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View Full Version : Hexaxis XXI Dev Screenshots #1

March 19th, 2007, 02:15
I've decided to give it a go and start working on a psp version of my pc game "Hexaxis XXI". Feel free to try it out for the pc to see what its like here:



It will be a while until I get much done on the PSP, as its my first coding project on the PSP! Here are a couple screenshots from todays work:




Let me know what you think. I'm also probably going to need some help with the coding (or at least a slap in the right direction) as I'm having trouble with translating movement and rotations.

I'm also have a weird bug where if I load over 60 or so dice, the textures start getting corrupted.

Cap'n 1time
March 19th, 2007, 03:13
Pretty cool. The psp has a lack of 3d homebrew games. Be sure to post this in "Submit News" when you have more completed. :)

March 19th, 2007, 03:17
Here is the last of tonight with space background quickly thrown in:


Thanks btw, I'm not sure where that is, but when the time comes I'll make sure I find it. I'm hoping tomorrow to get it actually playing and not just an array of dice. Who knows though.

March 19th, 2007, 06:38
thats a very nice looking game :)

March 19th, 2007, 14:08
Thanks wraggster. I'm hoping today to really figure out the relative movement and rotation transformations, I've never coded like that before. Hexaxis was written in Darkbasic and all the 3d objects just have absolute x,y,z positions and rotations and you specify the cameras xyz pos and rot, then sync, so you don't move from object to object drawing them individually relatively.

Hopefully I'll have a video on youtube today of the progress.

March 19th, 2007, 17:19
Heres a screenshot of today so far. My mind must of waded through all the stuff I didn't understand last night while I was sleeping. I'm feeling a bit more understanding:


I also found how to fix my corrupt textures (alloc more mem lol)

I also figured out (obviously) how to navigate with the tranform in positions and rotations. I'm pretty confident now that I can make this game relatively pain free (not bad considering this is my first 3d program in a non-Darkbasic environment)

March 19th, 2007, 18:16
Looks like a sweet piece of homebrew :)

Keep it up! :thumbup:

March 19th, 2007, 19:05
Thanks D0N

Here is a video with an mp3 playing from level 4 (of the pc):


March 19th, 2007, 21:02
lol, darkbasic....i still dont know how to use mine. Why did i get the professional version?

March 19th, 2007, 21:18
Actually, I wrote Hexaxis XXI in DB PRO, it is very powerful to create a prototype very quickly. It also makes it really easy to integrate shaders.

I'll say its def easier using darkbasic over psp programming, but that would be obvious.

Cap'n 1time
March 19th, 2007, 22:17
This is actually quite exciting. This is commercial quality stuff.

There are various competitions going on now but the BIG'N is Neoflash. I think either today or tomorrow is the last day you can submit your project, but I think you have a pretty good shot if you can throw something together.


March 20th, 2007, 02:11
wow I didn't know about it. I have 1 day!! I've worked on a short deadline but I'm not sure about that!!

March 20th, 2007, 03:49
Wow! this looks awsome! but yeah, if you can submit anything to Neo-Flash do (it never hurts) but, Great Job! definatly some nice homebrew!

March 20th, 2007, 05:39
i have to say, the background doesnt live up to the rest of the game. just a suggestion, not meant for you to take offense, but the way the rest of the game looks fairly professional, try to make more professional looking backgrounds, not forumsig style backgrounds.

edit: i just noticed that its the same style that the original game had- i guess if you wanna stay true to it, ignore my comments. but i just think that style worked better on the large screen as opposed to the small one.

March 20th, 2007, 18:25
new pic, I've got the wipe line in, a moving die at the top, you add dice to the grid properly now, music and a sound when the dice is added to the grid:


March 20th, 2007, 21:59
this looks really nice :)

any planned schedule for a demo release? or will you only release it once its fully complete ?

keep up the great work ;)

March 20th, 2007, 23:32
I'm submitting it to the news in a sec.

March 20th, 2007, 23:45
Here is the current version of my game Hexaxis XXI (0.15) alpha

Directional Pad: move dice left right and down (no up its like tetris)
Square, Circle, Cross, Triangle: rotate the grid
L and R Triggers: zoom in and out
Select: Exit Game

I have not done anything special for showing the score and multipliers, pretty much a pure text at the top left. I don't think I have the time before the end of tonight to code bitmap fonts. I also have no highscore table. That will come after the compo though.

Here are the latest screenshots:





Not bad for 2 days of work... You heard that right. Not to mention this is my first PSP coding project.

Download Link:http://www.darksoft.net/hexaxispsp.php

March 21st, 2007, 19:31
woah, exellent stuff man :D

downloading as we speak ;)

March 21st, 2007, 19:48
simply stunning, i was going to update my cannabis guide application for the Neo Flash compo, but theres too little time for me.

This project looks excellent and for a first time PSP homebrew project to take on a 3d game venture and have such good progress is simply amazing.

Great work! :)