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View Full Version : DCEmu--A big virtual Family?

April 24th, 2007, 04:26
I've seen some people throw some of what seems to be their most personal secrets here at DCEmu. If my phycology studies are correct, this means that they both trust and feel safe expressing themselves to the goers of this site.

So from asking if they should bang a chick, faking a different gender or calling the webmaster a Doom 3 character, it seems people have alotta fun (and a little creepiness...see second example) at DCEmu.

So my question: Do you feel like DCEmu is your VIRTUAL family? I can say they are my friends. Not so much family, but good VIRTUAL friends.

April 24th, 2007, 04:29
I think friends is more of what it feels like, since there are so many members I don't talk to regularly. But it's a nice environment we got here at DCEmu and I'm glad we have some cool people visiting on a daily basis.

April 24th, 2007, 04:38
Yeah, you guys are cool why do you think I come here everyday.

April 24th, 2007, 04:55
I think friends is more of what it feels like, since there are so many members I don't talk to regularly. But it's a nice environment we got here at DCEmu and I'm glad we have some cool people visiting on a daily basis.

I agree, though I feel that this community is full of good friends. I can see the traits of a normal dysfunctional family... :rofl: But I do think it is good to acknowledge each other. Video Freak I don't really "know" you as well as some of these other people. But I have seen you and many others around long enough that from what I can see are good people online and probably the same in regular life. It’s that key element that gives this site such a good community of people. It’s the same reason why others and I enjoy coming here. I may not be around as much as I used to but I do try to check in regularly. So I guess you could say we are all one big virtual family.:cool:

April 24th, 2007, 04:59
i agree with the three so far.
video, gizmo, and venom.

April 24th, 2007, 05:04
For 99% of people it's less trust and more "what the **** do I care if some random people on the internet know things about me via a pseudonym?".

April 24th, 2007, 05:23
For 99% of people it's less trust and more "what the **** do I care if some random people on the internet know things about me via a pseudonym?".
What does that mean:confused:

April 24th, 2007, 06:07
What does that mean:confused:

Does your mother call you "Gizmo356" ? No, it is but your pseudonym. A pseudonym is a false, assumed or otherwise not 'given' name.

April 24th, 2007, 06:13
It means people won't know who you are anyways. So you can tell your secrets. :P

April 24th, 2007, 06:40
like an alias.

April 24th, 2007, 06:53
as long as we are talking about secrets, one time while making a sandwich, a cucumber went up my ass... three times!

April 24th, 2007, 12:14
as long as we are talking about secrets, one time while making a sandwich, a cucumber went up my ass... three times!

Bet you enjoyed that! (you freak) lmao

April 24th, 2007, 13:19
hey going back a bit i agree with quzar, nobody gives a shit what a bunch of random bastards they will never meet know about them.

and yeah vampdude is now dreaming about getting cucumbers up the ass!

April 24th, 2007, 13:31
and yeah vampdude is now dreaming about getting cucumbers up the ass!



I agree with most of you though, its cool chatting to you guys and gives people a break from reality in a way :rofl:

April 24th, 2007, 15:18
hey going back a bit i agree with quzar, nobody gives a shit what a bunch of random bastards they will never meet know about them.

and yeah vampdude is now dreaming about getting cucumbers up the ass!

then making you a cucumber sandwich! :rofl:

April 24th, 2007, 15:25
The only person I know from here is The_King15 but I'm a really open person I don't have much secrets except for the time I tripped and a frozen hot dog slipped up my anus...whooops guess you guys know know:(

April 24th, 2007, 15:33
did it really.

April 24th, 2007, 15:52
I don't have much secrets except for the time I tripped and a frozen hot dog slipped up my anus

did it really.

yeah, Gizmo has pictures...

...Ask him! lol :p

April 24th, 2007, 15:57
I don't think it's a family. I think it's more like a community.

It's cool to talk to people that are different then you. It's an educational experience. :)

April 24th, 2007, 17:07
I love it here.

I would like to say some people here are my 'friend' even though i dont know them... If that makes sense.

April 24th, 2007, 17:18
If that makes sense.


I just see people here as people, and people to me equal food! lol :p

April 24th, 2007, 17:26
I just see people here as people, and people to me equal food! lol :p
Right... :o

April 24th, 2007, 17:34
Right... :o

You my extraterrestrial friend are a rare delicacy, I heard you taste like a combinaton of chicken and pork...

...I myself do not like pork, but I won't turn down the oppertunity to eat a different species!

April 24th, 2007, 17:34
Having no exact shape or form, I usually can travel in people shadows undetected. For all I know I might have been your shadow at one point in time.

April 26th, 2007, 00:15
i basically see you guys like a family or group of friends. but my whole chick banging situation has been going down hill..

April 26th, 2007, 00:38
my whole chick banging situation has been going down hill..

lmao, you should be me then! :rofl:

April 26th, 2007, 00:59
I've seen some people throw some of what seems to be their most personal secrets here at DCEmu.

NOT family. i can NOT share some of my most personal secrets with them. more like freinds ive never ever seen. :cool:

April 26th, 2007, 01:46
NOT family. i can NOT share some of my most personal secrets with them. more like freinds ive never ever seen. :cool:

lol, I've seen a few members of here...

...Well pictures anyway! lol :p

April 26th, 2007, 01:51
lol, I've seen a few members of here...

...Well pictures anyway! lol :p

well i havent looked at them.

April 26th, 2007, 01:58
well i havent looked at them.

You're not missing much there! lol :p

April 26th, 2007, 02:11
I'm famous!

April 26th, 2007, 02:18
I'm famous!

Me too!

April 26th, 2007, 02:37
does this mean kcajblue and vampdude are my long lost brothers?

April 26th, 2007, 02:48
does this mean kcajblue and vampdude are my long lost brothers?

No... I am your father! :rofl:

April 26th, 2007, 02:49
No... I am your father! :rofl:

YAY!.... i dunno whether to be happy or confused... oh well... i want a lollipop, and some cookies

April 26th, 2007, 02:52
YAY!.... i dunno whether to be happy or confused... oh well... i want a lollipop, and some cookies

Nah, not really...

...I just wanted the money from the addoption company, but they didn't pay out so now you have to live on the street. Oh and gimme back my cookie! :rofl:

April 26th, 2007, 02:54
Nah, not really...

...I just wanted the money from the addoption company, but they didn't pay out so now you have to live on the street. Oh and gimme back my cookie! :rofl:

its my cookie, get your own *eats cookie* MWAHAHA

April 26th, 2007, 02:59
its my cookie, get your own *eats cookie* MWAHAHA

Last cookie you will see in a while, since you now live on the street! lmao

*eats whole packet of triple choc cookies, and washes down with choc milk*

April 26th, 2007, 03:03
Last cookie you will see in a while, since you now live on the street! lmao

*eats whole packet of triple choc cookies, and washes down with choc milk*

You didnt eat cookies, you ate grenades!! and that chocolate milk you just drank was GUNPOWDER!!

April 26th, 2007, 04:00
dont poison me.
im really your brother.

April 26th, 2007, 04:59
You're all dumb! lmao :p

April 26th, 2007, 21:15
dont poison me.
im really your brother.


April 26th, 2007, 23:04
sup bro.

April 26th, 2007, 23:27
Well i have been here since feb 2006 and its the greatest thing i have done on internet, yeah you come across wankers but most of the people on here are alright! thanks to everyone for keeping me entertained by post treads like this! LMFAO!! HaHe!

April 26th, 2007, 23:50
you are a gamo co2 pistol.

April 27th, 2007, 00:17
This place is sweet, way better than any other forum I've been to.

April 27th, 2007, 00:22
if you spam, get off the site

April 27th, 2007, 00:59
if you spam, get off the site

I just gave the spambot a RED dot, I rule! lmao


Alexios I Komnenos
April 27th, 2007, 05:38
Yes your all moreso servants then "family"


edit: This isn't Junk. Next time your ass is mine. That go's for the rest of you to. ~ Kaiser

April 27th, 2007, 07:56
I agree with the lord :)

April 27th, 2007, 07:57
This site is ok, but used to be ten times better before the rep begging and daft clubs started!

April 27th, 2007, 09:19

seriously it rocks!

April 27th, 2007, 17:35
Yes your all moreso servants then "family"[/COLOR][/U]


...But not me, I refuse to be a servant!