gets to the community and they understand who created it?

Paying for a release to just one website is stupid, wouldn't it be more productive to let it go to any website, and if the author needs money perhaps the websites getting the homebrew would be generous enough to donate?

If the author is THAT gung-ho about getting money and not doing it for the users maybe they should get in touch with sony and start making legit software and getting it sold.

I dunno, maybe I just don't understand it properly.

Oh and the people that are swearing and carrying on and putting unhappy faces with a bazillion exclamation points look really stupid.

April 11th, 2006, 06:14
Playing by the rules is great until they don't benefit you.

April 11th, 2006, 14:22
Ok guys, the crying needs to stop. Its so immature, and im not even an adult. :(

April 12th, 2006, 04:53
Sorry to revive a not to old and probably hated thread but that baby picture is funny :D oh and you guys are so mature :rolleyes:

Cap'n 1time
April 14th, 2006, 14:40

@ DraconumPB, stotheamuel, and quzar AMEN!
... @ bullhead kudos.

I thought we were trying to get along with pspu... WHY AM I NEVER TOLD THESE THINGS?! :mad:

April 14th, 2006, 14:49
i think the point is, (from most of the replys) is that psp fans don't care about this crap, and petty fight. i think we should all listen...

btw i don't think we will be going back to the old days for name censors and no sourceing.

April 14th, 2006, 23:58
We done yet?
As both a PSP developer AND a psp-hacks admin, I would much rather have people link to my development site than link to psp-hacks.
This whole "exclusive" thing is just stupid.. Think about it from the developers point of eye. I could either have my program on every news site, and get many more users. Or I could just post it on one site as exclusive, then throw a fit when some other site posts it."
Personally, I don't give a damn what site posts my news, or if sites get news from psp-hacks without crediting us. The scene doesn't need this kind of drama nor this bullshit. All the news sites and developers should just start to get along...