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View Full Version : Alpha release of SNEmul 0.4! - Snes Emulator for Nintendo DS Updated

February 20th, 2007, 01:43
Archeide (http://snemul.free.fr/ds/) has posted a new release of his Snes emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:

It has been a long time with no real updates of SNEmulDS.. This first release break this silence, and i hope it will please everyone. First of all, the main change is the integration of the CPU engine of SnezziDS. In fact, I wanted to make my own CPU engine in ASM, but i rapidly saw that i couldn’t do better than bubble2k did. I recognize his work as a masterpiece in DS homebrews. I personnally added some new features from the original C CPU of SNEmulDS: speed hacks, memory protection, and ROM paging/dynamic reloading (giving Large ROMs support for Slot-1 cards). All combined CPU engine and speed hacks give a great boost in speed.
There are also various changes:

Implemented MODE 7
Partial line by line engine for MODE 7 games
Implemented MODE 3,4 (256 colors)
Now SNEmulDS uses devkitpro 20 and libfat library from chishm with DLDI support, for better compatibility
Improved ROM paging, reducing bugs for Large ROMs (> 3 Mo)
Fixed memory leaks (And consequently, fixed famous “Unsupported Large LoRom” bug)
Three level of speed hacks : no speed hacks, medium speed hacks, full speed hacks. Each level give various compatibility and speed enhancements.
Fixed various bugs
Now SNEmulDS sources are under GNU license, to be compatible with snezzids
Get it here : (don’t forget to patch it with your DLDI driver, SNES games are loaded from SNES directory)

Download and Give Feedback & Compatability Reports Via Comments

February 20th, 2007, 01:51
cool. another update.
keep up the good work. :D

February 20th, 2007, 02:21
Well that was fast. I was about to submit the news, but I guess I'm too late. Not bad.

I'll test some games out later.

February 20th, 2007, 02:33
Can this work on M3 lite SD? Im asking because I dont think the old one worked

EDIT - ok how do you work this thing exactly?

February 20th, 2007, 02:57
I saw a lot of improvements especially in the graphics, keep up the good work.

http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/ - here's the link for the DLDI drivers

February 20th, 2007, 03:12
Can this work on M3 lite SD? Im asking because I dont think the old one worked

EDIT - ok how do you work this thing exactly?

You got to DLDI patch it guy, if you dont know how to do it, go to..... i cant find the site, hopefully someone tells you how though. And if you get it to run, remember to place the roms in a folder in the root of the card called SNES or else they won't run.

February 20th, 2007, 04:10
You can also do a Google search for "DLDIrc" which adds a right-click command to DLDI patch any .nds file you click on. I found it very useful.

I tried a few games, and speed seems to have improved in nearly all games. Mega Man 7 appears to actually run faster in 0.3 though, and I'm not sure why.

February 20th, 2007, 05:13
Alright!! Chrono Trigger Is Now Playable!!

February 20th, 2007, 05:32
Running SMB I Fullspeed (even a bit more) on my M3 DS simply ... thanks a lot :p

February 20th, 2007, 08:00
Am I maybe doing something wrong? Mortal kombat 3 and 2 don't work, and street fighter 2 turbo has the graphics working up to the point of character selection...then only the sound continues to work as the fighting commences.

MK3 shows the initial screen, but then hangs.

If there's any suggestions on making these games work it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.

February 20th, 2007, 08:57
Am I maybe doing something wrong? Mortal kombat 3 and 2 don't work, and street fighter 2 turbo has the graphics working up to the point of character selection...then only the sound continues to work as the fighting commences.

MK3 shows the initial screen, but then hangs.

If there's any suggestions on making these games work it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.

I'd imagine that's down to the Roms being too large for the DS's RAM.

This is an awesome release, I played SMB on the way to work this morning and it was very nearly perfect. The only issue is Mario and the enemies often are hidden behind what's supposed to be the background but once that's fixed it'll be incredible.

QuakeDS, Duke NukemDS and this updated in one week. Good times.

February 20th, 2007, 11:15
Alright!! Chrono Trigger Is Now Playable!!
I tested out Chrono Trigger just for kicks, and it worked! That was one of my dream games to have emulated on the DS. :D

February 20th, 2007, 11:25
Ah! Finally got it to work. I was wondering because it wouldnt see my SNES folder.... Anyways this is great =)

February 20th, 2007, 12:19
Guys, Chrono Trigger will boot, yes, but it will eventually crash because the rom is too big. Sorry to disappoint you. Currently only SnezziDS can run Chrono Trigger correctly.

February 20th, 2007, 13:54
So which is better? SnezziDS or this?

I'm using a SCds(one) - thanks in advance :)

February 20th, 2007, 14:37
it works well on my m3l

Chrono Trigger,FF5,Sword of Mana 2 worked well~~

February 20th, 2007, 14:40
...but it will eventually crash because the rom is too big...

Eh? It ran fine for me. If the ROM is too big, it won't be able to load/run it in the first place.

Oh, wait... Yeah, the DS's RAM is 4MB. Huh. I'm surprised that it runs at all. There must not be any important data at the end of it for, at least, the beginning of the game.

February 20th, 2007, 16:10
This is an awesome release, I played SMB on the way to work this morning and it was very nearly perfect. The only issue is Mario and the enemies often are hidden behind what's supposed to be the background but once that's fixed it'll be incredible.

QuakeDS, Duke NukemDS and this updated in one week. Good times.

Super Aleste (Space Megaforce) runs really well now too. The sound is almost perfect (at times) and the frame rate is consistently smooth (although there are a few graphical glitches on some stages).

DKC is very playable as well. The sound is virtually perfect and the game runs at full speed (although there is a huge background glitch in the middle of the screen).

It only seems to be the menus/intro screens that are corrupted in the games I've tried (the ones that work)

Awesome release overall! (now I hope the Megadrive/Genesis emulator makes it to this stage at some point in the future)

February 20th, 2007, 16:24
So which is better? SnezziDS or this?

I'm using a SCds(one) - thanks in advance :)
use both!

SnezziDS is perfect for SF2 Turbo (and it seriously runs 99% perfect! there's only one graphical glitch on the title screen and a few background glitches on Guile's and Blanka's stage; none of these things affect the gameplay anyway)

The sound is surprisingly perfect. I used to have a SNES emulator on the GP32 years back and the sound quality was no where this level (the sound quality on SF2 Turbo via emulation is better than the GBA versions of Street Fighter)

Nothing else (that I've tried) has worked as good in SnezziDS though so I've been using SnesEmul for other games

Note: I have a Supercard CF (Slot 2)

February 20th, 2007, 18:01
I have a Supercard CF as well, and I must say, this impressed me. While the Mode7 games do work, they work faster on SnezziDS (F-Zero is flawless on Snezzi). However, this has a better interface, higher compatibility, and is going in the right direction. Keep up the great work!

February 20th, 2007, 18:25
So which is better? SnezziDS or this?

I'm using a SCds(one) - thanks in advance :)

SnezziDS uses the GBA RAM for slot2 cards, so it won't work on any slot1 cards.

February 20th, 2007, 18:46
SnezziDS uses the GBA RAM for slot2 cards, so it won't work on any slot1 cards.

Please confirm? :)

Also where's the wiki for the compatibility list for the SNEmul :)

February 20th, 2007, 19:09
with the settings:

Mode 3 : squish more
Sound On
BG2 : On
BG3 : On
Sprites : On
YScroll : Bottom
Wait vblank
No speed hacks

A bit of the top of the game i am playing is cut off, its not a lot but is there any way to fix it?

also if thats true xanikseo it explains why it doesnt work on my m3 simply :(

February 20th, 2007, 22:16
Every game I've tried crashed near the beginning and has completly horrid sounds...i guessing something is wrong, but i have no clue what :confused: i patched it with the GBAMP dldi...

February 21st, 2007, 01:14
Please confirm? :)

Also where's the wiki for the compatibility list for the SNEmul :)

I'll confirm it if you want. SnezziDS only runs on slot-2 cards with extra RAM.

And the link you're looking for is http://wiki.pocketheaven.com/SNEmulDS_Compatibility_List

It appears that v0.4 broke some games, so if a game is already listed as being playable with v0.3, don't remove the entry. Just make a duplicate entry with the new info.

February 21st, 2007, 01:30
I hope they make a new SnezziDS that can use the Opera RAM expansion with Slot1 cards then.

February 21st, 2007, 02:10
Darnit, I think my statement on page 2 was wrong. From the changelog:

I personnally added some new features from the original C CPU of SNEmulDS: speed hacks, memory protection, and ROM paging/dynamic reloading (giving Large ROMs support for Slot-1 cards).

This could potentially mean that larger roms are supported, and I've been spreading wrong info. Sorry about that.

February 21st, 2007, 02:32
No worries, larger roms are still not running. Is it possible to load this SNES emulator onto a slot 1 and have it use the slot 2 if you have that as well? Or can I load SnezziDS onto slot1 and it'll know to use Slot2 ram?

February 21st, 2007, 03:19
Actually, I am indeed wrong. Donkey Kong Country, a 4 MB rom, hasn't crashed on me yet after about 15-20 minutes of gameplay. Come to think of it, my crash in Chrono Trigger was at the same spot that Snezziboy always crashed at. So perhaps some large roms work and others don't.

EDIT: Oh, and as far as the RAM goes, if you already have a slot-2 device with RAM, why not just store SnezziDS on that? Though I do agree that your type of system would be useful, for instance if a user had a slot-1 card and the Opera RAM pack, which can be used for general homebrew if desired. Also, the next versions of the M3 and Supercard products are rumored to include slot-2 RAM packs to enable GBA compatibility, so this could also potentially be used.

February 21st, 2007, 05:04
I would throw it on the supercard lite, but I'm still waiting for another kingston micro sd to show up. I have to keep the one i have in the supercard one to act as a passme. That'll be suweet if the next supercard products include ram....and it'll make my hardware obsolete after a whopping....2 months :D.

February 21st, 2007, 23:11
News from Archeide:

There is a stupid bug in the alpha release, the BREAK instruction is broken! :D
I forgot to update the BRKaddress of snezzids core
Expect a better compatibility in the beta release (for the end of the upcomign week end), at least i tested Sim City and killer instinct and they worked again...

February 23rd, 2007, 03:11
Hey I have a max media dock.And its supposed to work on it.But uh do I have to patch something?I haven't done any patching before...can someone provide a link for patching my file?PLZZZZ

February 23rd, 2007, 03:50
okay avtually I think I got the patching software.So how do I patch my file?

February 23rd, 2007, 04:38
I use this now,

install it to your computer, it will install to C:\Program Files\DLDIrc
You will be asked to choose a device, choose the MaxMediaDock, mmcf.dldi

in that same folder place this file

Now you can just right click the file you want patched with the mmcf driver and choose Max Media Dock at top.

February 24th, 2007, 00:38
I use this now,

install it to your computer, it will install to C:\Program Files\DLDIrc
You will be asked to choose a device, choose the MaxMediaDock, mmcf.dldi

in that same folder place this file

Now you can just right click the file you want patched with the mmcf driver and choose Max Media Dock at top.

Well when I right click snemulds it does have that option but the screen(MS-thing)Doesn't stay,it just flickers the screen.I'm a little confused...

February 24th, 2007, 20:57
can anyone help me?

I patched it, it loads on my M3 ds simply,then I put my ROMS in My SNES directory, then, When I load my Roms, it will just do nothing (the top screen is black, but the bottom still works) . the other Versions worked with these roms but this one does not.:( Can Anyone one help me?

February 24th, 2007, 21:04
Read the very first post of page 4 here. Some games that worked in v0.3 no longer boot because of a missing instruction. Try other games, like Super Mario World.

February 24th, 2007, 21:27
Thanks, Has anyone made a complete compatiblity list for it yet?

February 25th, 2007, 00:30
Well when I right click snemulds it does have that option but the screen(MS-thing)Doesn't stay,it just flickers the screen.I'm a little confused...

I guess, just download the gui version of the patcher. I don't understand why it won't work for you. Did you place the mmcf.dldi in the folder C:\Program Files\DLDIrc ?

February 25th, 2007, 02:22
Tripsk8er333, there is a partial compatibility list at http://wiki.pocketheaven.com/SNEmulDS_Compatibility_List but it doesn't get updated very often. Some games have been udpated to v0.4 alpha, while others are as old as v0.2

February 25th, 2007, 04:57
Thanks DanTheManMS.

February 25th, 2007, 20:22
I have a supercard lite, and a A-Data micro sd card. Every time that I play a game such as Super mario world and then turn the power off it and then turn it back on it says sd card not found the I have to reformat it and load every thing back on. Does any one have any ideas that might help.
Ps. This also happens with DS Doom

February 26th, 2007, 01:45
I did crooked mouth.I open it and it has a ms screen that says the following "

Rom to be patched:
Echo is off.

If it is not a homebrew rom with DLDI support,it will be corrupted!

*press a key to patch it,or close the window to cancel"

After that when I press a key it just comes up with some other stuff but do you know if I can use that screen to do whatever?

February 26th, 2007, 02:26
Just press the key and it will finish and close, and it is now DLDI patched. As long as the right click menu said the name of your device, it will be patched correctly.

Try the newer v0.4 Alpha just for the heck of it. It might work.

February 26th, 2007, 21:05
can someone plz write a tutorial to work the DlDI to patch SNES roms for max media dock???

February 26th, 2007, 23:35
You don't DLDI patch the SNES games. You patch the SNEmulDS .nds file.

Here's a fast and easy way. Go to the DLDI homepage and download DLDIrc (the right-click version). Install it, selecting the MMD option when prompted. Then just right-click on the .nds file and click on the new option that appears. Press a button to continue, and then it's been patched. Place it on your CF card and launch it.

February 27th, 2007, 01:01
gotcha thanks

February 27th, 2007, 01:49
ok i did a little testing of some games ALTTP works just fine i found no problems with it yet

chrono tirgger dies when it comes to the first battle

megaman X craps out too when u come to the first boss and a crap load of other games dont work and these are all for the max media dock

February 27th, 2007, 23:37
Every time I use this emulator it reformatts my SD card erasing all of my data can any anybody help. I use a supercard lite adata 1 GB this happens on doom too:confused: