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  • wraggster

    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 20:39

    Another port of Super Tux has been released for the PSP this time by Jomar Johansen, heres the info:

    SuperTux is a jump'n run like game, with strong inspiration from the Super
    Mario Bros games for Nintendo. Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping on them or bumping them from below. Grabbing power-ups and other stuff on the way.

    Directional pad to steer Tux
    X = jump
    SQUARE = run
    CIRCLE = shoot
    START = menu

    For firmware version 1.50, unpack and copy SuperTux and SuperTux% folders
    to /PSP/GAME/ on your PSP.

    For firmware version 1.0 unpack and copy SuperTux folder to /PSP/GAME/, and then replace SyperTux/EBOOT.PBP with the FW1.0/EBOOT.PBP file.

    Port changes:
    - psp button input
    - images resized
    - 16:9 screen support
    - separated run and fire button
    - added some gore
    - other minor changes

    Screenshots and download via the comments (Lets compare both versions ) ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 20:16

    Back in November, Nintendo was quick to quash rumours that Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would make an appearance on the Revolution rather than the GameCube.

    And whilst that's still very much the case, a new twist in the tale has emerged, since apparently you'll be able to play Twilight Princess on your Revolution using the crazy new "freestyle" controller.

    Nintendo, you may recall, announced that Twilight Princess was delayed back in August, saying that the development team needed more time to "add some incredible new elements" to the game.

    Well, according to NGC magazine, these elements are specifically designed to enhance the game for those playing on their shiny new Revolution consoles.

    "Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller," the article states.

    "When you insert the disc into your Revolution, you'll be given the option to use the Revolution's controller, with all the advantages this will bring."

    But what kind of advantages, exactly? Can we expect new weapons and the like, new levels or perhaps some brand new gameplay? Nothing else has been revealed so far, and we're still waiting for Nintendo to tell us whether or not this is just a rumour, so it's a case of wait and see. In the meantime, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is due out in the spring. ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 20:10

    It's been revealed that Contact, a new game currently in development for the DS, will work with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service - making it the handheld's first online RPG.

    Contact is being produced by Gouichi Suda, director of Capcom's schizophrenic shooter Killer 7. It follows the adventures of a boy called Cherry who's tasked with helping a nutty professor find all the lost components of his spaceship.

    But when Cherry and the professor get separated, it's up to you to help them make contact - do you see - by following the professor's instructions on the top screen, and using the touch screen and stylus to move Cherry around.

    Now a Wi-Fi Connection logo has appeared on the Contact website, confirming that the game will feature an online mode - but so far there are no details of how this will work.

    Contact is out in Japan next month. A European release has yet to be announced, but let's just say we're optimistic... ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:57

    Reports hitting the Internet over the weekend claim that Sony Computer Entertainment is in dire straits, unable to cope with the PlayStation 3, asserting that the console will be both late and plagued with bugs.

    Much of the uproar stems from amateur games site Kotaku, and upon closer inspection, fails to hold any significant weight. In fact, we'll be impressed if the site doesn't come under pressure from Sony, given that its claims - eagerly picked up on by a press sector with little to cover for a few weeks - stem from between nothing and very little.

    The uproar stems from a person who (and where have we heard this before) is an insider who gets real, actual, hands-on time with the PlayStation 3. His message as reported on Kotaku reads:

    “PS3 Info Before I Head Out Of Japan Friday Towards Noon, Thats Tokyo time. Have fun waiting a while longer boys. No way that thing is coming out in March. The games just arent there and lots of other isseus I cant delve into right now.”

    It seems that Kokat... Tokaku... whatever, has been emailed by one of the trillion 'insiders' who unfailingly have in-depth, hands-on knowledge of an unreleased console and decide that emailing websites to tell them all about it is the best way to spend his time.

    There's more however. Kotatu... Tukoki... whatever, posted a follow-up piece to lend weight to its initial article. The genius behind this is so overwhelming, we feel it is essential reading. The site explains:

    “We reported Friday about what a man named Fishie claimed was his first hand experience with what he called a very not-ready-for-prime-time Playstation 3. Today I’ve got an interesting conversation between an in-the-know and a friend that occurred a few months ago.”

    It then, incredibly, posts a MSN Messenger conversation between two 'insiders' for your reading pleasure:

    In-the-know says:
    Sony will have to scramble and scramble hard to make spring release

    In-the-know says:
    and in case they actually manage that their content will stink since all games are way too far off

    Friend Mole says:

    Friend Mole says:
    i thought it was easy to program for

    Friend Mole says:
    unreal enine demo

    Friend Mole says:
    that was up in no time

    In-the-know says:
    an engine demo is not a full featured game

    In-the-know says:
    a game needs testing and extensively so

    In-the-know says:
    suppose you have an engine that can render a thousand butterflies

    Friend Mole says:
    [NOTE: He was most likely talking about the Factor 5 dragon game ‘Lair’]

    In-the-know says:
    and can do that in hi def at 60fps

    In-the-know says:
    you make one of the butterflies fully controllable instead of random

    In-the-know says:
    and its still 60 fps

    In-the-know says:
    but suddenly the engine starts cracking even without touching a controller

    In-the-know says:
    then you need to start looking what code is making it behave that way

    In-the-know says:
    start optimizing and changing parameters so external shit doesn’t cause that sorta stuff

    Friend Mole says:

    In-the-know says:
    lemme give another example

    In-the-know says:
    You have a 350 horsepower engine

    In-the-know says:
    350hp in tests

    In-the-know says:
    put it in a car and use faulty screws

    In-the-know says:
    and the engine will tear your nice car apart

    Friend Mole says:
    hmm, are things that severe over in sonyland?

    In-the-know says:
    then just try to find out what is wrong

    In-the-know says:
    it’s that severe with every game

    Friend Mole says:

    Friend Mole says:
    do you think they foresaw these problems?

    In-the-know says:

    Friend Mole says:

    In-the-know says:
    I mean

    In-the-know says:
    its always like that

    In-the-know says:
    MS has the same problem

    In-the-know says:
    but Sony miscalculated the added complexity of the cell infrastructure and its adverse effects on development

    Friend Mole says:
    so what did MS do right where Sony misstepped?

    In-the-know says:
    MS did a shitload wrong as well

    In-the-know says:
    none of the early games really show of the XBox

    Friend Mole says:
    has to do with out of order processing?

    In-the-know says:
    that is giving them a big image problem right now with people calling it xbox 1.5

    In-the-know says:
    yah that too

    Of course, the reports cropping up in recent days stem from little more than developer and publisher unease at Sony's progress with its new home console, and delays have been widely mooted for months. The lack of rolling game footage has caused endless speculation on the subject of taming the Cell processor, and it seems that this chatter has spurred reports across the web that stem from very little of substance.

    We believe it's highly likely that the PlayStation 3 will be delayed. We also believe that it will launch with a dire lack of software. However, aside from the off-the-record comments of developers (already in receipt of PlayStation 3 development kits) these assertions don't ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:50

    Nintendo of Europe has posted a 2006 preview on their official website concerning Nintendo products and software. The European subsidiary says "in 2006 Nintendo will launch [Revolution]." While we know the Revolution will be released sometime in 2006 in both the US and Japan, no mention of a European date has been given. Given the fact that this announcement is posted on Nintendo of Europe's website, we can only assume they are implying a 2006 Euro release as well.

    Pro G puts it best by saying: "I think we should wait until the words 'Revolution' and 'European release 2006' are used in the same sentence in an official statement by an Nintendo rep before we assume the Revolution will be coming to Europe in 2006, but we're hopeful." ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:45

    Perhaps the terrorism marketing approach now works best when selling a new iPod product. The Pyp Bomb is a unique little amplifier made out of PVC piping and plastic made for either your iPod or guitar. An odd combo, but the Pyp Bomb has bang (pun not intended) for the buck with 18 watts of power. Not too shabby. When something (like an iPod) is plugged into the 3.5mm phono input jack, sound is optimized for clear, crisp audio for music. Plug a guitar into the 1/4” jack though, and you can switch between electric and acoustic channels to rock out Roy Smeck-style. The Pyp Bomb gets days of battery life too via an internal liquid acid battery. It’s available now for $150 but don’t blame us when the ATF wiretaps your phone for buying it. ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:45

    Perhaps the terrorism marketing approach now works best when selling a new iPod product. The Pyp Bomb is a unique little amplifier made out of PVC piping and plastic made for either your iPod or guitar. An odd combo, but the Pyp Bomb has bang (pun not intended) for the buck with 18 watts of power. Not too shabby. When something (like an iPod) is plugged into the 3.5mm phono input jack, sound is optimized for clear, crisp audio for music. Plug a guitar into the 1/4” jack though, and you can switch between electric and acoustic channels to rock out Roy Smeck-style. The Pyp Bomb gets days of battery life too via an internal liquid acid battery. It’s available now for $150 but don’t blame us when the ATF wiretaps your phone for buying it. ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:40

    A new IPOd Docking station has been released, heres the info:

    The iDocker includes two satellite speakers, a remote control and docking station to charge your iPod. The iDocker 501AUS supports all generations of iPod and features a 2 x 5 Watt amplifier and two aluminium satellite speakers.

    Buy yours from here --> http://www.yesasia.com/?/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793 ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:40

    A new IPOd Docking station has been released, heres the info:

    The iDocker includes two satellite speakers, a remote control and docking station to charge your iPod. The iDocker 501AUS supports all generations of iPod and features a 2 x 5 Watt amplifier and two aluminium satellite speakers.

    Buy yours from here --> http://www.yesasia.com/?/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793 ...
    by Published on January 3rd, 2006 18:25

    iRiver's "PSP killer" will sport an 800 x 480 pixel 26k color display, pack in 4 or 8GB of storage, and run Windows CE 5.0. Looks like it'll be on display at CES so we'll be sure to track this one down for ya.

    View the pics via the comments ...
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