View Full Version : I'm tired of Sony's bullshit - Maddox

November 13th, 2006, 23:19
Some dude called Maddox (http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=sony_bullshit) posted this on his site:

You may know Sony most readily as the company that recently recalled something on the order of every laptop battery ever made because of a small glitch (they explode). Then there was the "rootkit" debacle, where Sony secretly installed hidden bullshit on your computer. One of Sony BMG's presidents handled the situation with the delicacy of a gang rape with this quote: "Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" Good point, shit-head! And before that, Sony was known for its shitty optical drives in their PS2s, resulting in a class action lawsuit. The word "shitty" in the previous sentence is a bit misleading, since I also use the word to describe Renée Zellweger's life, and having to void your warranty by adjusting a cog to fix a misaligned laser inside your PS2 is slightly shittier.

Not content with the reaming they give consumers with their shoddy products and condescending attitude, Sony determined that it didn't have enough bad press, so they decided to wield their giant gnarled cock of corporate greed again, this time training it on a small-time import shop called "Lik Sang." Lik Sang was a haven for nerds who wanted to import games and systems from other countries. It turns out that Lik Sang broke some major laws that not only earned them the scorn of Sony, but pissed Sony off to the point where they sued Lik Sang into oblivion. So what was this grave infraction committed against Sony that not only threatened the very foundation of this giant multi-national corporation, but warranted destroying the lives and careers of a group of dorks running a gaming website? Simple: they committed the mortal sin of selling Japanese PSPs to European gamers. Oh no! Not that!

When I read the law suit, I did a double take to make sure I read it correctly. Sony is suing to prevent people from selling PSPs? Great move, morons! Because if there's anything Sony needs right now, it's fewer people buying PSPs. In fact, PSP sales are part of the reason Sony expects to lose $1.7 billion dollars in their gaming divison by March. That means that I and anyone else who makes any money at all between now and March (or at least manages not to lose more than $1,699,999,999.99) will officially make more money than Sony's gaming division. I rule.

This isn't the first time Sony bullied a gaming website for selling PSP imports. In June of 2005, Sony sued a website called ElectricBirdLand (Sony literally hired men in dark sunglasses to deliver the papers to the defendant, because Sony is insecure about the size of its penis), stating that the sale of Japanese PSPs to the UK could hurt their ability to exploit the "excitement and anticipation of the market." Hey Sony, you know what else could help you exploit the excitement and anticipation of the market? The PSP not sucking:

Sony's strategy towards portable gaming seems to be to take the same shitty first generation Playstation games that weren't great to begin with, and make them portable so now we can take an example of Sony's utter-inability-to-stop-sucking with us everywhere we go. SNORE. Nobody wants to buy movies in your stupid proprietary format, assholes!

So why does a company that relies on consumer satisfaction and brand recognition treat its fans with such contempt? Because...

Sony hates you.

Sony would love nothing more than to see you and your family suffer. Sony is like that psycho-ex who you had a few good times with, but was too clingy and the sex got boring. Now it's over and Sony is still stewing about it by leaving you voice mail asking for another chance and promising it "can change."

Tough shit Sony. We've moved on. We're dating your younger, hotter sister, Wii. Even your fuglier step-sister, Xbox 360, looks hotter than you do. At least she's been around the block a few times and knows how to turn tricks. You've got nothing, and it's going to stay that way until you stop being a crabby old ****.

Wow that was a tad controversial, anyone got an opinion on what was posted?

November 13th, 2006, 23:24

sony have kinda f*ckd up recently...

November 13th, 2006, 23:27
ha ha! Maddox the pirate. He's great! Read his articals at www.maddox.xmission.com

He released a book recently, im a big fan of his and ive read all his articals. He hates things like poor grammar.

November 13th, 2006, 23:28
Too little too late I say. People have moved on, yes, from the whole Lik-Sang debacle.

I have never liked 'sensationalism' and really anyone relying on it to prove a point is just trying to bully people into believing such.

Fact is, the PS3 has shown Sony's better side. Once word about the PS3's abilities and user-friendliness and the ease of modding and hacking gets out, Sony's bad image will quickly dissipate.

November 13th, 2006, 23:32
Nothing could be more true then that sony deff needs to just die

November 13th, 2006, 23:35
I'm a Sony fan and even I found my self nodding in agreement to this. **** Sony, they're a bunch of assholes as proven by the above point by point......but even worse......it seems that I'm the pathetic boyfriend that just can't get away from that psycho bitch of a girlfriend. HELP!!!! HELP ME!!!!! I bought a 360 and I'm enjoying GEARS but somewhere deep down I'm hoping the PS3 will prevail. DAMN IT. Help my sick pathetic ass.

November 13th, 2006, 23:42
Man, I really love my PSP so what I'm about to say, please, do not think I am talking about Sony's PSP...

Okay first off; Yes, I have a myspace profile. There are these bulletin things on there and for some reason a person logged in as me and started and started some ad bullshit about how Sony Laptops are the best laptops ever. I wrote him back with a tasty message that included a lot of profanity :) So right there, sony ****ing sucks getting people to do that shit or if they don't even know these people are doing this then that's even worse for them... I think.

2nd. The PS3... I'm sorry PS fans, the PS3 is gonna bomb. It's not half as inventive as the Wii and about 1/3 as powerful as the Xbox360.

Sony needs to pack up their balls and get out of the console and laptop industry cause' they think that most people who use computers are idiots. I think if you spend the money on a computer that right there is proff enough you're not an idiot.

Sony is running in circles with their technology and the PS3 is gonna be a let down. DON'T BUY A PS3!! Get an Xbox360 and if u want reasons, I'll list them!

Feck you sony and thanks for the PSP but I found mine that some kid dropped so I didn't even pay for that! LOL

November 13th, 2006, 23:43
Why was this posted? I don't recall this being an editorial column.

November 13th, 2006, 23:48
chrono the ps3 is not 1/3 the power of the 360, if anything, you have it backwards.. anyway, i agree with some of the things he has said, and i disagree with a few others. but, either way, the guy needs to relax.. if he thinks it sucks so bad, then he should stop supporting them by buying their products. and if he's not buying them now because of certain things, then he has no room to complain about something that's not affecting him.

and by all means, eff sony. but that doesn't mean i think they suck, or their products suck. imo, they just have horrible service and a horrible advert. team.

November 13th, 2006, 23:48
Sony's bad image will quickly dissipate.

hahaha... not even... sony is a b*tch ass company.
BRRRAAAAAPP to the article.... its the truth :cool:. sony has been screwin around with its customers and i bet theyll continue to do so. Who cares if they wanna bring out ps3... ps3 is overpriced adn i rly dun care if it can do homebrew. im not payin $600+
to play some games that i can play on my computer or my homebrew filled psp.:D

The PS3... I'm sorry PS fans, the PS3 is gonna bomb. It's not half as inventive as the Wii and about 1/3 as powerful as the Xbox360.

ps3 is more( i mean WAY MORE) powerful than xbox 360.... as sony said... 23+ times more powerful than ps2 or sumthin like that. but why the f*ck will u need better than xbox360?!?!?!? its graphics r amazin!!!! ps3 is overdoing it. as far as im concerned, i would satisfy with gamecube graphics with any console( this is why wii will b siik... n y im gonna get it).

November 13th, 2006, 23:49
Why was this posted? I don't recall this being an editorial column.

Because that's what Maddox does. He posts his opinions no matter how wierd, stupid or arrogant they are.
Notice the URL of his website "thebestpageintheuniverse.net."

King of Fire
November 13th, 2006, 23:51
.......sony:mad: :mad: :cool:

November 13th, 2006, 23:52
i'll probably be flamed alot about this... but this is why i play my pirated iso's and never give them a cent.

i would rather spend $100,000 on buying mod chips dev units and blank cd's flash cards ect.. then ever give any billion dollar corporation my money, especialy in this day in age when theres no story or innovation in a games .. just so called pretty graphics.

Fu.K you sony.
can't wait to mod my ps3 when i buy it second hand.

November 14th, 2006, 00:03
Calisse qui ferme sa putain de geule pis qu'il achete un ps3 comme tout lmonde

OUI c'est pas pasque sony fais chier que jva mempecher de tripper avec mon ps3, MGS4, Ridge racer 7, Resistance, GTHD et Motorstorm

TA GEULE pis arette de faire chier!

This asshole must shut up, maybe he's right! but I dont ****ing care, Buy a ps3 like everyone else dream.

YES sony ****ed me in the A** a few time, but I DONT CARE, I,ll buy a PS3 and have a REALLY GOOD TIME with mgs4, ridge racer 7, GTHD, Resistance : Fall of Man, Motorstorm and other games... WHILE YOU stay in you corner saying sony suck and must die

I'm sold to sony you say? NO i loved the ps2, love my psp, loved the ps1 and nothing is gonna stop me from buying a ps3!!! Cause I WANT IT, IT OWNZ 35 times like a ps2 (This is the official spec) IT OWNZ YOUR ASS and I dont care if sony lose money or if sony suck.

It's my right as a customer after all
I got a xbox so dont say i'm a fanboy, and I'll buy the WII too!

Now SHUT UP and stop ****ing whining maddox!

November 14th, 2006, 00:09
Sorry for being so hard, but I Hate people who talk like they are imposing their opinion and think that they got infuse science :@

November 14th, 2006, 00:14
i agree 100% with this forum. $ony is bulls*** and don't care about nothing but the money. at least microsoft and nintendo care about what kind of games they have and not some crap on the T.V screen.the only good things that are on the the $ony consoles are Final fantasy,metal gear solid,resident evil,and...well..umm...anyway they are all proly gonna go on the 360 or wii res evil is actually coming out on 360, so did FF,as for MGS i guess maybe it'll go to the wii sometime later cause that 1 dude who made MGS likes the wii-mote thing.:)i realy don't wanna pay $600+ & games that are also expensive.

EDIT:to the dude above(ssnake)umm your using an opinion too so STFU and get a life!maddox was using his opinion as wer u...i agree with him and thats my opinion. :D

November 14th, 2006, 00:22
HAHAHA mgs4 on wii, you can still dream dude, it's not as half graphic powered as the ps3...
Hideo Kojima still like the wii mote, and wil probably do a game on wii, but be sure it will not be a mgs since mgs4 will probably be his last metal gear for LONG.

I WILL LOVE THE WII but not for his power!
you'll never see a FF on a wii cause FF DONT need to be "gameplaywise" and stuff, FF is a story first.

resident evil on 360... yeah maybe, but i dont care, and even then... when did a resident evil made is way to a microsoft console first?

Mgs2 on xbox was a complete failure..

I'LL BUY THE PS3 cause of the exclusivity on it, cause of the graphic and physics possibilities.

That one dude that made MGS is Hideo Kojima, who made all his last game exclusivity to PS2 and PSP, these games OWNZ right?

I hope to see (and i'm sure!!) sony wins in the end. because I'm a consumer and a Gamer first.
Sony never deceived me.

November 14th, 2006, 00:25
and.. i dotn care. because i like the games and graphics :D lol the ps3 will make me jizz my pants everytime i touch it. thats all i have to say..

(ps. MGS4 and Devil May Cry 4) will also make my jizz my pants 2 times daily

November 14th, 2006, 00:28
Basically everyone who goes for Sony this time around is for graphics. I personally think the PS3 will suck, and I'm going for the Wii. Nintendo, unlike Sony, and partly Microsoft, is not focused on purely graphics. Sony makes shi*ty games with great graphics, while Nintendo it quite the opposite. How long will it take for Sony to realize, how much money you spend, and the graphics, don't make the game.

November 14th, 2006, 00:31
PS3... I'm sorry PS fans, the PS3 is gonna bomb. It's not half as inventive as the Wii and about 1/3 as powerful as the Xbox360.

Complete and utterly wrong. I have proven time and again and so-far remain undefeated, about showing the specs of the PS3 and X360. The PS3 has ram that runs at 3.0ghz as opposed to the X360's piss-poor 700mhz ram clock.

That alone will beat the shit out the 360 when Xbox owners are feeling the heat 4 to 5 years from now when the games have maxed out on the system.

The PS3, on the other hand will be producing improving games for at least 6 to 7 years.

Not to mention, X360 owners are ****ed with their 20 or 40 gb hard disks; while PS3 users can install any hard-drive they want and one article put in a 350gb hard drive in their PS3.

November 14th, 2006, 00:35
Complete and utterly wrong. I have proven time and again and so-far remain undefeated, about showing the specs of the PS3 and X360. The PS3 has ram that runs at 3.0ghz as opposed to the X360's piss-poor 700mhz ram clock.

That alone will beat the shit out the 360 when Xbox owners are feeling the heat 4 to 5 years from now when the games have maxed out on the system.

The PS3, on the other hand will be producing improving games for at least 6 to 7 years.

Not to mention, X360 owners are ****ed with their 20 or 40 gb hard disks; while PS3 users can install any hard-drive they want and one article put in a 350gb hard drive in their PS3.

Haha, my point exactly. Focusing on purely graphics. And a 350GB hard drive?! What the hell do you need that for on a PS3? Probably for piracy. The original Xbox has an 8GB hard drive and I haven't even filled that up, even with a modded Xbox.

November 14th, 2006, 00:35
Oh so devil may cry is a shitty game? GT a shitty game? MGS are shitty games?
Syphon filters are shitty games? Tekken are shitty games? Final fantasy are shitty games?
Resident evil are shitty games? (they usually come out on ps first), Twisted metals are shitty games?
Killzone is a shitty game? Medievil a shitty game too?

oh please for god sakes dont make me laugh.

November 14th, 2006, 00:38
Oh so devil may cry is a shitty game? GT a shitty game? MGS are shitty games?
Syphon filters are shitty games? Tekken are shitty games? Final fantasy are shitty games?
Resident evil are shitty games? (they usually come out on ps first), Twisted metals are shitty games?
Killzone is a shitty game? Medievil a shitty game too?

oh please for god sakes dont make me laugh.

I personally don't like any of those games, except for Final Fantasy on SNES, and Resident Evil on GameCube and DS.

November 14th, 2006, 00:41
Oh sorry, maybe you are a very old gamer who dont see the interest in some of the better games in the world.. it's your opinion, it's good for you if you make fun with that, then dont use the 360 as an arguments cause you'll just mess yourself up. (I'm perfectly OK with the fact that you dont like these games... it's your opinion you play with what you like!)

we all care for graphics!!! it's like a man who say, bleh i dont need a big car, i got mine which can take me anywhere, shut up, you want the big car, if you could own it, you'd be driving somewhere with it!

Nintendo maniacs are always crazy when a good looking game comes out on their system because they are not lucky on the graphics side...

dont ever tell me you're not happy that Zelda Twillight princess got so nice graphics! even if it's not next-gen it's still something arguably beautifull and artistic!

Graphics are what keeps the ambiance running, it's what get you in the game...
Story do a good part of that job too, music too!

gameplay is very fun, it's nice to see innovation, but when i'll play smash bros I WILL NOT PLAY with a ****ing wiimote, i'll play with the classic controller cause i dont want to be ****ing standing in my room shouting and making awfully looking moves while hitting my other friends in the face with my wiimote :@

November 14th, 2006, 00:46
dont ever tell me you're not happy that Zelda Twillight princess got so nice graphics! even if it's not next-gen it's still something arguably beautifull and artistic!
I can't argue with you there. Twilight Princess does look quite nice :)

gameplay is very fun, it's nice to see innovation, but when i'll play smash bros I WILL NOT PLAY with a ****ing wiimote, i'll play with the classic controller cause i dont want to be ****ing standing in my room shouting and making awfully looking moves while hitting my other friends in the face with my wiimote :@

I actually think that would be quite fun :p

November 14th, 2006, 00:46
theres res evil on 360 and a certain FF on wii

November 14th, 2006, 00:49
theres res evil on 360 and a certain FF on wii

Meh, Crystal Cronicles? I wasn't very impressed with the GameCube version. It was quite rrepetitive.

we all care for graphics!!! it's like a man who say, bleh i dont need a big car, i got mine which can take me anywhere, shut up, you want the big car, if you could own it, you'd be driving somewhere with it!

Also, yes I do care for graphics, but I more look for how good the game is. A shitty game with great graphics is still shitty. :x

November 14th, 2006, 00:51
needed two gba and two ****ing cable to play, **** crystal chronicles, if THAT is innovation, than it should be banned to hell

November 14th, 2006, 00:52
lol. Sony has angered Maddox, and now they are doomed :)

Maddox is awesome, even if he is a complete asshole

November 14th, 2006, 00:54
Sony is doomed. Maddox' word is law. Always has been.

November 14th, 2006, 00:54
lol. Sony has angered Maddox, and now they are doomed :)

Maddox is awesome, even if he is a complete asshole

Lmao, he is quite an arrogant asshole. But he's great :p

November 14th, 2006, 00:55
Why the Renée Zellweger hate!

November 14th, 2006, 00:56
Why the Renée Zellweger hate!

Because DKing, Maddox hates everyone, except himself :p

November 14th, 2006, 00:58
I'll probably beat maddox on argumentation, He still a angry asshole though!
but it's not because a guy use angry words, say **** all the time, and is saying that everything he think is law that he rules, that ****ing fascism!

opinion of guy like that should never be considered as objective, it's HIS though versus common sense

YOU HAVE to show facts to have reason, not only arguing violently and insolently and screaming on the face of the heart that you're more intelligent than everyone else

This guy SUCK even if reading his topics are funny as hell

November 14th, 2006, 01:00
i more or less agree with the sentiments behind his views. sony has lost the plot. i would say sony doesnt hate us, but there attitude towards us stinks. they are treating us like crap simply because they think they can - well of course they cant and they will learn this lesson painfully when the ps3 blows up like all the other shoddy shit they shovel down our necks. of all the sony stuff i have had the psp is the ONLY one lasting more than a year. im actually surprised the psp hasnt had reports of being blown up by duff batteries. i wonder what the next sony scandal will be. sony as a company has lost me forever and i wont be alone either. its a real shame when corporate greed takes the consumers needs, stuffs em in a black bin bag, and then burns them.

to quote a very wise man "I'm tired of Sony's bullshit" - Maddox

November 14th, 2006, 01:00

November 14th, 2006, 01:00
I'm tired of people flogging a dead horse. Sony has done some shitty things, but we already know that.

BTW, I plan on owning the PS3, Wii, and X360 very shortly, so no favorites here, I just hope everyone delivers what they say.

November 14th, 2006, 01:04
i more or less agree with the sentiments behind his views. sony has lost the plot. i would say sony doesnt hate us, but there attitude towards us stinks. they are treating us like crap simply because they think they can - well of course they cant and they will learn this lesson painfully when the ps3 blows up like all the other shoddy shit they shovel down our necks. of all the sony stuff i have had the psp is the ONLY one lasting more than a year. im actually surprised the psp hasnt had reports of being blown up by duff batteries. i wonder what the next sony scandal will be. sony as a company has lost me forever and i wont be alone either. its a real shame when corporate greed takes the consumers needs, stuffs em in a black bin bag, and then burns them.

to quote a very wise man "I'm tired of Sony's bullshit" - Maddox

NICE! THEN GO BUY A 360 and stop whining while I'm playing with MGS4 and having the greatest time of my whole gamer life.

Yes i know mgs4 didn't come out yet, but everybody know that hideo kojima games always kick the ass of that sons of a bitch of sam fisher, go jump of a cliff the way you awfully did on xbox my dear sam!

November 14th, 2006, 01:06
NICE! THEN GO BUY A 360 and stop whining while I'm playing with MGS4 and having the greatest time of my whole gamer life.

Yes i know mgs4 didn't come out yet, but everybody know that hideo kojima games always kick the ass of that sons of a bitch of sam fisher, go jump of a cliff the way you awfully did on xbox my dear sam!

Why does everything end up going into fan boy flame wars?

Sony is doomed. Maddox' word is law. Always has been.

So true, but this has been said before he said it.

November 14th, 2006, 01:06
I'm no fanboy to argue on the side of sony, I got a 360 and i'm currently enjoying myself on Gears of War, Thanks! but i know that Ill have a better time with devil may cry 4, that all!

You're angry against sony because a guy that say I HATE YOU MORONS! I'M INTELLIGENT, YOU ARE NOT!
said that sony eat shit and **** it.

you believe it, his word are saints and to never be contradicted ever

shit were has common sense gone? make your own opinion and live a long and happy life without arguing on something that everybody do understand, SONY MADE SOME SHITTY MISTAKES

but you will still buy the ps3 cause it ownz, right?

I WILL, thanks.

November 14th, 2006, 01:08
Maddox used to be amusing a few years ago, but now he just sounds like every other angry fanboy out there. Hell he even bashed the xbox when it just came out, but that didn't stop microsoft from doing well though.
Hes just a blowhard with nothing original to say.

I don't care what anyone else thinks, the Playstation brand has given me 10 solid years of gaming and i'm not just about to turn my back on it over some rant.

Honestly Sony has made mistakes, but so has nintendo and microsoft in the past. Fanboys just seem to ignore that. ;)

November 14th, 2006, 01:12

I'll be soon enjoying myself on my ps3
while ignorant people pee on themself of fear cause maddox will get mad at them because they did not listen to his sacro saint word.

or worse, HE'LL get a ps3 and then scream to the world that IT ****ING OWNZ!

WORSE AGAIN, he'll buy it, and all he will have to say about it is that it's shit, while he will be jerking off on devil may cry 4

November 14th, 2006, 01:16
I'm no fanboy to argue on the side of sony, I got a 360 and i'm currently enjoying myself on Gears of War, Thanks! but i know that Ill have a better time with devil may cry 4, that all!

You're angry against sony because a guy that say I HATE YOU MORONS! I'M INTELLIGENT, YOU ARE NOT!
said that sony eat shit and **** it.

you believe it, his word are saints and to never be contradicted ever

shit were has common sense gone? make your own opinion and live a long and happy life without arguing on something that everybody do understand, SONY MADE SOME SHITTY MISTAKES

but you will still buy the ps3 cause it ownz, right?

I WILL, thanks.

No offence, but you do sound like quite a fan boy.

And Sony's mistakes will be the death of them this round in the console war. Just watch their sales, compared to Nintendo's.

November 14th, 2006, 01:19
I'm no fanboy to argue on the side of sony, I got a 360 and i'm currently enjoying myself on Gears of War, Thanks! but i know that Ill have a better time with devil may cry 4, that all!

You're angry against sony because a guy that say I HATE YOU MORONS! I'M INTELLIGENT, YOU ARE NOT!
said that sony eat shit and **** it.

you believe it, his word are saints and to never be contradicted ever

shit were has common sense gone? make your own opinion and live a long and happy life without arguing on something that everybody do understand, SONY MADE SOME SHITTY MISTAKES

but you will still buy the ps3 cause it ownz, right?

I WILL, thanks.

No, I plan on owning a PS3 because I collect systems. Not only that, I'm a huge fan of Sony's lineup of the past and it will continue to get better. But Sony sure has been acting weird and pulling down their business themselves. Nothing anyone says can make me change my opinions one way or another. If they keep doing what they have been doing recently, they will bury themselves this generation.

Chill man. I never claimed his word a "saints" word, but he isn't wrong about it in this respect. I'm just hoping that the PS3 doesn't die off because of Sony's crap mistakes recently. Bad rep tends to stick for a long time.

November 14th, 2006, 01:21
GREAT ARTICLE!!! My EXACT emotions about Sony. I hate them so much right now. They deserve to go out of business. F$%^ you Sony, F$%^ you

November 14th, 2006, 01:23
He disrespect everyone and that make me ****ing angry :@

sony sure made mistakes, but who cares!
the ps3 will beat the crap out of me for sure.

sony always made me thankfull, they made MUCH MISTAKE IN THE PAST
but that didnt keep them from fixing them and going beyond everyone thought!

I dont like sony, i like what sony did, and what sony make
i'm sattisfied with that. that's all

November 14th, 2006, 01:25
sorry for those grammaticals mistakes, but as you probably saw, i'm proficient in english, but it's not my first language.. and my young age is beating me on the edge of stupidity it seems. at least realizing that I make mistakes keeps me away from the deep depths of hell... just like sony.

I thrust them.

November 14th, 2006, 01:25
He disrespect everyone and that make me ****ing angry :@

Wow, quit your crying. Obviously you don't know Maddox. He hates everyone. That's what he does. He sits around on his arrogant ass, and hates people.

November 14th, 2006, 01:31
He disrespect everyone and that make me ****ing angry :@

sony sure made mistakes, but who cares!
the ps3 will beat the crap out of me for sure.

sony always made me thankfull, they made MUCH MISTAKE IN THE PAST
but that didnt keep them from fixing them and going beyond everyone thought!

I dont like sony, i like what sony did, and what sony make
i'm sattisfied with that. that's all

I don't like Sony from the the PR viewpoint. But they have a lot of making up to do to get anything going again. Look how many people are pissed here. Look how many were pissed before Maddox said anything. Everything he's said has been said by numerous people before; nothing new. Chill, go play with your PS3 when it comes. I'll be double handling my Wii when I get it (if you can't tell, I'm not getting a launch PS3, too much possibility with bugs and other crap (no outstanding launch games)).

You know you laughed.

November 14th, 2006, 01:31
Yeah, this is just same old Maddox. He loves to stir up hate. Not surprising or original to me.

His sheep will lap it up though. hehe

Basil Zero
November 14th, 2006, 01:32
We're dating your younger, hotter sister, Wii.

best line ever

November 14th, 2006, 01:33
You know man, i'm not getting it at launch myself...
but i'll be getting the wii
the ps3 will wait till january

but i know that when i'll get my hand on that ps3 thing.. the wii will stay beside, and i'll only play with him with my friends on multiplayers games that kick ass

November 14th, 2006, 01:36
You know man, i'm not getting it at launch myself...
but i'll be getting the wii
the ps3 will wait till january

but i know that when i'll get my hand on that ps3 thing.. the wii will stay beside, and i'll only play with him with my friends on multiplayers games that kick ass

I'll play you when the new Armored Core comes to rule the world for a few months.

November 14th, 2006, 01:38
Armored core is for ps3...
so i'll play it too, be sure of that ;)

anyway keep arguing guys, i'm out, got road to kill.

Cap'n 1time
November 14th, 2006, 02:25
Armored core is for ps3...
so i'll play it too, be sure of that ;)

anyway keep arguing guys, i'm out, got road to kill.

no one is really arguing... except... you?

November 14th, 2006, 02:43
Alright Maddox! Gotta love the guy.

Though personally if Sony ever drops out and I have to choose between Microsoft and Nintendo, I'll stick to PC games. It's almost reached that point now anyway and both companies have ****ed me over one time too many. (Though Sony seems to be going for the high score)

November 14th, 2006, 03:39
Why is it that everyone feels the need to flame sony!Sure they made mistakes,but which gaming company has'nt!Without Sony none of you would be able to play a frigging PSP!Much less homebrew.The ones that hate on Sony are a bunch of hypocrites!You flame the company yet your playing with their product.The main reason they want to stop homebrew is because of the friggin EMULATORS and ISO piracy!Instead of helping the devloper your just ripping them off!Thats why most of them are ditchin' the system in favor of the DS!So give your self a standing ovation for killing the PSP and then blaming Sony for it!

I was running 2.71 SE-B on my PSP,but the homebrew scene got boring.Now I have a 2.81.
BTW i'm not bitter about updating!

November 14th, 2006, 04:04
Haha, my point exactly. Focusing on purely graphics. And a 350GB hard drive?! What the hell do you need that for on a PS3? Probably for piracy. The original Xbox has an 8GB hard drive and I haven't even filled that up, even with a modded Xbox.

When it comes to space its never about using all of it. Its about "is it there, should I need it?" If/When you fill up your X360 hard-drive and have nothing to do about it but buy a propriety Microsoft upgrade for triple the cost a Maxtor, Western Digital or Seagate drive, you will be pissed.

Its the fact that as a consumer I have the option to stick in that 350gig hard drive (which a 300gig 7200RPM drive sells for 89 bucks at a computer show). And not only that, but the PS3 will be functional as a computer system as well, and Sony has put in implementation for installing another OS instead of Linux.

Sony hands the consumer all of these options, while Microsoft thwarts them at every corner...

I must really hand it to Sony on their decisions regarding the PS3 and its perhaps the smartest decisions they have made in a long, long time.

November 14th, 2006, 04:17
I completely aggree with the ranting! $ony are a bunch of tight-assed japs that care about nothing but the dollar (or yen)

They will do anything to make money, even if it involves taking one step forward and two steps back... as has been the case lately...

November 14th, 2006, 04:19
Alright Maddox! Gotta love the guy.

Though personally if Sony ever drops out and I have to choose between Microsoft and Nintendo, I'll stick to PC games. It's almost reached that point now anyway and both companies have ****ed me over one time too many. (Though Sony seems to be going for the high score)

I like this guy the PC rules but the DREACAST is AS GOOD! Too bad Sega left they would have had somthing going by now!

I agree The PC is the only real logical choice left. The Xbox 360 is still too expensive for the majority of people and Sony is just retarted asking $600 USD for theirs this is sooooooooo un-cool of sony.

We all should sue them! when we bought the PSP all the games were supposed to work out of the box now we are forced to do somthig we don't want to do upgrade our PSP's I did not sign up for driver upgrades makes me feel like I have a mobile PC that needs the latest driver software to keep my PC running correctly.

The Answer is sue the piss out of Sony cost them so much money in legal fee's thats what hurts a big company like that. Besides it's the only language they understand.

Make them make games that work on our 1.5 PSP's I bought the dam thing now they are saying I can't play there games without upgrading? That's Bullshit!


November 14th, 2006, 04:33
Venting frustration..... maybe!

GEEEEEEEE........... who didn't get any last night?


November 14th, 2006, 04:36
The Answer is sue the piss out of Sony cost them so much money in legal fee's thats what hurts a big company like that. Besides it's the only language they understand.

Good luck on that man... Won't ever happen. Hell an alien invasion is more probable. :D


Venting frustration..... maybe!

GEEEEEEEE........... who didn't get any last night?


Hah for real. Honestly, he sits behind a monitor and types up all that, like he's got balls? Who does he think he is? He's a nobody, save the few 'followers' he has, which makes his life even more pathetic.

November 14th, 2006, 04:49
Some dude Maddox? The guy's huge, I'm surprised to read of people not knowing him on the internet of all places.

November 14th, 2006, 04:55
'fraid I don't know of him and don't really care to know him. What does he offer aside from sensationalist editorials? What does he have aside from his net friends? He probably has no friends in real life and is finally living his dream online because fools tend to be the majority here on the net.

I am sorry if I am offending anyone here, but seriously, think for yourself, don't need to follow the whims of an arrogant, self-righteous blogger.

November 14th, 2006, 05:08
Hehe, People are silly.
Sony *Has* made bad mistakes.
Maddox Is halarious (his mean-nes his comedy).
PS3, XBOX 360, and Wii...Its gonna be based on games, in the end.
But yeah, Its all good for me. Sony attacking the little guys is annoying, but I quess we gotta live with it. Either way, were here for PSP emulation, I think, so other matters seem less important. Just remember, if PS3 keeps up with the PS2's trend of good games, it'll probably continue to stay on top (though its looking doubtful right now) Also Wii will sell strong (at least at first, probably throughout) and the 360 wont really take off until Halo 3 comes out. Well, thats my opinion on many random topics Ive seen so far. Happy Hunting :)

November 14th, 2006, 05:18
Hi I havnt really posted too many opionions but sony isnt so terrible . I think the whole psp being updated so u cant have homebrew suxs but if u have 2 psps like i do it really dont matter lol. I think the ps3 is a little pricy because u can get a computer for that price that can play very good games and is expandible and it has more ram video memory and clock speed. I dont blame people not likein sony because of how much money they want to make. I think 360 and ps3 are equal because look at the specks 360 has 512 ram custom video card and 3 3.2 ghz cores while ps3 has 256 ram a 256 video card w/shared memory and it has 6 cores so basically they are equal 360 2x's ram memory and ps3 2x's as much cores so if u look at it at that perspective they are equal, what is making sony's system so expensive is blue ray but look at 360's hd dvd drive its expensive too like199.99 plus the 399.99 360 system so same price what the console wars between them two is if hd is better than blue ray. if u look at it at the titles for the systems i think wii will rule with zelda twilight princess or 360 may rule with gears of war. The only thing sony is great on in my opionion is mgs4 But it will have to deal with the popularity of halo 3 next year in 2007. My piont is sony is shakey this holiday season but it should be big next year and next year we will see if zelda keeps its fame and we will see if halo 3 is the next best thing or even maybe mgs4 might take over. I like them all but sony is too pricey, wii doesnt have the best graphics but undoubtibly awesome games, and 360 if it has better games and newer franchises like gears of war 360 i think could be the one to rule all (but 360 has the cool a** halo and gears of war) :)

November 14th, 2006, 05:21
Man this mattox guy aint nothin special and yall know it. He's not the only one flaming the ps3 so he's not unique at all. Everybody is doing it so what makes him special. I mean come on its like sony tripped and fell and now everyone is kicking it while its down lol. Seriously I want to come to this site to see some homebrew up for psp but thats kinda slow now. Then I come on and its more of this sony bashing. Sony already bashed theyselves enough so I dont think they need anymore help lol. Oh yea I'm getting me a PS3 too but not on launch because of price. So I guess I'll be playing with a wii til early 07.

Makaveli out.....

November 14th, 2006, 05:31
ahmen preach it homie preach it.

November 14th, 2006, 06:01

Despite the angry and lots of obscenities on his post, Maddox has a point. Sony become too egoist to hear the customer's complaints and too selfish to believe they are right. Their product quality is too low and services too ugly to even ask the company to honor any warranty, if any.

We all in the DCEmu community that reads the PSP and PS3 news noticed the following:

1. Sony advertise the PS3 as a computer and multimedia machine; not a game console. Playing BluRay discs, loading a Linux based OS, having a HDD to store data does not mean sucess in sales. Specially if the console costs $400 - 500. Latest technology in entertainment doesn't mean the customer wants all this for a machine intended to play games.

2. The UMD movies on PSP. The availability of video and audio conversion tools for PSP and the reduced cost of Memory Sticks to store all that doesn't make necesary to just buy a disc to just watch and not play on a portable gaming machine.

3. Most PSP games are shrinking versions of PSone or PS2 games with special features. Very few games are developed exclusively on PSP. This can be a reason of weight for customers to decide wich portable system will acquire.

4. Legal problems. Lawsuits from Immersion about the dual shock controllers, the legal action against Bleem! and Connectix for their commercial PSone emulators and recently the lawsuit against Lik-Sang destroys the opportunity Sony needs to expand their market and cost them too much money to keep almost any part of the company operational.

It is time that Sony reconsider a complete company restructuration on every single corporative scale. If they want to keep their name and customer trust alive. Otherwise, November 11 and 17 will start the downfall of the Giant Japanese Corporation.

November 14th, 2006, 06:03
What are people like F9zDark talking about?!?! Look-- Maddox has spent time, writen a great article, outlining some great points. We owe it to ourselves to listen, and ultimately come to our own decisions. I agree with him 100% (except I feel the PSP is the perfect homebrew device). Keep it up Maddox. Thanks for telling the truth, and laying into Sony big time. They deserve worse...

November 14th, 2006, 06:15
i couldnt have said it better myself. but i do like my psp only becuse its 1.50 and it only cost me 50 bucks so sony didnt make a dime off me

November 14th, 2006, 07:03
I dont like Sony.. theyre methods are a bit.. strange
I might get a PS3.. although I have all the media capabilities I need with my modded XBOX the connectivity between the psp and homebrew from the start the games dont worry me the only games Ive completed on any system (and Ive owned all since PS1) are the Final Fantasy and Suikoden series
I find myself playing pirates on my C64 emu most :p

everyone should just buy second hand consoles and games.. or hire them :D

November 14th, 2006, 07:46
The fact is, competition delivers more quality in terms of hardware (see Nintendo - Microsoft).

November 14th, 2006, 08:59
An irrefutible truth unfortunately :( $ony have ****ed off too many people now and its going to hurt them :mad: My Wii is on pre-order and my PS3 aspirations are cancelled :rolleyes: Because of their general attitude Im boycotting all of $onys products (it might just be me but when I go to a retailers the $ony badge has become a sign of evil! :eek: ).. They no longer provide the best goods and should really try to make love not war to save their empire :o

November 14th, 2006, 10:48
i dont usually respond to fanboy retards but this time i have to.

but you will still buy the ps3 cause it ownz, right?

NO!!! i wont, and NO!!! it doesnt. i dont like what sony is doing and i wont pay the insane prices. if you have more money than brain cells go out and buy a ps3 - then when it dies dont come crying to us.

I WILL, thanks.
good for you - i hope you regret your purchase - fanboys deserve everything they get.

mr_nick666 i am doing the same thing as you. and also im also seriously considering dumping my psp.

November 14th, 2006, 11:03
LMAO , i see this guy like another "Jack Thompson"


Everyone can post bullshit on the internet so they can get "known" for something , anything , they want atention .

November 14th, 2006, 11:04
i dont usually respond to fanboy retards but this time i have to.

NO!!! i wont, and NO!!! it doesnt. i dont like what sony is doing and i wont pay the insane prices. if you have more money than brain cells go out and buy a ps3 - then when it dies dont come crying to us.

good for you - i hope you regret your purchase - fanboys deserve everything they get.

mr_nick666 i am doing the same thing as you. and also im also seriously considering dumping my psp.

Sorry to bust in but you sound like a fanboy too.

November 14th, 2006, 11:05
Complete and utterly wrong. I have proven time and again and so-far remain undefeated, about showing the specs of the PS3 and X360. The PS3 has ram that runs at 3.0ghz as opposed to the X360's piss-poor 700mhz ram clock.

That alone will beat the shit out the 360 when Xbox owners are feeling the heat 4 to 5 years from now when the games have maxed out on the system.

The PS3, on the other hand will be producing improving games for at least 6 to 7 years.

Not to mention, X360 owners are ****ed with their 20 or 40 gb hard disks; while PS3 users can install any hard-drive they want and one article put in a 350gb hard drive in their PS3.

Well, I for one have actually read plenty of hardware reports about both systems & their underlying archtecture, and if anything they are basically similar in terms of performmance, with sony maybe having a very slight advantage, XBOX ( Triple Core ) , PS3 ( 1core, 8 SPE's ) still the xbox ati chip has a unified shader architecture & high order geometry, the graphics core is amazing (C1/R600) & from my view more interesting than the RSX, for some reason the new nvidia GPU is a unified architecture aswell as for RSX it is not, both systems are well balanced and graphics wise incredibly powerful, but we'll see in a year or two how games fare. Each systems has very specific advantages in some key points & they differ from system to system.
As for the HD, 1st no hd is needed to play or improve booting times on xbox, they are fast enough, maybe BD-ROM is slower & it gains advantage by copying, not sure, but it's a bit lame from my point of view. why have 25gb of data if u need to copy a good part of them to load games before u'r beard grows thick.

MS gave a bit of a shoot on the foot with the video service in terms of space, but it's not games, it's media content, & no doubt they'll just put out a new hd some time in the future, or will be able to mod the HD, to lay off the steam on it. The ps3 does look good but too damn expensive for what it does. Wii has the best balance & wiill rule.

Since when did consoles stopped being abot games & about being media whores!!!
If i want a media center I'll buy a pc wich i can do much more with upgrade at any time with barely no effort & no warranty voiding!

November 14th, 2006, 13:37

Oh so devil may cry is a shitty game? GT a shitty game? MGS are shitty games?
Syphon filters are shitty games? Tekken are shitty games? Final fantasy are shitty games?
Resident evil are shitty games? (they usually come out on ps first), Twisted metals are shitty games?
Killzone is a shitty game? Medievil a shitty game too?

Every single game mentioned there is shit. The only things remotely good about it is the graphics. Most of the games you mention are repetitive, not inovative and unoriginal. The only remotely ok game is final fantasy, even that has taken a turn for the worse when it started appearing on the ps. The only version which appeared on ps which was ok was 7 (that was on pc as well and pc version was better imo). 8-12 are all cack, just movies with the occasional button press.

November 14th, 2006, 14:57
YOU HAVE to show facts to have reason, not only arguing violently and insolently and screaming on the face of the heart that you're more intelligent than everyone else

Maybe you should listen to your own advice ssnake

And please stop saying how amazing DMC3 and MGS4 are when these games aren't even nearly out yet. If they don't yet exist then how can you claim they are better or worse than any other game?

November 14th, 2006, 15:07
hmm, lol

November 14th, 2006, 15:25
I think that the PS3 looks beutiful. I can't wait to get mine. The fact thay you can easily install linux on it is a wonderful move on Sony's part. I'm far more excited for the PS3 than I am about anything having to do with the 360. I am buying a Wii, just for the fun factor. I want my PS3 just for the raw power and grace that it's going to bring to games. The perfection gof the PS3 controller to the hard not to drool over power of the Cell. I'm not trying to act like a Sony fanboy but I guess I kind of am. I just really love what there doing with the "next gen" consoles, there the only company thats using technology thats actually "next gen". The 360 is an ugly white box with a terribly designed controller and not one decent game on the system, not to mention that it's M$ nuff said.

November 14th, 2006, 15:34
"Wow that was a tad controversial, anyone got an opinion on what was posted?"

how is it remotely controversial? if someone could call oxford and tell them to put that passage next to "Zeitgeist" in the dictionary, it would be just fantastic.

November 14th, 2006, 16:39
Sony needs money for everyone and everything

November 14th, 2006, 16:53
just out of curiosity, why the **** is this on the site?

you're slow enough on keeping the news new on this site, and now you're putting editorials from other unrelated sites here. brillliant.

i come here to read news about the psp homebrew scene. the amount of psp and sony bashing here recently is just not for me.
plenty of other sites around can give me psp news without any unasked for opinions. so, i'm tired of YOUR bullshit.

oh, and by the way. if you bother to read, maddox hates EVERYTHING.
"No updates are better than your updates.
Even if I suddenly had a lapse in judgement and decided that it would be a good idea to take suggestions for topics from you idiots, I think I would come to my senses as soon as I read the first few." (http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=your_stupid_ideas)

the funny thing is, an idiot did just the opposite of that.

November 14th, 2006, 17:40

Oh so devil may cry is a shitty game? GT a shitty game? MGS are shitty games?
Syphon filters are shitty games? Tekken are shitty games? Final fantasy are shitty games?
Resident evil are shitty games? (they usually come out on ps first), Twisted metals are shitty games?
Killzone is a shitty game? Medievil a shitty game too?

Every single game mentioned there is shit. The only things remotely good about it is the graphics. Most of the games you mention are repetitive, not inovative and unoriginal. The only remotely ok game is final fantasy, even that has taken a turn for the worse when it started appearing on the ps. The only version which appeared on ps which was ok was 7 (that was on pc as well and pc version was better imo). 8-12 are all cack, just movies with the occasional button press.

I have to disagree with your thought on those games.

1. Devil May Cry has been a good series so far, the story and gameplay are gripping and draw you in from start to finish (even though 2 was repetitive)
2. Gran Tourismo, though I'm not a car game fan, it's by far one of the best (if not the best) racing simulation game out there, and has been since GT1 for PS1.
3. Don't get me started on the MGS series. You really ought to go back and play them from NES and on starting with Metal Gear. This series is one big awsome action movie with tons of great game play and loads of replay value. MGS4 looks to not disappoint, Hideo Kojima looks to present another masterpiece.
4. Syphon Filter series, this is usually overshadowed by the MGS series, but still a good and fun game.
5. Tekken, not a fan. Soul Calibur or DOA rules this genre.
6. Final Fantasy, you have to be an RPG lover to like this series. The stories and characters are incredibly complex but easy to follow. This is another movie/game combo. Almost everyone loves this series.
7. Resident Evil. Thats all I really have to say. How is it not innovative or original? It created it's own genre, how "unoriginal" is that? The story lines are outstanding (except for the outbreak games and dead aim, eww, what was capcom thinking).
8. Twisted Metal and Medieval, not a big fan of either. Some people have their own tastes.
9. Killzone and Killzone: Liberation are simply incredible.

Some people have different tastes. Obviously, your tastes are different than ssnake's and many others, but hey, that's your right I guess. If you check, the sales totals on those games, they are right up there near the top (not so much with Twisted Metal or Medieval) of some of the best selling game of all time. If some don't have such great sales, it's a matter of opinion whether or not the game is good.

Many people hated Killswitch for PS2. I loved it. I thought it was a decent challenge of a game and it looked pretty good. Plus, it only cost me $10, hell of a deal I say.

November 14th, 2006, 17:44
:) I hate Sony, but I do like my psp only because it’s 1.50 and it only cost me 70 bucks + I have a 120 game in ISO`s, so Sony didn’t make a dime off me. :thumbup: :rofl:

November 14th, 2006, 17:57
Every single game mentioned there is shit. The only things remotely good about it is the graphics. Most of the games you mention are repetitive, not inovative and unoriginal. The only remotely ok game is final fantasy, even that has taken a turn for the worse when it started appearing on the ps. The only version which appeared on ps which was ok was 7 (that was on pc as well and pc version was better imo). 8-12 are all cack, just movies with the occasional button press.

Actually, it's actually your opinion that is shit. So is mine, as well. In fact, I can say the exact same thing (i.e. not innovative, unoriginal, etc.) about the similar games on both the XBox and the GameCube. :rofl:

Also the PC port of FF7 was the worse. It uses the Glide miniGL renderer instead of proper OpenGL, so it screws up on more modern video cards without having to use some 3rd party patches. :p

November 14th, 2006, 17:57
Wow, the average age of posters in this thread is about 11. Comments made by maddox will affect PS3 sales by approx 0.0000000002% and anyone who thinks otherwise is incredibly niave.

November 14th, 2006, 18:13
Wow the fan boys are out in force here. Sum of you need to check ur arguments. pax13 has it pretty much smack on, the xbox360 and ps3 are pretty much even in power. Kojima has said himself that mgs4 could run on the 360, assasins creed a former ps3 exclusive has better AI on the 360 because the ps3 cant handle it. RR7 is almost identicle to RR6 graphically, check this http://kotaku.com/gaming/ridge-racer/360-ps3-ridge-racer-differences-214519.php

Ill prob get flamed to hell for been a microsoft fan boy, and yes i do own a 360. I also own a sony bravia HD tv, a sony psp, a sony ericsson mobile and a ps1 and ps2 so flame away. wont be buying a ps3 for a long time, price is way too high and im sick of sony pissing all over the PAL territories and the little man.

November 14th, 2006, 18:17
I personally don't like any of those games, except for Final Fantasy on SNES, and Resident Evil on GameCube and DS.

i agree wit u:thumbup:

On the real, sony is gonna lose the console war just like how sega did.... exactly how sega did... but the difference is that sega was good n sony wasnt. (notice how i say wasnt because im predicting the future about sony's health) At least sega games were fun to play(back in the day) and you could always come back to them in good intentions to have the same kind of fun as you did when you first played it. The same goes for nintendo. Ive never have gotten bored of nintendo games even after ive beaten them hundreds of times. for instance y'all kno bout super mario and donkey kong right?? i play those games even now... today. (and ive had these games since i was 6... when they just came out too...i practically know the game like the back of my hand including ALL of the secrets=P:cool: ) The reason why i keep on playing these games is because they were so fun. With all the ps games ive played( and beaten) there is not one i would go back and do again. theyre all boring after beating it ONCE!!! For instance, metal gear solid.... ive beaten that game once and ill never go back to play it again. Even though it had its challenges its not worth playing. Now you might ask... why do you play the sony games? Dont get me wrong... ill play any game for enjoyment but, i like games that will actually last me for a long time(like my snes games.... its still conected to the tv=D) Most if not all of sony's games haven't satisfied me( not counting final fantasy 7... only 7:D ) As far as im concerned, sony should stop looking at performance and graphical imagery adn start looking at gameplay. they should've learned that since the ps1 days. great graphics are good... who can disagree? but gameplay is even better. this is why ds is selling more in japan than psp. All im trying to say is that sony has kept on making the same mistakes over and over again and this will lead them to their downfall... for good...:cool:

November 14th, 2006, 18:48
well said totally agree. Poor Sega, i miss my Dreamcast :( , lol!

November 14th, 2006, 19:55
Sorry to bust in but you sound like a fanboy too.

i am feeling more or less the same way as maddox i just dont express my feelings as fully as maddox does.
sooo i guess im a fan of maddox :rofl:

November 14th, 2006, 21:50
"The word "shitty" in the previous sentence is a bit misleading,
since I also use the word to describe Renée Zellweger's life"

this guy is crazy.. :D

Sony wants nothing but your money..

after the portable toy (DS), Nintendo made a desktop toy (the Wii) for you..
they came out with the Gameboy 15 years ago..
their aim age-group was the 20-25
why the researches came out with the 08-16 years olds' group??

because Nintendo manufactures video TOYS!!
nothing wrong with that, less bloodbath and stuff..
silly childish games.. someone needs that.. I like them too.. ^^ ( not that much :) )

but don't you f*ckin compare it with the PSP,
which is a gaming/multimedia console..

compare the xbox360 with the PS3! :D
I saw xb360 on hdtv, and I think it just outmarched the PS2's gfx quality.. :D

PS3 will rock!!
it's a f*ckin powermachine! :D
fastest consumer "computer" to date.. if you think a little..

by the way UMD sux bigtime in my opinion too..

November 14th, 2006, 22:19
Well I'm afraid I must also add my negative outlook on SONY also. I just read today that the PS3 has a problem with backward compatibility. Some PS2 & PS1 games won't work correctly with sound not playing or graphic glitches.

With all of the bull$hit SONY has put its consumers through lately you'd think their upcoming star, the PS3 would have had extra care and quality assurance put in to ensure there were not hiccups like in previous PlayStation consoles.

I don't think I'll be able to afford the $600.00 in a few days for the PS3, but I'm not really too distraught about it. I've been playing more portable games lately anyway.

Its sad because SONY has long been touted as a high-end consumer electronics giant. Now they have their tentacles spread in so many different places that they can't seem to focus on any one thing to make any of their products spectacular.

Whatever, I started out with Nintendo so I hope they do good with the Wii. Maybe I'll get a Wii before a PS3.

November 14th, 2006, 22:50
"The word "shitty" in the previous sentence is a bit misleading,
since I also use the word to describe Renée Zellweger's life"

this guy is crazy.. :D

Sony wants nothing but your money..

after the portable toy (DS), Nintendo made a desktop toy (the Wii) for you..
they came out with the Gameboy 15 years ago..
their aim age-group was the 20-25
why the researches came out with the 08-16 years olds' group??

because Nintendo manufactures video TOYS!!
nothing wrong with that, less bloodbath and stuff..
silly childish games.. someone needs that.. I like them too.. ^^ ( not that much :) )

but don't you f*ckin compare it with the PSP,
which is a gaming/multimedia console..

compare the xbox360 with the PS3! :D
I saw xb360 on hdtv, and I think it just outmarched the PS2's gfx quality.. :D

PS3 will rock!!
it's a f*ckin powermachine! :D
fastest consumer "computer" to date.. if you think a little..

by the way UMD sux bigtime in my opinion too..

Another person focusing purely on graphics. I've been a fan of Nintendo since I was 6 and I had a NES, I'm 17 now and I've had every Nintendo system, except GameBoy Pocket, and I will always go with Nintendo, although I own a PSP and an Xbox, because they, in my opinion are by far the best. They have the best games, and are not arrogant assholes, like Sony.

Well I'm afraid I must also add my negative outlook on SONY also. I just read today that the PS3 has a problem with backward compatibility. Some PS2 & PS1 games won't work correctly with sound not playing or graphic glitches.

More reason not to buy a PS3. Nintendo is basically backwards compatable (you download these games, as with PSP PSX emulator) with NES, SNES, select Genesis games, N64, and is backwards compatible with GameCube. Nintendo kicks Sony's and Microsoft's asses on the backwards compatibility issue.

6. Final Fantasy, you have to be an RPG lover to like this series. The stories and characters are incredibly complex but easy to follow. This is another movie/game combo. Almost everyone loves this series.

I in fact, am an RPG lover, and I don't much like Final Fantasy, except for the SNES versions.

November 15th, 2006, 00:12
What are people like F9zDark talking about?!?! Look-- Maddox has spent time, writen a great article, outlining some great points. We owe it to ourselves to listen, and ultimately come to our own decisions. I agree with him 100% (except I feel the PSP is the perfect homebrew device). Keep it up Maddox. Thanks for telling the truth, and laying into Sony big time. They deserve worse...

Are you serious? Many of us have posted the same shit a week to two weeks ago! Him complaining of the Lik- Sang scandal two weeks later hardly qualifies his 'rantings' as an article.

Maddox is just a ****ing loser, preying on those who can't think for themselves. Take a look back at some of the posts in the DCEmu News section pertaining to Lik-Sang; you'll see many of the same ideas that he purports, yet none of those who said them first got a cult following...

November 15th, 2006, 01:19
Why hate?

Just go do something else.

If the point of this article was to bring in as many Sony haters as possible then have fun.
I hope you achieve your goal.

I would have been more impressed with the article if the author had simply stated Sony's "extreme" short comings
and then asked if you think that Sony has your best interests in mind.

Instead the rhetoric is as thick as the ugly sister jokes.
Not funny, not helpful and certainly not enlightening.

November 15th, 2006, 01:27
:) Guys I agree with you 100% the SONY is SUCKS, but I think the PSP is the perfect homebrew device if compare to GP32, GP2x or Nintendo DS :thumbup:

November 15th, 2006, 01:27
Why hate?

Just go do something else.

If the point of this article was to bring in as many Sony haters as possible then have fun.
I hope you achieve your goal.

I would have been more impressed with the article if the author has simply stated Sony's "extreme" short comings
and then asked if you think that Sony has your best interests in mind.

Instead the rhetoric is as thick the ugly sister jokes.
Not funny, not helpful and certainly not enlightening.
Apparently you don't know Maddox. Maddox hates everyone, and everything. He sits on his ass all day and hates.
A quote from his website:

This page is about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong.

November 15th, 2006, 01:42
Maddox is racist toward 360. :( When the Wii comes out, and the effect of using a cute little new type of controller wears off, people are going to realize that the Wii isn't that great. The 360 deserves more respect for how great it is.

November 15th, 2006, 01:46
Maddox is racist toward 360. :( When the Wii comes out, and the effect of using a cute little new type of controller wears off, people are going to realize that the Wii isn't that great. The 360 deserves more respect for how great it is.

Do I seriously have to say it again?!

Maddox hates everything. When the Wii comes out he will hate that too.

November 15th, 2006, 03:54
maddox is starting to slip
this didnt contain the amount of hatred as his others were

November 15th, 2006, 04:28
Do I seriously have to say it again?!

Maddox hates everything. When the Wii comes out he will hate that too.

Who really cares that he hates everything. I don't. He who hates everything, enjoys nothing. Have a good life, or rather, lack thereof, Maddox.

November 15th, 2006, 04:36
Who really cares that he hates everything. I don't. He who hates everything, enjoys nothing. Have a good life, or rather, lack thereof, Maddox.

It's just slightly annoying, when people keep complaining about Maddox talking shit about something they enjoy.

November 15th, 2006, 12:34
Ahh, Maddox. I personally wouldn't give his words the time of day, but that's just because he really gets enough attention as it is.

Of course, he thrives on it all, look at his post where he compares himself to big food chains (which of course a horribly irrelevant comparison) and claims that he gathers a lot of respect. I doubt many he is much respected as is given attention. For the people who admire him, it's probably as a scapegoat. Either because he says some of the things that they'd like to say but don't want to take the social responsibility for the backlash (which is why it's so much easier to say them online), or because he makes them all look like better people.

Of course everything he says is a comedy act which I guess a lot of people find funny, and maybe they respect his sheer ability to argue. By that I mean his ability to exaggerate and misemphasize to manipulate anything into making him look right. If you look at what he's actually saying it's not difficult to find flaws, but the driving force of his confidence and experience makes him just about impervious to an argument of more generically presented common sense.

That's just a mild analysis though, for those who haven't read further into what he says. There really isn't any point complaining about him (especially not when he deeply enjoys any opportunity to belittle opposition). All in all he's just some jackass whom a lot of people enjoy watching as some kind of public spectacle. He might garner attention and even admiration in his "poetic" skills but I doubt anyone really takes his opinions to heart.

November 15th, 2006, 17:18
maddox is starting to slip
this didnt contain the amount of hatred as his others were

That doesnt make the guy any cooler / less cooler than before. IMO, he is an attention seeking jackass with nothing better to do than bitch about anything that comes his way. Some things may be correct and some opinions are the opinions we all share... but I would have given it the time of day if he wouldn't act like a spoilt little brat about any console / developers / game that have the slightest sniff of controversy.
My opinion - spoilt little brat .

November 15th, 2006, 18:58
Maddox is the shit, ive been reading his pages since about 1998 I think, the stuff he comes out with is funny, even stuff that might rub you the wrong way is funny. I bought the 'Alaphabet of manlyness' when I was in the states last, it just takes him to a whole new level, he's worked hard to get to where he's at.

And you know its all true, Sony is utter bollox, I gave up hope & finally bought my 1st 360 a few weeks back for Dead rising & Oblivion, and now GTA IV's coming out for 360 at the same time, i doubt i'll buy a PS3 until they're cheap as chips.

I have however stoppped playing only homebrew on my psp for an actual UMD game at the minute, I managed to pick up GTA VCS on play last week for only £20, but thats because I know a greater share of that will go towards Rockstar, not sony.

November 15th, 2006, 19:27
I do feel like buying a ds and selling my psp...

Cap'n 1time
November 15th, 2006, 21:45
Maddox's point is that he can make a website and post whatever he wants on it. no is forcing you to read his work (except when we post something related of his on our forums). Anyway Maddox as a person is not really the topic of this discussion, his article is.

November 15th, 2006, 21:59
That doesnt make the guy any cooler / less cooler than before. IMO, he is an attention seeking jackass with nothing better to do than bitch about anything that comes his way. Some things may be correct and some opinions are the opinions we all share... but I would have given it the time of day if he wouldn't act like a spoilt little brat about any console / developers / game that have the slightest sniff of controversy.
My opinion - spoilt little brat .

I know
but reading this
it was really boring compared to other atricles

I really dont care about him, its somewhat amusing when all the fanboys go nuts then write F U comments ect...

November 16th, 2006, 03:14
Maddox's point is that he can make a website and post whatever he wants on it. no is forcing you to read his work (except when we post something related of his on our forums). Anyway Maddox as a person is not really the topic of this discussion, his article is.

Maybe so, but his article isn't even a relevant one and truly makes the community look bad considering that many of his points were stated here first, by members of this community, as the shit hit the fan.

He comes into the picture 2 weeks late, reiterating points made by a handful of members here and what he says makes the front page? Come on now.

Had he made his childish quips a week or so ago, I'd understand; it might have even added fuel to the fire. But now its just beating a dead horse and he didn't even do so in an original manner (who's to say he didn't plagerize information from here to make his article? Sure seems that way, since it took him so damn long to write about it).


Oh and another thing, if he hates everything like everyone who admires him seems to think, why does it come as any surprise (enough of a surprise to make front-page) that he's tired of Sony's bullshit?

November 16th, 2006, 05:29
Oh and another thing, if he hates everything like everyone who admires him seems to think, why does it come as any surprise (enough of a surprise to make front-page) that he's tired of Sony's bullshit?

I don't admire Maddox. In fact I disagree with most of what he hates. I'm just familiar with him. I used to like him, when he was just arrogant, but now him hating everything is getting kind of old. Except his rant about the Subaru truck thing. That was pretty funny. :p

November 16th, 2006, 11:36
Ugggh, i tryed not to get into this but...

I am going to get the ps3, not for the graphics, but for the games... I love Killzone, Resistance, RE5, MGS, and all the other ps3 games. To be honest Idk why anyone whould buy a Wii as about 99% of there games are for little kids and about 50% have mario in them.. Ill admit the first few games on n64 were fun but now with 1000 mario games where you do the same f*king thing every time its just getting old.
As for the Xbox, I just dont want it. Most of there games are on ps3 or wii, and there only real exclusive game is Halo.

SO w/e pm me all you want I dont really give a sh*t, Im getting a ps3.