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June 22nd, 2006, 08:37
iR Shell 1.6 Released


If listening to your favorite mp3s while playing UMD Games/homebrews isn't enough for you, you can now stream any files via WiFI or USB to any of your favorite homebrews. Imagine having your whole mp3, movie & photo database on your PC and stream them real time to your PSP via WiFi or USB for unlimited storage and enjoyment. You don't like to convert your movies to PMP format? How about streaming your MP4 movies to Sony's XMB movie player? Having too much fun and can't stop playing your PSP? Well, you can setup an alarm to remind you stop playing. Your favorite shell now gives you all these features at your fingertip, plus a lot more.

Here is a highlight of the new features. For a complete list, refer to the README.TXT for details:

You can browse your PC harddisk, DVDROM or any other PC storage devices from your PSP via infrastructure WiFi or USB connection and stream files to your homebrew applications. You can even install PSP homebrews on your PC harddisk and launch them on your PSP, just like a huge virtual Memory Stick. 200GB memory stick is now a reality!

You can open files directly with a single click via iR Shell file browser, such as PMP movies, PMF movies, Atrac3s, mp3s, photos, text files, PDF files, ZIPs, RARs, etc. These files can reside on your Memory Stick or even on your PC storage device.

Launching XMB within iR Shell which allows you to use all features of XMB, plus taking snapshot of it or UMD Video.

Alarm clock to remind you important appointments.

Low battery voice warning to remind you to recharge your battery before it drys up.

Special thanks to:
- Tyranid for making usbhostfs for PSPLINK.
- Dark Alex for making nethostfs.
- AnonymousTipster for developing the ZIP & RAR Unarchiver Plugin for iR Shell.
- StoneCut for being my favorite beta tester.
- Skydew for providing the new Help image files.
- Triable for making various nice graphics for iR Shell.
- Rangedunits for supplying a free hosting service.
- all original plugin authors.
- all iR Shell beta testers for providing valuable suggestions & counterless hours of testing.

Visit my homepage and follow the instructions to download and install.

June 22nd, 2006, 09:03
Wow this sounds so awesome! I am getting it right now!! Thanks you so much for this!!

June 22nd, 2006, 09:04
Holy Crap First Comment Downloading Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 22nd, 2006, 09:04
Awww Missed It, BUT iRSHELL F'n RULES

June 22nd, 2006, 09:19
Can someone explain to me how to use the net host thing for windows?

Illegal Machine
June 22nd, 2006, 10:00
holey mother****ing shit

Rebooting the XMB is an awesome idea

same with UMD browsing.

and the PMF player is PERFECT.

oh my god wow

Someone is going to have to post how to get that wifi action working... because I use PIMPstreamer all the time, and just plugging the same IP address that PIMP uses into the configurator didnt do it for me.

read the readme.. its INCREDIBLE what this app can apparantly do

June 22nd, 2006, 10:03
WOW I was aking for streaming of gsmes ect months back on 1st release now its here nice to see the devs listen to the comunities voice thx

June 22nd, 2006, 10:46
MMM if only it allowed ISO streaming maybe next release ??? if possible.

June 22nd, 2006, 10:47
just played the neo geo emu stream speed is perfect :)

June 22nd, 2006, 10:49
Oh my god! OK, so I downloaded it an hour and a half ago, and I have been using it NON-STOP! It is AMAZING! I streamed a TV show episode via the XMB emulation and WiFi HostFS to ms0 redirection. Sound a bit choppy at times, but I'm pretty sure that's just my connection, because I moved to get a little better signal and it was fine. Very cool stuff! Haven't tried USB HostFS to ms0 redirection yet, but in my opinion the WiFi is much cooler. However, the USB HostFS redirection would actually make use out of that PSP Bank with 40 gigs (or just any external hard drive). Really amazing stuff here. I am blown away. Virtually memory stick size limits (well up to around a terabyte I think, but no one who has that much stuff is fooling around with a PSP homebrew program...). The addition of multiple file extension support for each plugin is nice, so you don't have to just copy the plugin. And the bundled plugins are great (I had all of them except the PMF and AT3 plugins, but it was still nice to include all of them in the install). Seriously this app is AMAZING--my new favorite homebrew BY FAR! It has already kept me busy for over an hour and a half, and I am SURE it will keep me busy for WEEKS!! I can't even express how blown away I am by this. OK, I'll stop rambling on, now...GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!

June 22nd, 2006, 11:38
holy monkey balls! you gotta make this into a firmware. It would be my main flash.

June 22nd, 2006, 11:41
SORTED !! :) we really need this as a firmware flash it would be awsome !!!

June 22nd, 2006, 12:41
Any chance of Dynamic DNS lookup on next release ??

June 22nd, 2006, 12:50
Wow, this sounds a bit good.. Twould be even cooler if it could stream ISOs as well though. :P . Could the direct connection malark solve any other Homebrews problems at all? such as the N64? Although I doubt it

June 22nd, 2006, 13:41
OOOooopps :(

June 22nd, 2006, 14:01
Can someone tell me that how does this actually work? I mean how can I listen mp3's from my pc?

June 22nd, 2006, 14:44
put the mp3z in the neyt host dir and key in the ip adress of your pc in ir shell browse this dir find them and play.if u dont know ip adress onpen a cmd window and type ipconfig/all

June 22nd, 2006, 14:46
HOLY F**K, as I read this site just like a daily newspaper, I just woke up to this amazing news. Without even reading the entire ReadMe this already sounds too good to be true. Amazing stuff.

This does raise the obvious, yet controversial question.... Can this load or stream I$O's, DAXZISO's or CiSO's from PC or External storage device? That feature would really be welcome.

I noticed Dark_Alex was given thanks for making nethostfs and Dark_Alex is the mastermind behind the DAX Loader so is it possible that this shell could someday load I$O's or DAXZI$O's?

Or what would really be cool is if you could alternate through different games on the XMB similar to how you can with DevHook (HOME + L / R triggers)

Or how about this? could this emulate a higher firmware such as 2.50 similar to how DevHook does? I may be getting way too ahead of myself and I'm no coder so forgive me if some of my ideas are kinda radical.

Anyway, I have to say to everyone who had any part in the devolopment of this... THANK YOU THANK YOU! I can't wait to play around with this. I have never tried ANY shell yet. But this too good to pass up or ignore.

Please keep up the good work. I will be donating if the devs have a PayPal account.

June 22nd, 2006, 15:06
Hey voltron i nearly peed my pants to no worries I bet loads of peeps did :)

June 22nd, 2006, 15:30
can we stream this from a harddrive just think of the possibiltys 160 gb any were plz tell me its true well time to sell my 2.6 for a 1.5

June 22nd, 2006, 16:20
IRShell is the most useful prog for PSP special thanks to all those involved in bringing me this program for free! (Unlike some other very lame homebrew shells)
Good luck to IRShell team!

June 22nd, 2006, 16:31
Bah never mind all that mp3/pmp streaming, playing music during your games, 200gb external storage for all your homebrew games/utilities.

Have none of you seen its true potential?


Seriously though, this update looks great, can't wait to have a look at the readme.

June 22nd, 2006, 16:34
This is DA homebrew, and you are DA man.

This r0ckZ. Perfect for my upcoming PSP :P

Cap'n 1time
June 22nd, 2006, 16:40
no ISO discussion. The_Ultimate_Eggman your pissing me off with your double posts and disregard of our distaste of ISO discussion. This is your first and only warning.

June 22nd, 2006, 17:10
hey sorry didnt know it was against house rules to disscuss them.wont happen again.

June 22nd, 2006, 17:27
i cant get this to work i downloaded this installed it, i acctually followed the instructions over at pspupdates.qj.net but when i try to connect by pressing L + analog down it just says error , can someone explain what i am doing wrong

June 22nd, 2006, 17:36
Yes I'm usually good with connecting with these proggies such as pimp streamer but I can't seem to get the USB host or the wifi host to work (More interested in the wifi host). If someone could explain how that would be great. Because reading above apparently some people got it working.

June 22nd, 2006, 18:30
i suggested a shell that could launch compressed homebrew a while ago, and im suprised my suggestion is the first ive seen and heard lol

....but with streaming... screw compression lol

June 22nd, 2006, 19:21
LOOKS AWESOME!!!! too bad i got a 2.6.......ANY idea where i can get a 1.5 fw LOL...SERIOUSLY.....EMAIL ME or PM ME

June 22nd, 2006, 19:23
Holy Shrimp This Thing Rocks >8-o

June 22nd, 2006, 20:13
Great, I gotta check this out.

June 22nd, 2006, 20:39
when i try to go into the "nethost0:/" directory, my wifi light doesnt even turn on and i get an error :mad:

June 22nd, 2006, 20:56
Wow It A Good Week For Psp Players!

June 22nd, 2006, 21:18
How do you get in youre pc,to use youre pc's harddisk?...thank you.

June 22nd, 2006, 21:22
i love it!

a must download!

finally can use as much memory as i want

June 22nd, 2006, 21:48
same problem,it wont acess the wifi. wtf mon
is there a idiot guide for this?

June 22nd, 2006, 21:57
Yeah I'm having a problem getting usbhostfs to work with my debian system

June 22nd, 2006, 22:02
so, the streaming system, where does it stream to? the ram? the memory card?? dont you think if it goes to the ram, that eventualy it would lock up from not having enough ram??

I just wondered where it streamed to..

June 22nd, 2006, 22:05
you need to download a streaming app i found it at www.psp-hacks.com

June 22nd, 2006, 22:26
set the setting just below the ip adderess to 1 then it should work

June 22nd, 2006, 23:14
it streams for me but freezes after a while and streams slow but I think it's my pc's fault

June 22nd, 2006, 23:31
Has anyone streamed any videos yet?

June 22nd, 2006, 23:56
I'm having problems with the usbhost, someone knows how to get it to work????:confused:

June 23rd, 2006, 00:19
ok i cannot find out wth is going on here lol.... i have searched the release site, psp-hacks, dcemu, pspupdates..... no one has a guide on how to set up the wifi streaming.... not even the read me lol

could someone PLZZZ shed some light

June 23rd, 2006, 00:21
I hope ISO loading is NEVER a possibility with this program.

Sony could easily shut down every site pertaining to homebrew because of 'piracy' concerns. What prevents piracy from being totally widespread in the PSP scene is the fact that memsticks have such limited space that its fruitless to pirate games and play them on the PSP.

The instant we get ISO streaming, I gurantee you, Sony's stance on homebrew, which is now: "We'll stop when we can but we wont go too far out of our way." will become "See you in court."

With that aside, now to the meat of my post.

IRShell still sucks. It is not user friendly in the slightest and isn't SCE compatible(instant turn off).

Running music while playing homebrew and UMDs is cool. But if using the damn program requires consulting the Help menu every 5 minutes, then what the hell good is it?

Give me a desktop with icons and then, perhaps, IRShell will remain on my PSP for more than 20 minutes.

Illegal Machine
June 23rd, 2006, 00:52
Heres my stance on it... I kind of agree with f9z dark on the crappy GUI, other than that its a killer app.. and festizzio, I streamed all the MP4 video I have on my HD and it looks freakin awesome considering what its doing... a little laggy with the sound but a quick pause takes care if that... whcih is more than I can say for PiMPstreamer.

I love this appp I wish someone would contact ahman and make a better gui for it

June 23rd, 2006, 00:55
Heres my stance on it... I kind of agree with f9z dark on the crappy GUI, other than that its a killer app.. and festizzio, I streamed all the MP4 video I have on my HD and it looks freakin awesome considering what its doing... a little laggy with the sound but a quick pause takes care if that... whcih is more than I can say for PiMPstreamer.

I love this appp I wish someone would contact ahman and make a better gui for it
How did you stream them? I can't figure it out at all.:confused: Also, does it work for AVC mp4s?

June 23rd, 2006, 00:55
But it streams slowly for me, Ive tried everything.
Maybe next version will be better :cool:

June 23rd, 2006, 00:55
that was kinda harsh....
now if i can just get it to work.

June 23rd, 2006, 01:01
I get very frustrated with this app whenever I try to use it. It just isn't really geared for the person looking for an app with an easy learning curve.

It has a lot of killer features, which is why I downloaded it again. But I try and do a simple task and it bites me in the ass.

It's great for what it offers, but I just get so fed up with it.

June 23rd, 2006, 01:03
do you need a pc to stream it

June 23rd, 2006, 01:03
Btw I already set it up so I can view every file on my computer from my PSP through WiFi, I streamed some mp3s and photos, but whenever I go to select an mp4, nothing happens. How does it work?

June 23rd, 2006, 01:33
I've pretty much got all of it figured out. It's very easy, actually, but might seem overwhelming at first glance.

I see all of you are having trouble with the streaming MP4s. First off AVC MP4s will NOT work! This is because when you emulate the XMB it is a 1.5 XMB, and thus can't play AVC videos. Also, you CANNOT stream an MP4 just by clicking on it. You have to emulate the XMB first. Here's how to do the whole thing by using nethost (as opposed to usbhost):

Download and extract "Network Host File System Server (Windows Version)" on the download page of http://ahman.co.nr.

Put the nethostfs.exe and the cygwin1.dll from the download in the folder that the MP4 you want to stream is.

Now, here is the important step. Inside the folder that you just put the 2 files from the download in, you have to make a new folder called MP_ROOT. Inside the MP_ROOT folder, make another new folder called 100MNV01. Put your MP4 in this folder (MP_ROOT/100MNV01), and make sure it is named correctly (M4V#####.MP4 where the #s are any numbers).

Go back to the directory that USED to have your MP4 and now has the 2 files from the download as well as the MP_ROOT directory. Open nethostfs.exe and just leave it there.

Now you're done with the PC setup. On the PSP, load iR Shell, and go to the Configurator (R+Start). Go to the one that's asking for your net host IP Address and change it to your local IP. (You're local IP can be found by going to Start-->Run and then typing command. Then in the command prompt, type ipconfig, and find the one that says IP Address--that's your local IP).

Then make sure you are using the right connection in the next configurator option (1 is your first connection, 2 is second, etc.) Save and exit the configurator by pressing O.

Now push L+Analog-Down to connect to the nethost. Once the WiFi initiates, push L+Analog-Right. That will switch your net host to now be your ms0:/ (your memory stick). Now push L+D-pad-Up to emulate the XMB.

Head over to videos and your video should be there if you did everything correctly.

I hope this helps people who were having trouble streaming their MP4s over WiFi.

I have NOT tried USB host, so I can't help you there. However, it should be pretty much the same, but you have to use different key combinations which can be found in the ReadMe.

If you guys are still having problems, or have other questions, please tell me, and I will try to help out.

June 23rd, 2006, 01:47
Thanks for that, I'm trying it out now.:D

Cap'n 1time
June 23rd, 2006, 01:50
do you need a pc to stream it

no, you can float your psp down a stream of water.

J sims
June 23rd, 2006, 02:25
for any one who was having problems this may be a possible solution. Even though only have one connection profile on my PSP I changed the " XMB Network Config Entry For NetHost:" value to "2" and it worked.

June 23rd, 2006, 02:27
PPL!! stop telling us that it works for you and start explaining HOW it works for you..... half the ppl here dont know wut the bleep to do lol

there ARE no FAQs regarding streaming, even on the creator's website and on his forums

June 23rd, 2006, 03:02
Thank you, you guys! I love IR Shell!
Im using it now as my defult OS!

June 23rd, 2006, 03:26
Holy! Thank you this is sweet. It was worth the 2.0 to 1.5 downgrade! So what if i cant play GTA, his is way cooler. Now i dont need that silly 4 GB HDD:D

June 23rd, 2006, 03:47
PPL!! stop telling us that it works for you and start explaining HOW it works for you..... half the ppl here dont know wut the bleep to do lol

there ARE no FAQs regarding streaming, even on the creator's website and on his forums
Did you read my post? Also, what exactly are you having trouble with? My post above is just for streaming .mp4s, but it also covers how to get the nethost setup. Streaming everything else is pretty easy (you just push X on it, assuming it is playable by iR Shell or one of the plugins).

Also, Harshboy, you can play GTA on 1.5 with DevHook.

June 23rd, 2006, 03:52
u should just get devhook and then u can play gta

J sims
June 23rd, 2006, 03:57
this is where i found out how to get it to work

June 23rd, 2006, 04:17
maybe i didnt explain my self can you stream it from a hard drive some body becuz im gettin a 1.5 if u can

June 23rd, 2006, 05:05
yeah u can but it lags allot

June 23rd, 2006, 05:38
does it lag on music or homebrew

June 23rd, 2006, 05:39
Okay, I love absolutely love this. I have never been this entusiastic about any homebrew (except the n64 emus and PSPDDR) I have been playing with this for over 4 hours now, I love the usbhost and nethost features. Finally I can stream all my media to my psp. Definitely cannot wait for the next release. Hopefully some iso stream support? ;) Thx to all who worked on this wonderful project.

June 23rd, 2006, 06:03
wifi lags on music havnt tried homebrew, well only 2 but fastlaoder doesnt work it wouldnt even load but umd emulator opened but it only read the iso from the ms

June 23rd, 2006, 06:24
im sorry for takin up space and time but im about to make a big decision for me does music and homebrew lag from a usb connection and could i use an external hard drive to stream and agian im sorry but i need this to be cristal clear before i throw away any of my money for a 1.5 psp:D ill be so happy if it does becuz im gettin an externall hard drive for my laptop that would fit the psp nicely:cool:

June 23rd, 2006, 06:56
dtothabreezy, i'm pretty sure that you need to run a program on the device u want to stream from to enable the usb hosting. so if you want to do it straight from the external drive, ie no computer involved it won't work. If you hook the external up to your laptop and run the program on it you shouldn't have any problems.

June 23rd, 2006, 07:01
This app is pretty sweet, only messed with the basic functions and I think its pretty damn cool. At first you have to hit start a bit, to see the control scheme, but once you learn the controls it has good controlability.
Tested the USB thing with some mp3s, THAT is cool, I see a lot of future in this... thank you for making this thing, THANK YOU, can't wait to see what the next version has in store for us, ISO loading hopefully... here's hoping,

special request, that it loads wipeout pure, I've tried umd emulator 0.8c, and some other loader, but to no avail, any tips?

June 23rd, 2006, 09:28
Theres FAR too much talk about I*Os in this thread - you'll get it shut down :mad: (Read the rules!!)

Anyway.. What a wicked app! :D I can sit in my front room with 250GB at my disposal :)

June 23rd, 2006, 09:38
Hopefully some iso stream support? ;)

can't wait to see what the next version has in store for us, ISO loading hopefully...

no ISO discussion.
Can't people read?

Great release though, many cool features. keep up the good work!

June 23rd, 2006, 13:17
I still cant ssem to get wifi to work. I set up all of the config settings right. On my Desktop i have this type of file setup:


And then i put the exe and the other file in the ms0 Root folder. When on reboot for memory card it just says 0KB free, and nothing is listed under the Menus. Help?

June 23rd, 2006, 14:05
I also cannot get the xmb to play anything streamed, either through wifi or usb. I have everything else working, all apps and media streaming fine through irShell and i understand the mounting to ms0: part, but i cannot see any files in xmb when i reboot. I have set up a folder that is basicaly a clone of a memstick like most people probaly have, so im not sure why it cant see them. Also, as someone stated above, it says that there is 0 free space and i cannot access the memstick for anything once it has rebooted to xmb.

Amazing app though, has been fun learning to use it and i cannot wait to see any futher development for it. I have avoided the shells up until now, but this is easily one of the best apps for the psp.

Thanks for the release to all involved and please keep up the amazing work.

June 23rd, 2006, 14:56
I hope ISO loading is NEVER a possibility with this program.

Sony could easily shut down every site pertaining to homebrew because of 'piracy' concerns. What prevents piracy from being totally widespread in the PSP scene is the fact that memsticks have such limited space that its fruitless to pirate games and play them on the PSP.

The instant we get ISO streaming, I gurantee you, Sony's stance on homebrew, which is now: "We'll stop when we can but we wont go too far out of our way." will become "See you in court."

With that aside, now to the meat of my post.

IRShell still sucks. It is not user friendly in the slightest and isn't SCE compatible(instant turn off).

Running music while playing homebrew and UMDs is cool. But if using the damn program requires consulting the Help menu every 5 minutes, then what the hell good is it?

Give me a desktop with icons and then, perhaps, IRShell will remain on my PSP for more than 20 minutes.

Yeah you all know what sony is doing couse you are the master of sony himself or what? Why do people allways state things like these: sony will react this way bla bla bla... you all dont know. I dont know too, nobody knows except the people from sony. So stop this: "I know how the business works, i can tell the future". You obviously dont know!
And ISO streaming will be possible in the future. Doesnt metter if sony likes it or you dont like it, it will just happen, couse its possible.
And IRShell is the best shell on the market. Couse it doesnt have a desktop and a mouse and all this crap that a PSP doesnt really need. If you would use it for more than 20 minutes, the controlls would go very easily to handle. Couse its a wellthought system that just need a little practice. I love it becouse its not that overloaded. I even use the basic skin. couse its perfect in my opinion!

P.S: And for those dont getting it to work, look carefully at ahmans site. Look in the beta section for example couse their this feature was used for the first time and people talk about getting it to work.

Short version: Set the IP of your home pc in IRShell configurator, start the nethost app on your pc and you are ready to go. Its easy!!

Sorry for beein a little rude but those kind of posts make me angry :D

June 23rd, 2006, 15:05
I think it's nice to use too.. especially since you can just press 'start' and the thing has instructions... and about piracy being 'fruitless' because the memory stick size.... aren't the images only around 400megs each? ... so I think people just choose not to use downloaded images, rather than being unable

June 23rd, 2006, 16:42
That will switch your net host to now be your ms0:/ (your memory stick).

Mine does not appear to do this. When I run the net host I can connect and infact see all the files from my PC under "nethost0:/" . I have in fact streamed some music and pictures fine. However when I launch XMB from IRShell and then go to Videos I have none listed.

Here is my DIR structure on the PC for the host

> nethosfs.exe and cygwin1.dll
------ MP_ROOT/100MNV01
----------------------- Various M4VXXXXX.MP4 videos with associated thumbnail files.

Any ideas? I assume since IRShell can read my hosts NTFS structure that XMB can as well?

Also anyone know if it's possible to play MPEG encoded movies over the WiFi with this without having to convert to PMP?

June 23rd, 2006, 17:07
sorry bout the i$o talk, but if we don't request it.... we may not get it,

n e way... got wipeout pure to run, what a sweeet game.... so nm

June 23rd, 2006, 17:13
u ppl are so bad

::holds back a secret::

June 23rd, 2006, 17:22
I think I see the step I missed now. After connecting to the host

If running homebrew via PC, press: L+Analog-RIGHT This redirects AKA mounts your nethost0:/ drive as ms0:/

thanks for the link to those directions J Sims

June 23rd, 2006, 17:24
i dont know why, i cant get the streaming to work either. i typed in my ip address, i switched the xmb network nethost to 1, and i launched the nethostfs.exe app on my comp, but when i try to connect in the iR shell, it says "Initiating WiFi, Pls Wait..." for less than a second and the wifi light doesnt even turn on. it then displays "Error: Can't connect to Network Host" i dont know why its working for some, but not others. any help would be appreciated (yes, i did look at the tutorial on pspupdates.com)

ps. i was wondering if this was happening to everyone, but whenever i save my settings in iR Shell, it tries to reboot, but i get this "The game could not be started. (80020321)" message. i have a folder full of corrupted files on my psp that i cant delete. maybe thats the reason. i guess i'll have to reformat the mem stick...

June 23rd, 2006, 17:56
1x already told people to can the iso talk:confused:

look iso talk is a violation of the rules. and 1x has given people more then there fair share of warnings.
Future mention os iso-anything (weather it be to correct somone else or just in general) will result in bad things man.. bad bad things..

June 23rd, 2006, 17:57
i formated my memory stick but i still cant get the streaming to work. i also still get that error message when iR Shell tries to reboot :(

June 23rd, 2006, 18:27
okay....i feel pretty retarted right now. i use devhook, so my wlan connections were on the 2.5 firmware on my memory stick. i had no connections on my original flash psp firmware, so thats why it wasnt working. i got it working now so i'm happy, but i feel really retarted....

June 23rd, 2006, 19:25
I still cant get it to work for me. on my desktop i have a folder called PSP


In the first PSP Folder i also have the 2 net files. Darn, im so mad:mad:

June 23rd, 2006, 21:05
i agree with it about not being to user friendly. maybe if it was more like the psp's main menu it would be better. or if by pushing square you can also get to the music directory. i dont know this is a great release and im just putting some ideas out there. but i get tired of having to look at the help menu constantly

June 23rd, 2006, 21:24
I think I see the step I missed now. After connecting to the host

If running homebrew via PC, press: L+Analog-RIGHT This redirects AKA mounts your nethost0:/ drive as ms0:/

thanks for the link to those directions J Sims
That is in my little guide, as well:

Now push L+Analog-Down to connect to the nethost. Once the WiFi initiates, push L+Analog-Right. That will switch your net host to now be your ms0:/ (your memory stick). Now push L+D-pad-Up to emulate the XMB.

People who are having trouble, I'm pretty sure you can only stream MP4 videos from the emulated XMB, so making PSP/MUSIC, PSP/PHOTO, PSP/GAME, etc. will not make it able to stream via the XMB. The reason I think you can't stream those is because iR Shell can already play them, so you don't need to emulate the XMB to play them.

Also, Harshboy,

You said your memory stick loooks like this:


Like I said the PSP/GAME, PSP/MUSIC, and PSP/PHOTO folders don't need to be their because they can't be streamed from the XMB (HOWEVER THEY CAN BE STREAMED FROM iR SHELL!)

Also, you should have a 100MNV01 folder inside MP_ROOT and your MP4s should be in that folder.

Lastly, your net host files should NOT go in the PSP folder! They should go in the folder OUTSIDE of the PSP folder.

Hope that helps.

June 23rd, 2006, 21:51
ok, so it should look like this:


June 23rd, 2006, 22:01
It can look like that, but I don't think you can stream anything except your MP4 videos from the emulated XMB, so the only one that really matters is MP_ROOT/100MNV01/M4V00001.MP4. The rest (well at least music, I didn't try photo or game) will not be stream from the emulated XMB because they can be played directly from iR Shell with no need to emulate the XMB.

However, you can try it like that and see if you are able to stream music, photos, and games to the PSP from the emulated XMB, but I don't think it will work. But, VIDEO SHOULD WORK!

June 23rd, 2006, 22:17
edit 1timeuser: removed half a page of off topic banter.

Cap'n 1time
June 23rd, 2006, 22:37
Ok ok, I get it. The site admins don't want ISO discussion. But let it be clear that it is due to their standards they want to create for the site and their questionable distaste for anything even vaguely related to ISO's. It is NOT because of legal problems or the shutting down of the site.....
blah blah ****ing blah...

Im not sure what point you were trying to make, but ISO, backup loading, umd loaders, etc are still against site policy. That will never change. And even in discussing how to perform certain operations like this one person is always out there to learn for his own evil gains.

Im glad you find a legit use for these tools, but they will not, and cannot be discussed here because we make the rules.

Stay on topic.

June 23rd, 2006, 22:49
Im not sure what point you were trying to make, but ISO, backup loading, umd loaders, etc are still against site policy.

Well you just confirmed the point that I had wanted to make. That it is site policy and not due to legal concerns about Sony coming on the attack or the site being taken down like popular belief.

And with that said, I must point out that I will respect site policy as this is and has been the BEST and most FUN place for PSP homebrew fans to gather, help, share, etc. etc.

Thank you and all other site MODS and ADMINS for making psp-news.dcemu.co.uk what it is today.

I'm realistic and know that everybody is not going to agree on everything all of the time. I will respect the rules even if I don't always agree with them.

June 24th, 2006, 00:13
It can look like that, but I don't think you can stream anything except your MP4 videos from the emulated XMB, so the only one that really matters is MP_ROOT/100MNV01/M4V00001.MP4. The rest (well at least music, I didn't try photo or game) will not be stream from the emulated XMB because they can be played directly from iR Shell with no need to emulate the XMB.

However, you can try it like that and see if you are able to stream music, photos, and games to the PSP from the emulated XMB, but I don't think it will work. But, VIDEO SHOULD WORK!

Games work, videos work

Photos and Music dont as you said.

June 24th, 2006, 04:56
This is ridiculous. I'm absolutely loving this program.

Granted, I'm a brand new user and it took about an hour to get the hang of, but now I'm using WiFi and USB to run programs and stream music and videos! It's wonderful!

Also, to those of you running *BACKUP* Ice-Ohs... You can actually copy the Ice-Ohs from your computer using WiFi to your Memory Stick, making it so you don't have to do USB transfer! It takes a while, but it's great if your server isn't in a convenient location.

This program, along with PimpStreamer and DevHook are absolutely the greatest things to ever happen to the PSP.


June 24th, 2006, 05:40
Does anyone else feel like tempting fate? :mad:
One day bann first offence.

Ice-ohs ? for somthing that stupid, the ban should have been a week. but a one day bann for a first post is rather strict as it is.

future violations will all meet with the same fate as this guy.

1: No illegal/improper content such as warez (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warez), links to warez, FTP sites with illegal content, etc. This includes Utopia (boot disk) and illegal hacked browsers. No talking about making backup or getting backup/warez running on your system. (i.e. NO posts about PSP ISO launchers)

2: No Flaming for any reason.

3: Posting of anything considered spam (signing up just to promote a site, unless relevent to a specifc topic)

4: No posting links to pyramid schemes (i.e. free ipod etc)

5: Any topics trying to sell anything mybe deleted at our discretion (no ebay links to your own auctions).

6: Sig pics can not be bigger than 120 x 520 pixels, and 25kBs in size

This is now zero tolerence, if any of these rules are broken, the admistration will/may perminantly ban you without warning (Which I shadow will no longer give warning for the Iso rule )

*Note from shadow to everyone, in the future I will not give warning before banning for violation of the iso rule. So if you break that rule you better hope that some other mod finds you before I do.
everyone has been warned multiple times. its time to show we mean buisness.

June 24th, 2006, 12:25
Hey SP this is a little off topic but I bet that Dacvak has another account and just created that one for that post(knowing he'd get banned). If that is the case if there is a way, should try to match the IP to the other account if there is one. If there is one put a week ban on the IP not just the account. Obviously they knew the rules otherwise would'nt have said Ice-Ohs instead. ha Ice-Ohs....sounds like a new cereal.

June 24th, 2006, 14:00
Absolutely brilliant release, well done!

June 24th, 2006, 14:02
Ice-Ohs....sounds like a new cereal.

LOL, I'll take a bowl of those.

Hey, has anyone noticed any slowdown or lag while playing EMU's/ROMS off a "virtual memory stick" created on PC?

June 24th, 2006, 16:28
Hey SP this is a little off topic but I bet that Dacvak has another account and just created that one for that post(knowing he'd get banned). If that is the case if there is a way, should try to match the IP to the other account if there is one. If there is one put a week ban on the IP not just the account. Obviously they knew the rules otherwise would'nt have said Ice-Ohs instead. ha Ice-Ohs....sounds like a new cereal.
I ran a background check on him, Turns out at least by our records, He had no other accounts logged in under that ip, Admins have more ip search tools then mods do. Ill have dark or wraggy look into this.

June 24th, 2006, 23:34
It would be nice if you added an iR Shell Network Update feature to automatically install new versions.

June 24th, 2006, 23:36
IndianCheese, you'd be better of posting that suggestion on AhMan's official forums at his site ( http://ahman.co.nr ). I don't know if he'll see your post here.

June 24th, 2006, 23:45
BTW, does this mean that USB hosting has been unlocked?

June 24th, 2006, 23:47
I don't think so, because you have to run a program from the computer. It would be a true USB host if you could do it without running a program on the PC end.

June 25th, 2006, 08:13
Does anyone else feel like tempting fate? :mad:
One day bann first offence.

Ice-ohs ? for somthing that stupid, the ban should have been a week. but a one day bann for a first post is rather strict as it is.

future violations will all meet with the same fate as this guy.

1: No illegal/improper content such as warez (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warez), links to warez, FTP sites with illegal content, etc. This includes Utopia (boot disk) and illegal hacked browsers. No talking about making backup or getting backup/warez running on your system. (i.e. NO posts about PSP ISO launchers)

2: No Flaming for any reason.

3: Posting of anything considered spam (signing up just to promote a site, unless relevent to a specifc topic)

4: No posting links to pyramid schemes (i.e. free ipod etc)

5: Any topics trying to sell anything mybe deleted at our discretion (no ebay links to your own auctions).

6: Sig pics can not be bigger than 120 x 520 pixels, and 25kBs in size

This is now zero tolerence, if any of these rules are broken, the admistration will/may perminantly ban you without warning (Which I shadow will no longer give warning for the Iso rule )

*Note from shadow to everyone, in the future I will not give warning before banning for violation of the iso rule. So if you break that rule you better hope that some other mod finds you before I do.
everyone has been warned multiple times. its time to show we mean buisness.

im beggining to worry about the newbies with the same question about the I$o's.
i recomend to send a very important private message about the rules before they post anything.
and true, the banning of one day is not enough, a week is.

very interesting irshell im still having problems loading it.

June 26th, 2006, 07:01
could i use this at a hotel with the program running on my pc to access my files even though i have a router? cause that would be awesome like at a hotel accross the country or anywhere i can get what i want when i want it as long as i have a wifi access point

June 27th, 2006, 00:18
could i use this at a hotel with the program running on my pc to access my files even though i have a router? cause that would be awesome like at a hotel accross the country or anywhere i can get what i want when i want it as long as i have a wifi access point

That is a good idea and would be cool indeed.. Instead of a Location Free TV player, we could have a Location Free Homebrew server.

June 27th, 2006, 00:47
That is a good idea and would be cool indeed.. Instead of a Location Free TV player, we could have a Location Free Homebrew server.
Location Free TV vs Location Free Homebrew... lol! :D

I just got one question: "Where's the 'any' key?!" :p

J sims
June 28th, 2006, 11:06
I am not sure about how IPs work with ISPs in the UK but in America changing an IP can be as easy turning your modem or connection device off than back off.This is due to the fact that all IP addresses are pooled so other customers can use them when you are not connected. I used this trick to get to the DOOM3 site when I was to lazy to give my actually birthday on the first attempt and left it something like 01/01/06.They wouldn't let me in and banned my IP address (you have to be 18 or older). All i did was turn the modem off and on and I got a new ip. Just thought I would tell you this before you go and drag all the staff on this site into a ghost hunt. Also note that I never used this trick on this site.

July 2nd, 2006, 20:07
um the download link is down any way i can download this???

July 2nd, 2006, 20:09
um the download link is down any way i can download this???
yeh i was tryin to d/l this too...looks like i'm gunna have to google :D

July 2nd, 2006, 22:10
did yous have any luck finding a download for this ive been wanting to try this all day

EDIT: just found one here it is if you guys are still looking http://psp.console-tribe.com/downloads.php?action=download&id=1439

July 2nd, 2006, 22:55
Guys, the official site has move to www.irshell.com . You can download it there.

July 3rd, 2006, 02:58
hmmm could I use iR Shell to browse/stream files from my iPod? If i have the cable to connect my iPod to my PSP, can I, for example, but a ton of SNES roms on my iPod and stream them into my SNES emulator on my PSP with ir Shell?

July 3rd, 2006, 03:16
No. The usbhost program has to be run for it to work, and you can't run a program on an iPod.

July 4th, 2006, 18:09
can u tell me wat firmwate this is 4? will it work on 2.7?

July 4th, 2006, 18:44

July 4th, 2006, 23:08
Nothing works on 2.7 except flash stuff.

July 5th, 2006, 23:50
ok thanks dudes

July 8th, 2006, 09:06
after i extract it do i put all the files in my mem stick root or my GAME folder? how do i launch it?

July 8th, 2006, 09:08
Put the IRSHELL folder on the MS root, and put irshell and irshell% in PSP/GAME. Launch it from the game menu in the XMB.

July 8th, 2006, 09:09
cheers, i think i downlaoded the wrong thing...

August 12th, 2006, 18:52
halo Dcemu-ers, i just bought PSP with V 1.5 and 2GB Memory Stick Pro-Duo, can any of you tell me or teach me how to download games and let it play in ur PSP. I've downloaded some games and i saved it in to memory stick over USB connection and have it saved in a folder named PSP/GAMES but it wont work on my PSP. I choose it to game-memory stick but it says -there are no games.
Please someone tell me how to homebrew games.
Yes i know i'm a newbie thats why i need ur advice,tutorials and help. If it not asks too much i would like to have that advice sent to my email adress: [email protected]

i would be very thankfull for ur help

August 12th, 2006, 18:58
you put the two folders (example and example%) in GAME, not the whole download file (that you unzip by the way)

August 13th, 2006, 07:31
I have to try this.. Stupid slow internet connection.

August 15th, 2006, 04:38
yo this is of the chain

August 19th, 2006, 05:49