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    The DCEmu the Homebrew Gaming and Theme Park Network is your best site to find Hacking, Emulation, Homebrew and Theme Park News and also Beers Wines and Spirit Reviews and Finally Marvel Cinematic Universe News. If you would like us to do reviews or wish to advertise/write/post articles in any way at DCEmu then use our Contact Page for more information. DCEMU Gaming is mainly about video games -

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  • Kinect hackers give us iOS-friendly dodgeball and Human Tetris

    Remember that Microsoft Rally Ball demo from a few days ago that showed Windows Phone 7's integration with Xbox? Well, the gang at Supertouch has stolen a bit of Ballmer's thunder with a newKinect hack that lets you hurl digital orbs at your Kinect-controlling friend using an iOS device instead of a WP7 handset. The graphics for the game and the iDevice controls aren't nearly as pretty as Microsoft's cross-platform gaming solution, but the end result is pretty much the same -- flingin' balls with a phone while your friend dodges them courtesy of Kinect.

    Meanwhile, Frog Design has added a Human Tetris game to the Kinect's repertoire where players perfect their Vogue-ing skills by striking a pose to match an approaching cut-out on screen. Finally, all the shape-shifting fun with none of the goofy silver jumpsuits. Vids are after the break.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Kinect hackers give us iOS-friendly dodgeball and Human Tetris started by wraggster View original post
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