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View Full Version : Just want to know why did you buy your psp?

August 3rd, 2006, 07:23
just as the title asks: just why did you decide to buy a psp in the frist place?:) For me i loved its homebrew scene. And yes i do own umds.

August 3rd, 2006, 08:08
Mine was a Christmas gift.

It was a 1.52 when I got it, I upped to 2.00, then downgraded to 1.50. I bought a game, and it made me upgrade to 2.50 (this was before devhook). Then I realized that I shouldn't have upgraded because it wasn't worth losing thousands of fun games for the one crappy one I bought. I downgraded back to 1.50 the first chance I got, and I will NEVER upgrade.

Forget movies, forget commercial games, I prefer to think of my PSP as a portable SNES. :)

August 3rd, 2006, 08:15
i got mine because the graphics looked so nice and because it could play videos

August 3rd, 2006, 11:56
i got mine because i read of homebrew from a mag about the psp so i went to buy the lowest version psp

August 3rd, 2006, 12:41
i got mine because the graphics looked so nice and because it could play videos
thats pretty much the same for me. and then i found out about homebrew :D

August 3rd, 2006, 13:45
I wasn't that keen to get a PSP when they first came out. Then my brother had one and showed me GTA and I was blown away by the quality of the screen. This is what really sold me on the PSP. I mostly use it for commercial and homebrew games, although when I first got it, I aimed to use it more as a media player (which it still gets used for, just not as much as the games now).

The most enjoyable use I have found is reliving my childhood thru all the amazing emulators.

August 3rd, 2006, 16:35
I got it after playing lumines and upgraded to 2.00 before learning about homebrew but the 2.00 didnt take long to come out

August 3rd, 2006, 16:40
I bought one the day it came out because I wanted to use it as a music player and for the amazing graphics. I discovered homebrew around last August and have been into it ever since. I have never upgraded, although I downgraded to 1.0 for fun.

The Hombrew Hunter
August 3rd, 2006, 17:22
I'm GETTING mine because we just trade in a bunch of redemption tickets and the homebrew scene seems awesome.

I just hope it doesn't have a new motherboard, I want thew Smash Bros for PSP with downloadable characters...

August 3rd, 2006, 17:57
I got mine because as soon as they said it would acess data through a MS device, something in my head said..."Imagine...Emulation & Homebrew, in the palm of your hands...bwahahahahahaaaaa!!!"...it was probably that little devil conscience.

...That, and also because I was thinking of buying a mp3 player at the time...My CD's have been stolen from my car twice already...Good thing I always keep the originals at home.

August 3rd, 2006, 18:52
i bought mine after i discovered homebrew on the original xbox. I was really happy to have found the psp, and that is probably the only reason i bought it, come to think of it, the homebrew that probably made me want it the most was PSPKick after i saw it on Attack of the Show.

August 4th, 2006, 11:50
Got mine for everything it can do. The movie,the games,the music and the web browser.

August 5th, 2006, 04:49
i totaly got it for the homebrew not the 40$ games (way over priced)

August 5th, 2006, 06:01
I bought mine after I saw an EB employee showing off his japanese 1.0 import and had mine on reserve before it was released in america.I traded in my phat ds for store credit towards it.Pretty much I was really impressed with the screen and had no idea about homebrew,that was until swaploit came out and somebody showed me snes via swaploit.By the time I had read enough and bought a laptop kxploit had just come out,pure bliss.I had only dreamed of playing these emu's on my psp and then suddenly it was real.Actually I bought my laptop from a friend so I could manipulate my psp memory card and install the emu's for psp.

August 5th, 2006, 07:42
i truly believed commercial games would make me happy

August 5th, 2006, 09:48
i truly believed commercial games would make me happy
me too, if they didnt require those stupid firmware updates :mad:

August 5th, 2006, 16:58
I got mine at launch because I've never had a portable gaming system, (besides the brief time I had a GBC - bought from a friend for $60 and came with a game, and I never really bought any games for it :p) and because it could play videos, music, games, and slideshows. I immediately got into homebrew as soon as kxploit came out (was around before then though).

August 5th, 2006, 17:17
for the god damn graphics and its function!!!
i bought it the first day it came out, i was one of the first people in new york in the huge line on toys r us of manhattan.i couldn't sleep because of the psp, everybody were chatting each other about it including me everybody was like almost camping in their spot.
i was hungry, desperate and $500 dollars in my pocketlike around 3am.
i finally got it and so happy playing wipout pure all day.
i will never forget that day.
then i soon found out the first hello world hack thingy then emulators then mods, i was like wow.
and now im here

August 5th, 2006, 17:55
I didnt even line up....I just walked into Zellers at like 10am and bought it with NFSR and got a free carry case cause I was one of the first to buy it :p

August 5th, 2006, 18:06
I didnt even line up....I just walked into Zellers at like 10am and bought it with NFSR and got a free carry case cause I was one of the first to buy it :p
damn you!
lmao XD
well, for me it was exciting :D

Basil Zero
August 8th, 2006, 22:01
lets see, Darkstalkers Chronicle was a remake or a pseudo sequel to the Darkstalkers series, and since it was the first 3 games bunched up together as 1 game with similarities, and some addons, and since i've always wanted to play the game, i decided to buy this one, being the only game in the series that i could find at that time.

And just when i was about to update my psp, i found out you could place roms and emulators in the psp, and ever since than....i havent updated my psp. lol

August 9th, 2006, 00:14
I just thought it was an amazing hand-held device. Almost a mini PS2, and then I saw the homebrew scene and got myself one :)

Plus I needed an mp3 player, and the movies/web browser only sweetened the deal.

Basil Zero
August 9th, 2006, 04:14
oh ya, that too, about the mp3 player lol

August 12th, 2006, 20:39
my mom asked me if i wanted one for me and my brother:D

August 12th, 2006, 23:24
Mine was a christmas gift (but i payed half of the price)

August 18th, 2006, 10:06
I bought mine because my friend let me borrow his psp for a while and it was AWESOME!

August 29th, 2006, 23:05
ps2 broke before christmas, so parents asked if i want a new on, fancied a change

i now have both:D

September 1st, 2006, 13:39
I have some sort of compulsive addiction to portable videogame consoles.

Nintendo got me with the original brick/monochrome gameboy when i was young and i've had pretty much every major portable system since.

The n-gage was a mistake tho, I admit that :D

September 7th, 2006, 04:07
I waited a month before best buy was back in stock

1.5psp+Twisted metal+2 year warranty+cheap case

i though i was good for about a week until i heard about homebrew on psp. then i went pretty much strait here everyday to keep updated.

September 7th, 2006, 04:40
I would buy a PSP for the homebrew, emulators, media, and some commercial games

September 7th, 2006, 05:49
I got my psp because I wanted to look cool. Unaware of homebrew, I upgraded it to 2.5 the very next day. Once I learned about the homebrew scene I paid one of my friends 20 bucks to trade his 1.5 with my 2.5. (he spent the money on good ol' mary jane). To this day he still doesnt understand why I paid him to trade his old psp for my brand new one, lol...

September 7th, 2006, 05:51
Looks like you got ripped off Nafogel, with this new downgrader...

September 7th, 2006, 05:55
Looks like you got ripped off Nafogel, with this new downgrader...
Yeah, but this was right when 2.5 came out, almost a year ago, so it was woth it. I didnt wanna have to wait forever for a new downgrader, and at the time all the forums said that anything above 2.00 was impossible to downgrade.:eek:

September 7th, 2006, 05:56
Yeah, I guess your right. I just hope the old DS wasn't too crappy. :P

September 7th, 2006, 06:46
i got mine mainly because i won 3 games..

Started to get into *cough* isos *cough* but fortunately enough i got away quick enough after McZonks threat to leave the scene.

I basically got it for homebrew / Commercial gaming (which isnt much anymore).

Suprisingly enough my dream is coming true, to play mario 64 whenever and where ever! (Used to play it on my xbox and never finished it)

The scene is more than I ever imagined these days. Forcing me to join Dcemu was one awesome move!

September 7th, 2006, 06:47
Well this is easy. Because i will buy anything new that is game related.

September 7th, 2006, 08:00
I got it because of ridge racer lol i love that game

September 7th, 2006, 08:50
Hey ! That's also my reason, Pibster.. Ridge Racer ! I tried it at one consumer-electronic expo and I love it instanly (amazing PS2-like graphics, wide-screen) It's rather expensive that day (about US$340 with one game) but I sort-of got it with 70% off in the next 6 months..

Got into PSP homebrew few months ago when I was searching for a Snes emu (for my PDA) and decided to down-grade.

September 7th, 2006, 09:29
i bought mine a few days after i stumbled upon this site :D

September 7th, 2006, 09:36
In the first place ... I'd always liked the SONY products, worked for SONY in Mexico for almost two years and got the chance to test the firsts Playstations produced back then in MX :D

But on the other hand I love Zelda & Mario games, so I fisrt buy the Nintendo DS; cause I liked the fact to play Games (similar) to N64 (at least mario kart & Supermario 64 look like) ......

But when I read on a Magazine about all the attributes of the PSP: big screen, great graphics ... AND the EMULATION, not to mention of course the great homebrew scene starting back then .... I decided to trow away my DS and buy a new 1.5 firmware PSP .. But one day I got BattleFront II and had to upgrade to 2.0 ... (i did not knew about the requiermenets of firmware) ... but know is again a beautiful 1.5 PSP .... playing lots of stuff that come in the homebrew scene. and with Devhook I am running my UMDS (I am playing tekken 5 & Monster hunter with no problems) .... at the same time Zelda & mario are also there!!! .... PSP, Homebrew & emulation Brought to me the best of ALL worlds !!!

I am a HAPPY user:p

September 7th, 2006, 10:08
I bought my first one because of all the hype behind it and being a former sony fanboy I wanted one, but didn't want to wait until the September 05 release here in the UK. So I bought it of Lik-Sang.com in June 05. The best decision I made all year, until my wife claimed it for herself, when she bought a 2.5 and couldn't run homebrew. So I was stuck with a 2.5 running the eLoader until the 2.5/6 Downgrade. Since then Homebrew Heaven Baby!

September 7th, 2006, 17:55
My wife bought mine for me for Christmas last year. I was completely surprised. I have a good wife. :D

BTW, that wasn't a slag on dejkirkby's wife (above). It was pure coincidence.

September 7th, 2006, 18:01
My wife bought mine for me for Christmas last year. I was completely surprised. I have a good wife. :D

BTW, that wasn't a slag on dejkirkby's wife (above). It was pure coincidence.
I have a good wife too. She bought the first one for me, and "traded" me after she bought one for herself, only to find she couldn't use homebrew.

September 7th, 2006, 18:03
Homebrew first and foremost. I bought my 1.50 knowing it would run homebrew and with a basic knowledge of what to do having poured over these forums and others prior to purchasing it. I have since setup about 5 friends with homebrew capable PSP's.

September 7th, 2006, 21:36
I got my PSP to play homebrew. But, I got a 2.01 PSP at Wal-Mart and was sitting here like a retard for 2hrs trying to get Nester J to load on it :p Then I got GTA: LCS and I played it a lot :D. About a month latter I found King Kong: The Offical Game of the Movie on ebay for $30 brand new, so I bought it. Not knowing that I would have to up grade. When it came in the mail and I put in the disc and turned on my PSP, and it told me I had to update. So, I went and found my charger and upgraded :( After a few months, Fanjita and Ditlew released the Eloader and I was finaly able to play homebrew :D And of course when the 2.5 - 2.6 downgrader came out, I downgraded to 1.5 and have stayed at 1.5 using Devhook to play my newer PSP games.

BTW I know some people say that PJ's King Kong on the PSP sucks, but I found it pretty fun :) I Still play it now and then.

September 7th, 2006, 21:39
i got my psp for homebrew/music/movies/internet...but mostly for homebrew, like 85% :D

September 7th, 2006, 22:13
got mine caz of the internet browser and my skool has wifi so i surf around in skool instead of learnig. and bout 2wks ago i found the new porter eboot menu and got it for the tiff exploit cuz loading gta was getting old. I currently have a factory 2.60
ta-082 but still rockin 29 homebrew games/app with a custom font and gameboot:D