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View Full Version : TTR v0.7 Released! *Kxploited again, lol*

September 30th, 2006, 16:24
Hia Guys, and welcome to my 7th release of TTR!

First of all, i'd like to point out that this is now a joint project split between me and psp_bling, i do the code and he does... everything else, lol. So, a massive thanks to my new partner, PSP_Bling, for everything he's done so far and everything he'll continue to do! Lets look at some screenshots of his work:



Doesn't it look wonderful?

I would also like to aplogize for the constant release... one after the other... but just because it ddn't take very long to relese doesn't mean it doesn't have anything new or good in it, in this version we have added a whole new game mode and a load of other things! read on to find out more.

Anyways, now that we've go that out of the way, its time to go over what's new it TTR v0.7, and this ones quite a big release, since there has been a whole new game mode added!
Yup, you read it right, and the difficulty levels, terrains, and everything works across both game modes! there is however, one slight problem, which is that the new game - Which is called Intersection - only currently supports one car, which we intend to change on other versions.

On top of that, this version also includes many, many more features, such as a screenshot system that uses only the L button to take anything up to 5 screenshots, and when all slots are full then it will simply overwrite the first one again. It may not be the perfect screenshot system, but its good enough for me, lol. Also, with the new game being added, there comes with it a new but buggy feature, the statistic manager, which can be accessed VIA the options menu. In the statistic manager you can view both of your highscores, one for rally one for intersection, and you can also view other various things such as How many times you've seen the credits, and the option to replay the one time intro screens.
Yep, those intro screens are still there, and are just as vital, so please read 'em!

Now for a brief overview of what exactly 'Intersection' is.. Intersection is a new game mode, based on the old one, in which your at an intersection on a motorway, cars are coming in every direction. its the same idea, with a new twist. your job is to dodge all the oncoming cars while being aware of where the others are, and this game is a lot harder than it sounds... try it out and see what I mean :p

Also, the easter egg from v0.6 has been removed, and for those who didn't find it in v0.6 then ill tell you, it was in the credits, and that competition ends tommorow, no more entrys will be accepted.

So, just to wrap it all up, heres whats new in TTR v0.7

- Intersection Game Mode
- Intersection Highscore (Seperate from rally)
- Better Screenshot System
- New graphics, again thanks to psp_bling
- new look eboot, thanks to psp bling
- Terrain Selection Bug Fixed
- Faster Loading times
- loads of little bugs that you spotted were fixed...
- Slightly bigger files, but the images are smaller from last release (doesn't take a brainiac to work out that its gonna get bigger with new features, lol...)

not bad for a prject that only took about 10 days to release, eh?

Anyways, i hope you enjoy playing the game, but please post your comments, because they are always appreciated!

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September 30th, 2006, 16:29
woot 1st post...lol jk, this aint qj comments
but new game mode, yay gonna dl now
EDIT:looking at top screenshot bottom right corner, it says version 0.6, not 0.7

September 30th, 2006, 16:29
uhhhh... what?

September 30th, 2006, 16:34
srry, over at pspupdates when a new thing appears on front page every is all like 'woot first post!!1!!'
ill post back in about 5 mins with all mistakes, bugs and my comments on the game =]

September 30th, 2006, 16:36
i already have a long list of mistakes which are very minor, but confusing.

For example, your plaing 0.7, but the game doesn't say 0.7 anywhere.. The title still says 0.6 because we forgot to change it, and the credits say 0.8 because skate got confused...

also, psp_bling is called skate_3214 here.

September 30th, 2006, 16:38
Hmm, havenīt tried any release of this game yet. This looks pretty nice, so Iīm going to try this version.
Nice work.

September 30th, 2006, 16:40
thanks, but the GFX you're looking at arn't by me, they are by my partner, skate_3214 so don't judge me by them.

Judge me by the gameplay, lol.

September 30th, 2006, 16:41
thanks for the release :)

and yeah that first post thing will get a warning :D

September 30th, 2006, 16:44
lol, your welcome. hope everyone enjoys it as much as i did making it...

actually, i take that back. Making it was very stressful at some points, lol.

I hope you enjoy it a lot more than i did coding it.

September 30th, 2006, 16:51
NOOOO it was a joke wraggy
anyway good game besides the few minor (and probably already on your list) problems, which ill post just in case
- must use mini with GB flag for intersection mode (you mentioned this but didnt tell us what car)
- Sometimes in Intersection mode the corners around the cars arnt transparant
(now i think about it all the errors im gonna mention are from new mode)
- when you use analogue pad in intersection mode the car doesnt change direction when you move

overall though its a great game, getting better with every release well done freshmilk

EDIT: almost forgot well done psp bling/skate_3214 - the gfx are awsome and also to maxime for originally creating this game (in a way)

September 30th, 2006, 16:56
aha, theres one i didn't already know.

ill have to fix the analogue directions for the next release. thanks for the feedback, even if it was only a list of problems, since it still helps!

I'm thinking of making v0.7b since it has so many errors...

September 30th, 2006, 16:56
Keep the good job, Freshmilk ;)

September 30th, 2006, 17:00
that didn't make much sense, since you didn't use proper grammer, but thanks anyway.

I think you meant to say keep up the good job, freshmilk or maybe you meant don't make 0.7b? im confused now, lol.

thanks anyway though!

September 30th, 2006, 17:03
this is a great game a few little errors i.e wont return to XMB but hey who really gives a shit? gr8 little game mate cheers, one little thing u may want to take into account in next version, lol, dont make the car move around so fast, cheers and goodluck :D

September 30th, 2006, 17:06
hmm... i could include car speed.

another thing to add to the to do list, thanks dude. I suppose everyone wants different, but if you put it too slow you won't be able to dodge the cars in time... whatever. i'll add it in the next release for you, look out for it.

September 30th, 2006, 17:08
YAY! lol ty its just i havent got the best control and its quite hard to control the car flying all over the shop lol anywayz cheers ;-)

September 30th, 2006, 17:09
no big deal, all you had to do was ask.

let that be a lesson to all you out there who downloaded it, thought of a good idea andnever posted it. I'll include anything if it makes you happy, just ask.

September 30th, 2006, 17:16
This game is really nice! Thank you Freshmilk and everyone else who helped make this game. :)

September 30th, 2006, 17:19
everyone else...?

there was two of us lol, but if you're refering to my previous helper then thanks to them too, lol...

thanks everyone, and thanks for your commment, any more suggestions before i go...?

September 30th, 2006, 17:28

September 30th, 2006, 17:28
heres a quick fix to the not being able to quit to XMB problem, if thats ok with freshmilk
zip should contain eboot, system folder and freshmilk.lua
just place in __SCE__TTR 0.7 folder

EDIT: seeing as im limited to paint (that cant even save a png file:rolleyes: ) can someone try and make a star wars theme for this, maybe the part where luke blows up the death star in the 4th movie (by 4th i mean A New Hope, if you couldnt guess)

September 30th, 2006, 17:39
lol, nice one dude.

September 30th, 2006, 18:32
Great work again Freshmilk :D Never apologise for multiple releases if it means your improving it! :p This project has really come along from your first release ;)

Love your graphics too psp bling/skate_3214 - Nice work :p

September 30th, 2006, 19:29
lol - note taken, thanks.

September 30th, 2006, 21:34
Version 0.7b is underway, this one has far to many bugs...

BTW, i added in movement control for lamo psp king, should be here quite soon, maybe 1 or two days

October 1st, 2006, 03:45
Great work keep it up.

October 1st, 2006, 06:55

October 1st, 2006, 11:09
TTR v0.7b is underway, and is hopefully going to be released either today or tommorow.

it will contain lots of bug fixes and a movement feature, as requested by lamo psp king.

hope you like it even more then, lol.

October 2nd, 2006, 02:27
IT DOSENT WORK MAN !!! ITS GOT nothing in it wen i try to move it to ma psp it says ( THIS file is invalad or corrupted wat u got to say to dat man!!!

October 2nd, 2006, 18:46
1, that theres no need to be so rude.
2, your firmware isn't 1.5 or 2.xx

in order for me to help you ill need to know your firmware version...