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  • Shrygue

    by Published on August 22nd, 2007 16:48

    via Games Industry

    Apart from pinning down release dates for a pair of big titles, Nintendo has announced no new Wii or DS products at this year's Leipzig Game Convention – instead choosing to focus on the company's well-documented successes of the past year, Eurogamer.net is reporting.

    Using the consumer convention to open up its E3 titles to the public, the format-holder has said it will release Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for Wii on October 26 in Europe, and DS hit The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass a week earlier on October 19.

    Instead of the usual press conference, Nintendo opted for a more intimate approach; groups of around thirty journalists at a time were led around the company's exhibition stand.

    The company had already stated it was taking a more low key approach to the Leipzig event earlier this month.

    Nintendo Germany boss Bernd Fakesh spent forty-five minutes showing journalists the impressive European sales figures for games like Brain Training, Nintendogs and Wii Sports.

    "As we move through the tour, we must remember that gaming, too, is on the move," Fakesch began, claiming that Nintendo's dual strategy of new game concepts and easier, more intuitive control had opened up gaming to 'millions' of former non-gamers, especially among young females and the over-40s.

    Nintendo games occupied 16 of the top 20 slots from January to July this year in Germany, and Brain Training stayed in the top 10 for over 60 weeks. Fakesch also boasted an 80 per cent hardware share for Nintendo in the handheld market, and 65 per cent of the total games hardware market. ...
    by Published on August 22nd, 2007 16:33

    via Games Industry

    Media Create's latest figures show the Nintendo DS and Wii still atop the sales charts.

    For the week ending August 12, Nintendo sold 147,205 DS handhelds and 65,120 Wii consoles in Japan.

    Sony sold 21,321 PlayStation 3 consoles, just behind sales of 32,147 PSP handhelds. Sony also sold 12,545 PlayStation 2 consoles.

    Microsoft sold 2,112 Xbox 360 consoles in Japan during the same period, bringing total Japanese lifetime sales to just under 400,000 units.

    Topping the Japanese software charts for the week ending August 12 was SD Gundam G Generation Cross Drive for the DS, which sold 137,717 units, followed by Mario Party 8 for the Wii and Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job Systems for the PS2.

    Donkey Kong Jungle Climber for the DS debuted in the number four position, with J-League Winning Eleven 2007 for the PS2 at number five.

    Rounding out the top ten were Everybody's Golf 5 (PS3), Wild Arms Cross Fire (PSP), Wii Sports, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS), and Wii Play. ...
    by Published on August 22nd, 2007 16:30

    via Eurogamer

    EA has revealed that FIFA 08 on PS3 and 360 will feature a brand new online mode for 10 of you to play at once.

    It's called Be A Pro: Online Team, and will let you and four friends take control of one player each from a team - the rest will be handled by AI. A unique camera will then follow you and the action, as you face off against other teams of five from all around the world.

    The feature won't be in game when it launches here on 28th September, but is expected to be a free downloadable update around six to eight weeks later.

    "At EA Sports our dream is to create a full 11 versus 11 online gameplay experience in which each user will have a set position during the match and train specifically for that position," said Joe Booth, producer of FIFA 08 - echoing his promise to Eurogamer that it would be integrated in the game to sit alongside the World Cup in 2010.

    "Be A Pro is the first step in this direction, and now, with the ability to deliver five versus five online gameplay as free downloadable content, we are moving even closer towards the realisation of this dream."

    On top of that will be Interactive Leagues, which take all of the points won by supporters of a certain club and compile it in one giant league; alongside weekly in-game podcasts by the developers, plus regular leagues and tournaments you and your friends can set up.

    It will all complement the biggest and most coherent FIFA offering to date, promising better physics, controls, tricks, graphics, more teams, video capture and uploads, and lots more. ...
    by Published on August 22nd, 2007 16:28

    via Eurogamer

    Rock Band has been delayed in Europe until the first quarter of 2008, but will be fully localised for each territory, on both disc and downloadable content. It's also coming to PS2, home of original Guitar Hero success.

    The news erupted from the EA Games Convention conference in Leipzig, where Harmonix co-founder Alex Rigopulos took to the stage to detail the much-anticipated title.

    Among the highlights was a revelation that 10 new tracks would make the starting line-up for the title, but the price of Rock Band is still to be confirmed.

    The ten new tracks are as follows:
    • Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter
    • Deep Purple - Highway Star
    • The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go
    • Faith No More - Epic
    • Beastie Boys - Sabotage
    • Radiohead - Creep
    • Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
    • Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds
    • Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock
    • OK Go - Here It Goes Again
    by Published on August 21st, 2007 20:36

    via Nintendo Wii Fanboy

    You know how boxart is always better in Japan than in the US? You're looking at the counterexample. The Japanese Sonic 3 cover is arguably the worst thing to happen to the series right up until the creation of Shadow. Apparently Sega was doing their best to kill their flagship series in Japan, by throwing some Cross Colours-tinted doodles and tiled "THE MOST FAMOUS HEDGEHOG IN THE WORLD" signs on a white background and throwing it out like it's acceptable. The US box, in comparison, is spectacularly beautiful.

    Pretty good game, though. Other games on the list include a forgotten launch-era NES sports game and Ordyne, the adorable Namco horizontal shooter that we totally already have! This week's Japanese Virtual Console releases are:
    • Volleyball (Famicom, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points)
    • Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii Points)
    • Ordyne (PC Engine, 1-2 players, 600 Wii Points)
    by Published on August 21st, 2007 20:30

    via PS3 Fanboy

    The HD wars are stronger than ever. In a statement clearly triggered by Paramount and Dreamworks' surprising move to HD DVD exclusivity, Fox and MGM are both pledging increased exclusive support for Blu-ray. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Live Free or Die Hard, and Fox's first-ever TV release on BD, Prison Break, have all been announced for release on Blu-ray.

    These discs won't skimp on exclusive features. According to GameDaily BIZ, a "vast majority" of its movies will arrive on 50 GB dual-layer discs, with BD-J interactivity and Blu-ray exclusive HD bonus materials -- something that has been sorely lacking on most BDMV releases.

    So why support Blu-ray over HD DVD? It's simple: better sales. "Given that Blu-ray has consistently outsold HD DVD all year, and this is the case for any titles released by any studio in both formats, we believe that the time is right for us to accelerate our activities and help convert the nearly 60 million high definition households worldwide into Blu-ray households," commented Mike Dunn, President Worldwide, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. ...
    by Published on August 21st, 2007 20:27

    via PS3 Fanboy

    Ever wonder who's responsible for choosing the games on the PLAYSTATION Store? Rusty Buchert, senior producer at SCEA's Santa Monica Studio, is the man to talk to about original games on the PSN. He has a unique vision for the Store, where he wants to bring indie games, such as Everyday Shooter, to the masses.

    An extract of the interview...

    Can you explain to our readers what your position is at SCEA?
    Hi all, my name is Rusty Buchert and I am a Sr. Producer at the Santa Monica Studios. My focus is purely on PSN titles for the PS3.

    The PLAYSTATION Store has differentiated its offering from that of its competitors. We've seen a lot of unique experiences, such as fl0w, that simply aren't on the other platforms. How is Sony's focus on downloadable games different than the other guys?
    My focus has been to find unique, fun experiences. We started searching for games like this from the outset and we were searching through the Indie Scene right out the gate. In general the Scene thinks outside the traditional development box. All to often people get indoctrinated into one general way of thinking about games in genre, design, and execution. You are not going to get anything new thinking like that. We were betting on the fact that people wanted something new and not a rehash of a rehash of a rehash.

    Is there more or less risk involved in working with smaller games?
    There is a lot less risk compared to the Blu Ray titles. There is a lot of upside to the risk being so much less. We get to experiment on a major portion of the games. We get to test out new game mechanics and design/experience ideas.

    The full interview can be viewed over here ...
    by Published on August 21st, 2007 20:23

    via PS3 Fanboy

    It appears that more and more PS3 systems are getting access to a new version of Folding@home for PS3. Version 1.2 contains some noteworthy additions, such as the ability to activate folding from your PSP through Remote Play, and a new Advanced Participation mode for those that fold more than eight hours a day (!). Here are the updates:
    • Support for Remote Play for PSP - Turn on Remote Play and feel free to activate folding when you're on the go. Requires PSP firmware 3.50 or above.
    • Visibility of Donor Locations on the Globe - See night and day users.
    • Support for Additional Protein Simulations - PS3 now supports even more kinds of proteins!
    • Advanced Participation Mode - Recommended for users that fold at least eight hours a day, this mode will allow users to tackle advanced calculations that take significantly longer than standard operations. A new energy graph will show the energy level of the protein over time.
    • Screensaver Mode - After three minutes of controller inactivity, the screen will go blank, allowing users to save on power consumption.
    • Link to Project Information - See what you're folding, and what cause it's going for.
    • Protein Visualization Enhancements - Four new visual modes have been added:
      Tapioca – Displays the protein as a smooth surface with improved shading and depth. (Replaces "ISO Surface" visualization from earlier versions.)
      Caviar – Displays the protein as a smooth surface with defined edges.
      Licorice – Displays only the protein's bonds.
      Backbone – Emphasizes specific sections of the protein that are of the most scientific interest to researchers.
    Get folding! To join the PS3 Fanboy Folding@home team, add your PS3 to our group: 57793. ...
    by Published on August 21st, 2007 20:13

    via Computer and Video Games

    The PS3's ability to track the position of an object in 3D space using the new Eye Toy offers up more potential for motion-sensing gaming than the Wii Remote, Sony told CVG yesterday.

    Eye Toy card battle game, Eye of Judgement, boasts some pretty impressive optical recognition technology that not only identifies a card (from a selection of hundreds) and summons the right monster, but it can track the movement of that card - including its distance from the camera and tilt orientation - and keep that monster positioned correctly on it.

    Game director Kazuhito Miyaki told CVG: "All of the different Eye Toy games that we've made so far and the wide range [of gameplay] that we have delivered shows that the camera isn't the key device, it's what we do with it that's important."
    When asked how this compared to the motion tracking opportunities offered by the Wii Remote, he went on the say: "In Eye of Judgement it's all about summoning the creatures. With other games it'll be about creating a whole different dynamic so, in a way, you could say there is much more potential and ability in our technology." ...
    by Published on August 21st, 2007 19:59

    via Games Industry

    Epic Games president Michael Capps has said that big budget marketing was key to the success of Gears of War - warning that many good games are ignored because they don't have the same level of support.

    Capps was speaking during a Leipzig GCDC panel discussion about what makes a best-selling game. When asked by a member of the audience how important a role marketing plays he replied, "Absolutely tremendous... It's so unfortunate that I can list 20 games that were fantastic that nobody ever saw."

    According to Capps, Epic was "extremely lucky" to have the backing of such a big publisher as Microsoft, and access to high profile marketing as a result.

    "I had Lindsay Lohan come to my launch party," Capps stated. "I'm not sure it was worth the money, but... The point is, it's cool to have that kind of exposure."
    Gears of War was released in November 2006 and became the fastest-selling Xbox 360 game ever. Within a month more than 2 million units were shifted, and total sales to date are more than double that figure.

    Capps said that the secret to Gears' success also lies in the timing of Microsoft's next-gen console launch, telling the audience, "We absolutely attribute Gears of War's success to coming out at exactly the right time for the console, when Microsoft really needed a big Xbox 360 game to sell the platform.

    "We've been very lucky with that, but it's so important to any sort of financial success."
    Fellow panellist and Factor Five president Julian Eggebrecht said he agreed that marketing should be a serious consideration for developers when signing up with publishers.

    "If you have any sort of chance in your contract negotiations to get a set number or at least a minumum marketing commitment in there, absolutely go for it," he offered.

    "Even though you and your publisher are convinced at the point of signing that your game will be fantastic and the most important thing in their strategy, it could slip six months. And then somebody applies with another game, and that game becomes the most important thing in their strategy."
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