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View Full Version : Revolution Engine v0.4alfa1

July 26th, 2009, 17:12
Technik (http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Revolutionengine) has released Revolution Engine (http://www.revolutionengine.tk/) v0.4alfa1:

Revolution Engine is the very First homebrew 3D Game Engine for Wii. It is directly based on GX without any GL wrapper or similars. Natively designed for Wii, is capable of generating best homebrew graphics ever seen on this games console.

Version 0.4
Revolution Engine 0.4 is the first mature version of the engine, and so the first version published here at wiibrew. It's being released through various steps for better feedback, and for creating a better result for the final release. This is why revolution engine 0.4 is released in alfa versions before being complete.

Current Features
Revolution Engine 0.4 alfa 1 Supports:

3D System
Tirangle meshes, Quad meshes and mixed meshes Rendering
Advanced transparency
Custom file formats for 3D meshes
Vertex lighting, software based
Multiple cameras
Node Based
Material System
Textured Objects
U V coordinates
Diffuse Color
Specular Color
Glossmap or glossiness
Tiling (Under construction)
Mixed through TEV
2D system
Node Based
True type texts, GX Based
Multiple Viewports
Solid panels
Image-based panels
IR pointers for up to 4 players
Content Manager (Under construction)

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July 27th, 2009, 08:08
When they say engine, do they mean there will be a map editor available with scripting and the like?

July 27th, 2009, 17:32
When they say engine, do they mean there will be a map editor available with scripting and the like?

Yes and no.

Most of the time, when talking about a GameEngine, we can get 2 understand 2 things

1.- Its a map editor with game scripting (Lightwave, RPGMaker, GameCreator)
2.- Its a base code with function and precoded routines which simplyfies the way one can render scenes, movements, physics, loading of object and stuff (SDL, Panda3D)

This time, its the number 2, where you can create object of the precoded routines on which you just load and create the game. So to use this you might need to be hard knowledgeable of C++ coding. Its no as easy as map editor scripting.

I don't think there 'll ever be a map editor with scripting, like ever, and this is the closest we'll be getting to simplify our lives when trying to create a game.

I have been working with this doing some test for quite a while (6 months to be more precisse) and really, its pretty usefull in more than 1 way. Still, i need someone to help me with modeling, i'm having a hard time trying to do 3d models and stuff like that