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View Full Version : Flash card recommendations...

w00tman X
July 20th, 2007, 16:04
Now, I've been using an M3 DS Simply for a few months now... But I would like to get a decent Slot2 Card.

I'm considering either the Supercard (One of the Lite editions) or an M3 (Perfect?)

Which is "better"? I'm not worried at all when it comes to pricing.


July 20th, 2007, 18:41
The Supercard will have slowdowns in some GBA games due to having slower RAM. The M3 Perfect has faster RAM, which is why it is more expensive.

With both, you can use your M3 Simply as a NoPass device if you need to boot them into DS mode for any reason.

July 20th, 2007, 18:55

Once you know how to use this (which is real easy), you'll have absolute acess to the GBA library for one which I've yet to find a GBA title that did not run, though a few need patched to run, they will run.

Also this will allow you to use the Opera web browser and it will give you rumble features.

Works perfectly with my M3 simply!

If you get one and need help, just msg me!

July 21st, 2007, 00:53

Once you know how to use this (which is real easy), you'll have absolute acess to the GBA library for one which I've yet to find a GBA title that did not run, though a few need patched to run, they will run.

Also this will allow you to use the Opera web browser and it will give you rumble features.

Works perfectly with my M3 simply!

If you get one and need help, just msg me!

Absolutely incredible...

I am buying this right now.

One question, how do you move data to the card? I have an old ezflash flashlinker that I use Littlewriter with. You think that would work?

July 21st, 2007, 04:28
When you have an EZ Flash 3 in1, you have to use the Memory card on your Slot 1 device to store GBA titles on, which would all go in a folder called "GBA".

So for example let's assume you have an M3 Simply, R4 or what ever and a Micro SD card with it. What you have to do is run a special program to from your M3 Simply to boot into GBA mode from your EZ Flash 3 in 1. You will then have a menu with the contents of your GBA folder from your M3, and from there will run GBA titles.

July 21st, 2007, 05:43
Excellent, I get it, that Slot-2 evokes the GBA bit of the DS that Slot-1 can't launch on it's own.

Brilliant, thanks again for this heads up!

July 21st, 2007, 05:47

Well that and the extra memory for the Web Browser and vibration support for Metroid Pinball and what not. :)

w00tman X
July 21st, 2007, 16:24
Hey, that looks pretty good... It does run homebrew right?

Another question, Will my DS need to be flashed to use it? If so, what chance is there of bricking the DS in the flashing process?

July 21st, 2007, 17:36
Hey, that looks pretty good... It does run homebrew right?

Another question, Will my DS need to be flashed to use it? If so, what chance is there of bricking the DS in the flashing process?

Yes, it runs homebrew! There's soo much good GBAHB i've missed out on since ditching my GBA for the DS. I can't wait to try out all the new stuff that's surfaced since I left.

Also, you don't need to flash your DS, you just need a Slot-1 flashcard that is capable of booting Slot-2. Slot-1 is the DS sized slot, and Slot-2 is the GBA sized slot.

Forgive my lack of knowing specifically why or how, but the DS can't go into "GBA mode" unless it detects a GBA game pak in Slot-2. So a combination of a Slot-1 and Slot-2 flashcard will essentially give you the best of both worlds.

I already ordered mine to go with my R4, $19.05 US, shipping included. <3

July 21st, 2007, 18:51
The cart itself actually controlls the running of GBA software, it just requires the Slot 1 card to depend upon for storage, and to manage your games and software for the EZ Flash.

As for Homebrew it seems 50/50, some great games run, some others dont', but that's the ONLY problem I've had with it at all. And with the new NDS Station, you can run a large amount of your GBA games as NDS game, meaning you don't have to load a separate menu for your GBA titles anymore...

...well any games below 16Mb.

Best $20 I've EVER spent, makes the M3 Simply "PERFECT"! :)

w00tman X
July 22nd, 2007, 04:19
Well, thanks guys. I'll have to give that one a try then, it looks so nice! I'll order it when I finish this particular overseas trip I am currently on... Then I'll probably be sending a few "How to?" PMs...

If you don't mind, that is.

Again, thanks for your help.

July 22nd, 2007, 06:42
Not at all a problem, in fact I'm very interested in putting up a tutorial for the 3in1 this week infact so I'll post a link once I get it finished.

July 22nd, 2007, 16:55
That would be great, I didn't notice much help on the product homepage, it was pretty cryptic.

I'm unsure if you have to dump files onto the 3-in-1 card before it will do anything, or if it's simply a plug-n-play sort of thing. Plug-n-play would be nice :)

Does the SNES emulator run on it? I was wondering if it's farther along than the DS one is, I remember that being the case for some emulators way back when I made the switch to DS, so I was a little saddened at the trade off, but I'm not sure if that's even the case anymore.

July 23rd, 2007, 07:30
Tutorial here:


w00tman X
July 24th, 2007, 05:31
Ah, Uber! Well done with the tutorial man, and thankyou.

July 25th, 2007, 00:13
Tutorial here:


Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together!

I gave it a good read and bookmarked it for when my card finally arrives :)

For anyone who hasn't read it, I highly recommend giving it a look, even if you're already familiar with this. Why? It's written by an experienced user who has managed to "get passed" all the quirks and get down to gaming. The bit on which games take some elbow grease to get running is especially insightful.


July 31st, 2007, 15:28
Thank God I bookmarked your page, I got my 3in1 over this board's downtime... I can't believe how awesome this 3in1 is!

Anyway, I got all my favorite gba homebrew to run. I ran into some problems with the PunchOut emulator and a few others, but I was able to fix them using the GBA Tool from your site. Simply fix the bad header, and blammo it will work. I've not had any problems with homebrew since, in fact, everything has worked!!!

July 31st, 2007, 18:38

I've also found that 16Mb GBA titles to work as well, which I've added to the end of my tutorial!

So Minish Cap can be converted to a NDS file after all! ;)

August 1st, 2007, 01:17
Nice, thanks for that bit of info, I think I just might start making those gba/nds files you're talking about. I'd like to keep things organized, especially for the AAA titles. The lesser known stuff I can keep as is.

Let me ask, is converting to nds limited to one gba file per pack, or is it like Goomba and allows you to package multiple files inside the Goomba wrapper?

Oh yeah, you can tell when GBA homebrew isn't going to work on the 3in1, the "Nintendo" logo just underneath the "Gameboy" logo on the splas screen will be garbled and things will freeze. Fix the header in GBATool to get it to run on the 3in1, it's worked for me every time.

PS - what are you using for gba/gbc/sgb emulation? I have a bunch of old Goomba packs I made that I've been using, but I'm wonderin if there's something on the DS front now that's even better?


Bleh I tried NDS Station and it blew out my Kingdom Hearts Quick Save!!!! Dx

SO um, yeah, I gave it a go and despite taking a little longer than using the 3in1 to load into psram, everything seemed pretty good until I decided to continue my game of KH. I had just farmed 3k Moogle points and was about to buy some cards :(

No more NDS Station for me, sadly.

August 1st, 2007, 14:26
Oh ya, with that NDS Station make sure you get the second release, otherwise ALL games will kill what ever game saves are in the 3 in 1's memory.
Also with version 2, anything 16Mb and above will do that as well, which is why I used the ROM Trimmer option in the ROM tool! This will make the 16Mb roms a hair smaller and they will simply run off your memory card and write save files to the memory card.

As for NDS station, no it is a stand alone, it gives the illusion that your GBA title is a NDS game.
If you want a menu like Goomba, you'll want to use Rudolf's Tool and be sure to stay out of NOR MODE else you might loose more game saves! :)

As for your homebrew trick, I'll add that to the tutorial, thankx for the tip!
Also I put a little note in there about loosing game saves when writing to NOR mode. I should have done that before, sorry about that!

As for Gameboy and Gameboy Colour emulation...



Goomba it great for B&W games, but runs colour games very slowly for which reason I need Lameboy because I'm a Zelda junkie! :)