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March 13th, 2007, 15:58
Chui posted in our forum (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=55720)

PSX4ALL runs below real time for now under Dreamcast and GP2X: its not playable and needs a lot of work.

Now, i am preparing a new release of NOIZ2SA and i would like to work at SNES4ALL next months.

I hope that we will have a first playable release of PSX4ALL for next MadriDC (1 year).

March 13th, 2007, 16:27
...and i would like to work at SNES4ALL next months.

That would be cool, because the asm cpu core for SH4/2 needs an update, it's far out of date compared to the C core.

March 13th, 2007, 23:09
Great news, SNES4ALL is one of the most awaited emus!!! Long life, Chui!!!

March 13th, 2007, 23:17
New NOIZ2SA release? Cool!
I hope you can make the game more stable and raise the sound quality to get it on par to what you can listen by playing the *.mod files on a PC.

March 14th, 2007, 08:22
New NOIZ2SA release? Cool!
I hope you can make the game more stable and raise the sound quality to get it on par to what you can listen by playing the *.mod files on a PC. I have NOIZ2SA ready to release, but i dont know how to toast an autobootable with audio tracks.

I have a lot of problems with new ubuntu linux cdrecord.

Any idea and/or tutorial about this?

March 14th, 2007, 23:41
Sorry, no ideas here... but what's that about not being able to burn with audio tracks? You don't mean redbook audio, do you? The superior quality i'm talking about isn't because of separate audio tracks or something like that, it's more about just listening to the music files available in the Noiz2sa source code you have for download at your own site. It's better than what you get while playing the game.

If you used the same audio files present in that source code for Noiz2sa's current release (which i think you did, or did you reduced audio quality to help with memory usage?), then the problem should be on how the Dreamcast is playing the files.

This is the thread where i originally bitched about this. (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=52081)

March 15th, 2007, 07:20
I am trying to build a dreamcast autoboot CD with extra audio tracks.

The goal is a customizable NOIZ2SA: everybody will can to change musics and patterns (new levels).

March 15th, 2007, 08:25
Chui! Hi! :)
Unai and I just spoke about psx4all. Maybe it's time to get back into this project? ;)
I've learned so much about programming emulators since we've last worked together. I finally got my own dynarec working really well in a GP2X project, gpSP2X. Let me know if you need any help via PM/MSN. :)

March 15th, 2007, 11:17
I have NOIZ2SA ready to release, but i dont know how to toast an autobootable with audio tracks.

I have a lot of problems with new ubuntu linux cdrecord.

Any idea and/or tutorial about this?

Fackue's BootDreams does allow CDDA for selfbooting CDIs. It's a Windows application... but it does use CDRecord.

March 15th, 2007, 14:59
Fackue's BootDreams does allow CDDA for selfbooting CDIs. It's a Windows application... but it does use CDRecord. Thanks, i try to use it for this.

March 16th, 2007, 00:30
Hey, Mr. Chui, good to hear a Head's Up from you, nice to hear about what you're working on. Can't wait for Noiz2sa and SNES4ALL!!!!
If i may ask, do you think that Team DCiberia may be working on a commodore 64, intellivision, or atarii lynx or 7800 emu possibly in the future?

March 16th, 2007, 07:05
Hey, Mr. Chui, good to hear a Head's Up from you, nice to hear about what you're working on. Can't wait for Noiz2sa and SNES4ALL!!!!
If i may ask, do you think that Team DCiberia may be working on a commodore 64, intellivision, or atarii lynx or 7800 emu possibly in the future? I really don't know but i will ask about this to LTK and others.

It is the time for new projects using FAZE Z80 core. :D

March 16th, 2007, 22:43
Have you thought about doign a mac emu with the 68k core? or the fantastic Sharp X6800 ?

March 17th, 2007, 03:14
I can see SNES4ALL surpassing Dreamsnes in terms of speed and compatibility... It's just about there. I'm looking forward to a new release! :D

Dull Blade
March 18th, 2007, 21:49
I too am excited by new releases. I am really looking forward to snes4all and future neo4all releases. My goal is one day beat ff3 on the dc without slowdown. thanks, kepp up the good work ;)

March 19th, 2007, 11:28
SNES4ALL needs time, rebuild CPU cores and gfx using PVR is a hard task.

But Dreamcast must have to emulate all 16bit machines perfectly.

April 2nd, 2007, 06:06

Thanks to you and Fox68k for your awesome, awesome contributions to the Dreamcast community. Neo4all is truly an amazing accomplishment.

The most exciting project is SNES4All! I really really really look forward to this release. Please keep working on it! Thanks so much. I cannot wait for a new SNES4All release!