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  • Woopsi v1.2

    News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...bb15af55d0b518

    Ant512 offers version 1.2 of " Woopsi "GUI library for creating homebrew for the Nintendo DS on the model window of the Amiga OS .

    Woopsi 1.2 is out now!

    There are more changes in this release than I expected. Most of them are bug fixes. There's a fair amount of refactoring, and there are a few new features. Note that this release includes breaking changes, but they aren't difficult to fix.

    The full changelog follows...

    - Screen flipping/ordering does not occur if only one screen is visible.
    - Removed ability to set font draw colour/monochrome from font classes; replaced with explicit "colour" parameter to all draw methods.
    - Removed height member from FontBase and transplanted all methods to PackedFontBase, making FontBase data free.
    - Minor tidying in gadget.cpp.
    - Removed width and height members from BitmapBase and transplanted to BitmapWrapper, FrameBuffer and Bitmap.
    - Removed constructor from FontBase.
    - Gadget::checkCollision(Gadget*) will ignore collisions with hidden gadgets.
    - Gadget::checkCollision(Gadget*) now accepts a const Gadget*.
    - Replaced Gadget::swapGadgetDepth() with Gadget::changeGadgetDepth().
    - Rewrote Gadget::swapDepth() to be more intelligent.
    - The index to which Gadget::swapDepth() moves the gadget is now determined by swapDepth() instead of the parent's swapGadgetDepth() method.
    - Clicking the depth button in an AmigaWindow no longer results in graphical corruption.
    - Removed Screen::swapGadgetDepth().
    - Removed Woopsi::swapGadgetDepth().
    - Minor tidying and optimisations.
    - Gadget::_decorationCount is an s32 instead of a u8.
    - Fixed array index confusion in RectCache::markRectDamaged().
    - Fixed bugs in Graphics::floodFill().
    - Stack methods in Graphics class expect a reference to a stack as a parameter instead of pointer.
    - Removed static variables from Woopsi class.
    - Gadget::checkCollision(Gadget*) shortcuts if a gadget is being compared with itself.
    - Removed unused Gadget::GADGET_NO_RAISE_EVENTS flag.
    - Removed redundant Woopsi::goModal() method.
    - Replaced AmigaScreen-specific flags with extra constructor parameters.
    - Replaced AmigaWindow-specific flags with extra constructor parameters.
    - Woopsi::handleClick() correctly interprets clicks on children of the context menu.
    - Sliders choose a more appropriate size when max value == min value; fixes scrollbars in empty ScrollingListBoxes.
    - AmigaScreen doesn't lose focus when depth gadget is clicked if it is not lowered to the bottom of the screen stack (ie. only one screen).
    - Removed concept of "close type" from Gadget.
    - ListBox:nClick() won't crash if the area clicked doesn't contain an option.
    - Woopsi gadget passes its style object to the two background screens it creates.
    - ProgressBar accepts a style object in its constructor.
    - Removed GadgetFlagTypes from Gadget class.
    - Removed flags from all gadget constructors.
    - Changing label borderless state correctly repositions text.
    - Gadget::setBorderless() is virtual.
    - Label redraws minimal amount when text is changed.
    - TextBox redraws minimal amount when cursor moves.
    - Gadget::raiseGadgetToTop() parameter name in header file agrees with source file.
    - Fixed consistency of Gadget method names:
    - moveChildToDeleteQueue() renamed to moveGadgetToDeleteQueue().
    - moveChildToShelvedList() renamed to moveGadgetToShelvedList().
    - moveShelvedToChildList() renamed to moveShelvedToGadgetList().
    - removeChild() renamed to removeGadget().
    - getChild() renamed to getGadget().
    - getChildCount() renamed to getGadgetCount().
    - closeChild() renamed to closeGadget().
    - shelveChild() renamed to shelveGadget().

    New Features:
    - Added Gadget::getHighestCollidingGadgetIndex().
    - Added Gadget::getLowestCollidingGadgetIndex().
    - Added text member to GadgetColours class - text colour can be defined individually.
    - Added Gadget::getTextColor().
    - Added Gadget::setTextColour().
    - Added Gadget::setDecoration().
    - Added Label:: setBorderless ().
    - Added Label::markTextRectDamaged().
    - Added Bitmap::setDimensions().
    - Added Bitmap copy constructor.

    Source: forum.gbadev.org
    Site Officiel : woopsi.org
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Woopsi v1.2 started by wraggster View original post
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