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View Full Version : Sandisk 4gb MS Pro Duo

January 4th, 2007, 06:12
Newegg.com has sandisk 4gb memory sticks for the psp for $99.99usd. Best ive found across the web so far! If anyone has found a better price please share! Gonna use it for psx games mainly and now with compression not far off :eek: :p :rofl:

Link: Sandisk 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820171130)

Hey! I gotta have some way to store Final Fantasy VII, Diablo(plays excellent was hopin to have a pc port one day at least now I can get my nostagia fix), and Warcraft II: The Dark Saga(plays really well imo pc port of this wouldnt be bad either ;) ) must have those three on the go always! May have to get two so I can have Tekken 1-3 and Ridge Racer as well. Ahh the possibilities!:thumbup:

*Newegg doesnt ship internationally(kinda sucks imo they should) :( :mad: but thought this might catch someones eye in the U.S. or P.R. :o

January 4th, 2007, 21:16
Newegg.com has sandisk 4gb memory sticks for the psp for $99.99usd. Best ive found across the web so far! If anyone has found a better price please share! Gonna use it for psx games mainly and now with compression not far off :eek: :p :rofl:

Link: Sandisk 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820171130)

Hey! I gotta have some way to store Final Fantasy VII, Diablo(plays excellent was hopin to have a pc port one day at least now I can get my nostagia fix), and Warcraft II: The Dark Saga(plays really well imo pc port of this wouldnt be bad either ;) ) must have those three on the go always! May have to get two so I can have Tekken 1-3 and Ridge Racer as well. Ahh the possibilities!:thumbup:

*Newegg doesnt ship internationally(kinda sucks imo they should) :( :mad: but thought this might catch someones eye in the U.S. or P.R. :o

I've seen much lower myself. Buy.com had that same card on sale for $85 dollars a couple of weeks ago, and you could have used google checkout and got it for $65. I just picked up that same card on Ebay for $55 dollars though...official and sealed :D

January 4th, 2007, 21:30
I got the same one for $68 including shipping on Buy.com when they were doing the Google Checkout discounts. I think I posted it on DCEmu. It's the same thing jdm69 is talking about.

January 5th, 2007, 06:11
Wow thatd be a great deal thanks much for the tip you two! *rushs off*