View Full Version : Dosbox - 1/06/2007 Update - DOS Emulator For PSP

June 1st, 2007, 00:52
Crazy C (http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3179&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0) has posted a new binary/patch for the Dosbox - Dos Emulator for the PSP.

First heres the news from todays release:

This patch (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.patch.gz), when applied to dosbox 0.60 and linked with these library functions (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/stat_trunc.c), arwin's p-sprint and SDL (with 8-bit surface patch), gets dosbox running on the psp.

I've also posted a new binary to really fix the bad video mode problem. The clever solutions didn't seem to work well and were fragile so I just copy the whole frame to a GU-acceptable buffer. There'll be a performance hit but it will only affect those few games which use unusual video modes. Also, support for 640x480x16bit mode was added although I doubt that any games which use it will run well.

Now this emulator isnt straight forward unlike most other emulators but please wait whilst our more experianced DCEmu members put the files together or at least tell you how to gather everything needed. Keep checking back and let us all know what games work. Remember only games from 10 years plus will work remotely good but hey Theme Park and the original Warcraft etc are that old so theres some fantastic games out there.

If any coders or mods upload a full package then please edit this newspost.

June 1st, 2007, 00:55

June 1st, 2007, 00:56
This is super funky news!!!! Dosbox is one of my "must have" on Windows XP. :)

June 1st, 2007, 00:57
Exciting. The last version did not include a package, and I was never able to use it. However, If someone finds one I'll be able to try playing ultima underworld...

June 1st, 2007, 00:58

OMG! i thought i was the ony 1 who new about that game! it was so awsome!!!!

June 1st, 2007, 00:59
Omg what's DosBox? O_O

June 1st, 2007, 01:00
he he he... mario dos version >B)

June 1st, 2007, 01:06
Hehe, I had a Mario DOS version with a virus in it once. Viruses won't bite on the PSP, though :p

It would be really great if someone could compile this to a runable binary so I can finally get to try it out. Old games are still the most original, and extremely entertaining. Thanks, and thanks for developing this, crazyc!

June 1st, 2007, 01:10

You do realize there's a near-exact Jazz Jackrabbit clone that got ported to the PSP, right?

June 1st, 2007, 01:26
i well want a remake of quarantine. best game evar

June 1st, 2007, 01:38
Hey i thought id post a File with a few games i love with it :thumbup:

the games include

1.Tomb Raider
"3D Shooter"
2.Super cross
3.Flight Sim "aka" cc3d342
"Only True Flight Sim"
"2d War"
6.Epic Pinball
7.Racing dude
8.Theme Park
"2d Tactile Shooter"
10.Worms Racing
11.Duke Nukem 2
"Side Scrolling"
12.Star wars dark forces
"3D FPS"
13.War Craft 1
"Sim / War"
14. Kill Osama
"3D FPS"

Ok ok Now your going to have to click through about 10 spoiler links to the download link

June 1st, 2007, 01:40
You do realize there's a near-exact Jazz Jackrabbit clone that got ported to the PSP, right?


June 1st, 2007, 01:41
Also i heard people mention a mario game well here it is hahahahahhahah i love this game

June 1st, 2007, 01:46
can someone please combine everything into a working eboot? too much for me to handle...

oh btw fatcat04912, thanks for the games

June 1st, 2007, 03:59
This is worthless... If it's not an EBOOT, don't post it.

June 1st, 2007, 05:09
I can apply the patches, if someone with the sdk installed minds compiling it.
EDIT: Well, I couldn't seem to find dosbox .60 anywhere, so nevermind.

June 1st, 2007, 05:38
This looks awesome! Can't wait for someone to post an EBOOT!

Anyone remember a game called Jetpack?

June 1st, 2007, 05:44
Yes, but I could never figure out how to play the damn thing! :p

June 1st, 2007, 08:15
can someone pls port this program to the DS?

June 1st, 2007, 08:56
Great now we can run MS Windows software on our PSP....

June 1st, 2007, 08:56
I've compiled it to an Eboot for everyone.

I've tested it to the degree that it boots up, nothing more, as I have to go to work.

Hopefully someone else will be able to help with getting things running on it.


June 1st, 2007, 09:42
MGFox, thx! ^^

+ Dangerous Dave 2

June 1st, 2007, 12:42
This emulator is pretty useless as it is.

It has a FREAKIN' keyboard system. Why the hell won't he use Danzeff's?

Mouse it's not implemented too well, too.

Also, it's uber-slow (not so much, but I really want a friggin' decent keyboard).

Just to name one, Ultima 6 is too slow :/

June 1st, 2007, 14:40
Ultima is a v0.70 game ;)
and thats a dosbox 0.60

June 1st, 2007, 14:44
This emulator is pretty useless as it is.

It has a FREAKIN' keyboard system. Why the hell won't he use Danzeff's?

Mouse it's not implemented too well, too.

Also, it's uber-slow (not so much, but I really want a friggin' decent keyboard).

Just to name one, Ultima 6 is too slow :/

If you believe this emulator is useless, then why don't you make a better one? I'm sure everyone will be dying to use your version of the dosbox :p

June 1st, 2007, 14:56
This emulator is pretty useless as it is.

It has a FREAKIN' keyboard system. Why the hell won't he use Danzeff's?

Mouse it's not implemented too well, too.

Also, it's uber-slow (not so much, but I really want a friggin' decent keyboard).

Just to name one, Ultima 6 is too slow :/

Ever heard of a "work in progress"?


Robert de Clair
June 1st, 2007, 14:58
is there keyboard system? how to write something :D i can write only randomize letters, and enter (by pressing start)

June 1st, 2007, 14:58
For those that need it, you can get a dosbox.conf file from HERE (http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.conf) it should be optimised for the PSP and will mount "ms0:\psp\" to "C:\" ... this was made by CrazyC, not me ... I'm just linking to it for you.

Along with the compiled EBoot (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=18928&d=1180684546) this should be everything you need to get started.

It's quite satisfying to look down at your PSP and see a DOS prompt :D

EDIT: @Robert de Clair - This should explain it -> HERE (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=401005&postcount=18)


June 1st, 2007, 15:35
The BIN FILE -> http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox

The CONF FILE -> http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/dosbox.conf

June 1st, 2007, 16:09
It has a FREAKIN' keyboard system. /

Yeah, it's very difficult to use, but with some practice it works. (I've made a list for every letter but I haven't found out yet how to make a colon. Can somebody tell me?)

June 1st, 2007, 17:12
is there keyboard system? how to write something :D i can write only randomize letters, and enter (by pressing start)


(up + triangle to enter the "numbers")

June 1st, 2007, 17:14
^^That makes no sense whatsoever.

michael chan
June 1st, 2007, 17:16

i booted up dosbox and i guese i need to type something in Z:\> ???

M Dash
June 1st, 2007, 17:42
OK, so... the DOSBOX is cool... Runs Mario.. great.. Only one thing... HOW THE HELL DO I MOVE THE CHARACTER??

I mean.. there's no arrows in the keyboard? XD lol

June 1st, 2007, 18:13
You can use the arrow keys when you change the keyboard mode to group 2 (hold up and press cross to activate or deactivate group 2)
However, you have to press the keys twice so that it reacts...Can someone perhaps somehow fix this??

June 1st, 2007, 18:18
"Just to name one, Ultima 6 is too slow :/"
yea man - halflife 2 is too. and fear. this is a waste of space

"i booted up dosbox and i guese i need to type something in Z:\> ???"
dos commands:

June 1st, 2007, 19:39
This emulator is pretty useless as it is.

It has a FREAKIN' keyboard system. Why the hell won't he use Danzeff's?

Mouse it's not implemented too well, too.

Also, it's uber-slow (not so much, but I really want a friggin' decent keyboard).

Just to name one, Ultima 6 is too slow :/

do you know that that game was like 486 dx2 66 or better!!!!

that will never run:rofl: :eek:

June 1st, 2007, 19:52
Anyone want to type up an "idiots guide".

That'd be helpful :)

June 1st, 2007, 20:25
1.) mount c "ms0:\DOSGAME" |mount a special folder
2.) c: |switch to special folder
3.) tomb |execute the game (type without exe , com or bat)

hm the easierst way is just to type that 3 lines in conf so it would boot automaticly ;)
have fun

June 1st, 2007, 22:06
So I could play Doom and Duke Nukem 3D with dosbox for psp!???!?

Robert de Clair
June 1st, 2007, 22:25
hmm old games looks awesome :)
1 i found a Dos Navigator (something like a norton commander but i prefer DN) and copy to defined C drive
2 i set a autoexec to:

cd dn

and life is much easiest ;) (less to write for running any program)
i dont know why a mouse pointer move without touching a analog :/ may a "death zone" for analog button as mouse is set too low.

a project DOSBOX for PSP looks promising :)

sorry for my english :>

Maybe ill try to install a win98 or something :> will see tomorrow

June 1st, 2007, 23:12
Yeah, it's very difficult to use, but with some practice it works. (I've made a list for every letter but I haven't found out yet how to make a colon. Can somebody tell me?)

hold the triangle,press up, release both, press left and you will get the '':''

June 1st, 2007, 23:50
well .. i finally got Tomb Raider unfinished buisiness to work through much trial and error (tomb raider is REALLY slow so i wouln't even bother trying to play it besides there is no controller support so no games are really playable right now) - so in theory duke nukem and doom should work too I'd think - it's neet to see dos apps actually run on the psp LOL

June 1st, 2007, 23:56
This is quite the cool application. Well i was digging through our old floppy's(and being 13 had some spare time) and found a very old version of mario so i thought i'd share it with you.

PS it's older than the mario posted awhile back.

June 2nd, 2007, 01:30
Well guys, I have Duke3d at home but if anyone can get a hold of doom 2 or duke3d and try it, let me know how it goes

June 2nd, 2007, 04:18
Very nice homebrew !
some games i have tested :
raptor : hang on on starting
Simon the sorceror : working, but slow
Dead rally ! intro, menu, but freeze before race.
and some others in this video ! enjoy !


ps : i have noticed that some games 0.70 dosbox are working !!

June 2nd, 2007, 04:56
Well guys, I have Duke3d at home but if anyone can get a hold of doom 2 or duke3d and try it, let me know how it goes

As for doom 1 & 2, you're better off using the Doom PSP v0.50 since it runs the game at full speed. The program can be found here: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml

I'm not sure about Duke Nukem 3D since I don't have the game myself.

M Dash
June 2nd, 2007, 13:38
You can use the arrow keys when you change the keyboard mode to group 2 (hold up and press cross to activate or deactivate group 2)
However, you have to press the keys twice so that it reacts...Can someone perhaps somehow fix this??

Thanks a bunch... Guess now i'm gonna try to install Win95 on my PSP!!! LOOOOOOL! :rofl:

June 2nd, 2007, 14:22
x-com ufo defense does not load. :'(
I was sooo hoping because it's a game that doesn't require a lot of hotkeys!

June 2nd, 2007, 14:49
can someone post a ported .70 dosbox eboot?

June 2nd, 2007, 15:06
Ok, so i have it running on my PSP with a Mario game in a folder in the dosbox folder.

How do I boot it up?.

It's very confusing.

June 2nd, 2007, 16:05
Could someone upload the dosbox.conf file? The site is down for some reason :(

June 2nd, 2007, 16:34
Here is the dosbox.conf file that I got from the site yesterday.

June 2nd, 2007, 16:49
can someone post a ported .70 dosbox eboot?

It doesn't exist. There was a discussion about this on ps2dev: http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3179&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=150&sid=5658131a7c0863b8ab653db856bcb164

NOTE: When you go to the link, read crazyc's response to 0.70, which is posted under Bluddy's post.

June 2nd, 2007, 18:06
My 2nd DosBox pack, based on 01.06.2007 fix
Try to use...

Dos Navigator (1.51) [DN]

Volkov Commander (4.99) [VC]

Up - Up
Right - Right
Down - Down
Left - Left
Cross - Space
Circle - Left Alt
Triangle - Left Shift
Square - Left Ctrl
Select - Esc
Start - Enter (Ctrl + Enter in the shell menu)
Analog - mouse movement
L - left mouse button
R - right mouse button
For navigation in the DN (or VC) menu use mouse cursor and left trigger.

For work with "original" keyboard cut from a file dosbox.conf this part:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP cross space
INPUTMAP circle lalt
INPUTMAP triangle lshift
INPUTMAP square lctrl
INPUTMAP select esc
INPUTMAP start enter

Games included in this pack:
Mario, Xenon, Dangerous Dave 2, SimCity, Hexxagon
Put your games or other programms to MS0:\PSP\DOSBOX

P.S. With the best regards from the Russian community ^^`(!)
P.P.S. + Heroes of Might & Magic II - The Price of Loyalty (http://rapidshare.com/files/34910730/HEROES2.rar.html), Works, but speed strongly afflicts

June 4th, 2007, 15:34
what should be implemented is the links2 web browser typing, and easily changed keymapping like the snes emulator to make easier dos gaming for games that havent been ported. although, porting is easier in most cases. but installing w3.11 on psp would be kinda neat. still have the 8 disks :D

June 6th, 2007, 17:48
what are dosbox packs

and are those games legally downloable ?

Id like to see a DosBox pack with say 5 or 6 freeware fomer commercial dos games

June 7th, 2007, 03:20
what are dosbox packs

and are those games legally downloable ?

Id like to see a DosBox pack with say 5 or 6 freeware fomer commercial dos gamesA lot of dos games (well the ones i have) arn't licensed, so i'm taking they are sharable.

June 7th, 2007, 19:39
Why when someone complains everyone has to say "DO YOUR VERSION OF DOSBOX!". I'm not talking about doing a PS2 emulator.

I'm only talking about adding a FREAKING Keyboard to this app. What's so time-spending with the author that he can't add it? Not that someone hasn't already asked him.

He won't simply answer. If I am correct, he is friend of the creator of that UGLY keyboard system, so he's intentionally using that damned keyboard system only to please his friend.

And, I know that Ultima6 it's for a 486DX, but, what's DOSbox without Ultima6? :D
Ultima6 FTW!

June 7th, 2007, 20:17
Pssst... Амбирион = Ambirion -_-

June 7th, 2007, 21:48
Pssst... Амбирион = Ambirion -_-

Thankyou Ambirion your packs are most appreciated


June 8th, 2007, 00:31
Hi, i´m trying to play ELITE, it loads very nice as it requires only a 6 mhz cpu ;)

But... the game needs F1, F2, F3... keys... are they implemented?


June 8th, 2007, 04:02
x-com ufo defense does not load. :'(
I was sooo hoping because it's a game that doesn't require a lot of hotkeys!
Such a great game. I own it on PS1, so I just converted it for the Emulator on the PSP. Works great!

Hi, i´m trying to play ELITE, it loads very nice as it requires only a 6 mhz cpu ;)

But... the game needs F1, F2, F3... keys... are they implemented?

I've got ELITE running on my Palm-based Sony Clié. Works wonderfully. As for PSP... apparently you can remap keys. I haven't looked into it yet, but there are thread links within this thread that may help you. Check it out.

June 8th, 2007, 09:17
Moraff's World Works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 8th, 2007, 09:41
X-com works fine, but at globe there's some lags, it's hard to play.

June 8th, 2007, 10:00
omfg space quest 5 works too

June 8th, 2007, 14:44
Thanks DrNicket,

I tried to remap the F1 key (to get ot the Space Station) and IT works perfectly... i´ll try to make a .bat file to remap for the game...

June 8th, 2007, 15:14
Hey this sounds really cool! :)

Anybody tried the excellent amiga and pc dos game 'Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight'?


June 8th, 2007, 16:04
OMG! i thought i was the ony 1 who new about that game! it was so awsome!!!!

nope i also love the game from my windows 95 days lol, but i only had a demo.....i want the full game !!!! lol XD

June 8th, 2007, 19:26
Gonna go Simcity on everyone's asses. HA HA!

June 8th, 2007, 20:59
Just a suggestion

DosBox needs to have piKey implemented... that way you would not have to be bothered about complicated controls....

(Also,this would mean opening the door to a proper aplication to type texts without limit in size while on the go... or even programming stuff in C for instance)

Also Danzff Virtual Keyboard should be implemented as well, for those that do not have a IR keyboard.

After that, this homebrew would be BRILLIANT.

June 8th, 2007, 21:15

Imagine elder scrolls arena for the DS with touchscreen support :P or maybe Jazz Jackrabbit or even Dark Forces!

June 10th, 2007, 10:41
Yes, totally agree. This is another app that NEEDS a real keyboard - and piKey was made for apps like this!

June 13th, 2007, 13:47
Pssst... Амбирион = Ambirion -_-

Volkov Commander was great - greetings from Polish PSP community!

April 23rd, 2008, 18:16
Hello ppl of the forums just wanted to say hi and i also hve a question about this. I just got my psp for my birthday and i gave 3.80 m33-5 on it. It was given to me by my friend cus he had 2 of them so thats cool. Wellis 3.80 m33-5 normal or custome firmware. Also i try to run Ambirion Dos thingys but they say the game could not be started (800201148) is there something i need to do like upgrade firmware or anything? I want to play Monkey island on my psp if its possible. Thanx for replies in advanced also i dont understand this guy told me to mount c drive or something. I was like what? Much luv Ren also my email is [email protected] if u need it for some reason