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    by Published on May 17th, 2012 23:52
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    Back when Forza Horizon was first officially announced by Microsoft and Playground Games back in March, all we had to gaze upon was a montage of desperately pretty cars and people, living the kind of life you'd expect someone with that kind of a car to live.

    Now, though, we've got our first real look at the game in the form of the screenshot above, which features the 2013 SRT Dodge Viper, some rocks, an extremely flat American highway and the same vignette framing we've come to expect from Forza in-game screenshots. Granted, this is but a single image, but from where we're sitting it sure does look a hell of a lot like a Forza game, which is reassuring considering that this is Playground Games' first spin behind the franchise's wheel.

    by Published on May 17th, 2012 23:26
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    As we revealed yesterday, Time Warner Cable has finally activated HBO Go streaming to TV connected devices. As seen on the new activation pages for Samsung Smart TVs and Blu-ray players, Xbox 360s and Roku boxes, TWC and Bright House Networks are now among the available options (sorry, still no word on ESPN3 for the Xbox 360). The only bad news? DirecTV and Comcast have not (yet) followed suit, so for those customers HBO Go streaming on the TV is still a hit-or-miss affair. We're not sure what is behind the change of heart or policy, but while Comcast reportedly had authentication issues to resolve before switching on the Xbox 360's HBO access, it's worth noting that Time Warner Cable could have its app coming to some or all of these platforms very soon. An official blog post indicates it may take a few hours for things to switch on every where so if you don't see this in your neck of the woods just keep checking back.
    Update: Cablevision too, as noted by a post on the Roku blog.

    by Published on May 17th, 2012 23:12
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox 360 News

    Rockstar’s Max Payne 3 hits the UK High Street tomorrow – and retail has pegged it as a significant release fit for the discount treatment.
    HMV is selling the game for £37.99 outright or for just £7.99 if you trade-in either Starhawk, The Witcher 2 or Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. That deal is valid until Sunday.
    Sainsbury’s is selling the game for £39.99 or alternatively just £29.99 when purchased with either a 2100 Microsoft Point card (£17.99) or a £25 PSN card.
    Asda has opted for a very competitive £34.87 price on both formats, no strings attached. Tesco is pricing slightly higher at £36.96 but is throwing in the Silent Killer Multiplayer Loadout Pack.
    Blockbuster is offering 50 per cent extra trade-in credit on any console titles redeemed against the purchase.
    Online, Amazon has gone low at £34.75. Most other online retailers, including ShopTo.net, GameStop, GAMEand Play.com, have gone at on or around £39.99.
    UPDATE: Blockbuster is selling the game online for £37.85.

    by Published on May 17th, 2012 00:24
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox 360 News

    UK-based developer Lionhead is working on an "MMO-like mulitplayer experience" for the next generation Xbox.
    The confirmation comes from a job ad posted on Linkedin by the Microsoft-owned studio, which also says that the game won't be based in the Fable universe.
    "To assist in the development of a major brand new IP that is being targeted for the future generation of platforms and will be an RPG-based game with a radical new take on how co-operative and multiplayer gameplay feeds into the experience, while blending online and single-player into one complete experience," the ad reads.
    “[The game] will have a complex progression system, multiple routes through the campaign, and an MMO-like multiplayer experience that will affect the outcome of the player experience, and many other attributes surrounding their profile (such as the environment and the outcome of certain actions)”.
    It's encouraging to see Microsoft moving into the realm of MMOGs (or, at least, MMO-likeGs), as it could lead to the company relaxing its tight control of the Xbox's hard drive and allowing other developers to follow suit.
    Sony has long been open to MMOGs, with Free Realms and DC Universe Online already doing well on the service, and CCP's Dust 514 on the horizon.
    Last year, it was reported that Microsoft was gearing up to offer a free-to-play service.

    by Published on May 16th, 2012 00:51
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    Complaints by Netflix's Reed Hastings and a handful of politicians must have rankled Comcast CTO Tony Werner, as he just posted a particularly detailed explanation of why Comcast believes the Xfinity TV app on the Xbox 360 isn't violating net neutrality. We'd previously heard the argument that the Xfinity app's traffic is simply being routed through Comcast's internal network and isn't the same as the Internet data of Netflix, but Werner now contends that the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) tags that some think are breaking FCC rules by favoring Xfinity video are really just necessary switches. They're not prioritizing traffic, they're setting it aside, the claim goes. Of course, Hastings and others believe that setting Xfinity video aside is prioritizing, and Comcast's point of view sidesteps the practical reality that watching Netflix, Amazon Instant Video or iTunes will lead you closer to that ever-present 250GB cap while Xfinity doesn't. The FCC during its rulemaking warned against special private services being used as end-runs around neutrality concerns; it's up to the agency to decide whether or not that's true here, or whether Comcast is just offering its usual service in a new way.

    by Published on May 16th, 2012 00:45
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox 360 News

    As Microsoft chases after its entertainment ambitions, it risks alienating those who made its platform a success, warns Johnny Minkley
    Late April, 2005. The NDA was signed and delivered, and I was waiting for the call from the US. Having foolishly failed to remember the connector for capturing an audio feed, I relocated to a quiet corner of the office on a different floor and carefully laid out two analogue tape decks next to the phone to record the conversation via its external speaker, just to be sure.
    An embarrassingly backward way to discuss the future of gaming, perhaps, but that was my set-up when the call came in from chief Xbox officer Robbie Bach, who was about to reveal the name and the direction of the second phase in Microsoft's 20 year gaming plan, a few weeks before the official announcement.
    "Microsoft's desire to widen the appeal of Xbox beyond the hardcore is clear enough. But at what cost?"

    I was reminded of this interview when I read this week of somerecent comments by Bach - now ex-box - reflecting on Xbox 360's stellar performance and how Microsoft ruthlessly capitalised on Sony's costly ball-fumbling with PlayStation 3.
    "Some of the success of Xbox was due to the fact that Sony did some really not so smart things," Bach told a business audience in Seattle last week. "The transition to PlayStation 3 was really, really bad. And really hard. They mismanaged their partners, they mismanaged their cost structure. They made their next platform so complicated that developers couldn't develop for it."
    At the same time, Bach recalled, Microsoft went on a full-blown charm offensive with key publishing partners, convincing them it wasn't in their best interests to continue to foster a market in which one format holder held all the cards.
    It worked. And the likes of Activision and EA supported 360 "disproportionately to what they should have, mathematically." It also summed up Microsoft's early attitude to the games business.
    The vast corporation had few friends and many doubters when it launched the original Xbox in 2001. As good as the hardware was, the company was forced to work tirelessly to win the hearts and minds of the trade and the core gaming audience so crucial to the platform's formative years.
    This success-at-any-cost mindset ensured executives were far more open and approachable than the media had become accustomed to with Microsoft's lofty rivals. And for core gamers, it meant the HD experience out-of-the-blocks first, with a growing library of seriously impressive games and a best-in-class online service, making Sony appear flat-footed in its hubris.
    Today, the global installed base for Xbox 360 sits officially at 67.2 million, particularly strong in the US and UK, and ahead of PS3 at 63.9m. The stuff, no doubt, of Bach and his colleagues' wildest dreams back in 2005.
    But it's a position that also excludes the context of over 95 million Wiis sold, the steady rallying of PS3, and the explosion of smartphone, tablet and social network gaming.
    "The vision of Kinect for gaming has remained beyond the frequently clumsy reality: nowhere more awkwardly underlined than with the canning of Peter Molyneux's Milo"

    Microsoft's mantra at the dawn of this generation was "software and services", which has seen 360 steadily evolve to reveal the company's original, Trojan horse ambition of becoming the de facto entertainment hub of every household.
    And this is where things may get a little sticky for Microsoft hereon in. Having fought and triumphed in a battle on a single front, it now finds itself embroiled in expensive skirmishes on all sides - with potential dangers in how it balances out its bets.
    During that 2005 interview, I asked Bach why the console was called Xbox 360. Because it will "revolve around the gamer," he insisted. That was undoubtedly true in the beginning; but today an increasing number among its loyal gaming audience are doubting the sentiment.
    Little by little, with the ad-and-entertainment heavy Metro dashboard, the relegation of games several tabs away, the burying of additional games content and the casting out of indie games into the digital wilderness, and the scrapping of Inside Xbox video content, Microsoft's desire to widen the appeal of Xbox beyond the hardcore is clear enough. But at what cost?
    A gaming platform can no longer survive through the custom of core gamers alone. Kinect was Microsoft's great gamble to extend the life of 360 and capture the casual audience Nintendo engaged with so effortlessly. And, on the surface, it's been a roaring success.
    Leaving little to chance, Microsoft staked a reported $500m on marketing Kinect and was rewarded with an astonishing 8 million sales in its first 60 days, making it the fastest-selling consumer electronics device in history.
    It has the installed base, then, but do consumers still care about Kinect content? UK software sales suggest a dwindling of interest, with key first party-published titles such as Kinect Sports 2 shifting a third of what the original managed, and Dance Central 2 just a quarter.
    by Published on May 16th, 2012 00:41
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    9. Xbox 360 News,
    10. Playstation Vita News

    EA has outlined the ways in which it intends to build upon the fantastic success of FIFA 12 with the freshly announced FIFA 13.
    The game will deliver what EA describes as “the most sophisticated artificial intelligence ever achieved for the FIFA franchise”, with tech being shared between both the PC and console versions.
    Players are now programmed to think two plays ahead and are able to alter or curve their runs to make the most of potential chances. They will also deliberately pull defenders out of position to free up space for runs from teammates.
    Furthermore, none other than Lionel Messi is the inspiration behind “the most comprehensive and intuitive dribbling system ever developed”. Players will change direction faster with precise dribble touches and “true 360° mobility”.
    1st Touch Controls have also been introduced, meaning that every player will no longer be graced with Matthew Le Tissier-like control when receiving the ball. Instead, a player’s touch will be dictated by their skill level “creating variety and uncertainty around ball control”.
    Defensive pressure and the ball’s velocity and trajectory all now play a part in how well a pass will be received, opening up the game for defensive players.
    The Player Impact Engine has also entered its second generation, while a brand new Tactical Free Kick system has also been introduced that allows for up to three players to use dummy runs to create more elaborate set pieces.
    Defensively this makes a difference, too, with the opposing team able to creep the wall forward or select one player to charge the ball.
    There are a host of improvements to career mode, too, while the EA Sports Football Club will play a bigger part than ever. Plus, the total number of licensed teams now exceeds 500.
    FIFA 13 will be released on Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, Wii, PS2, 3DS, PSP and iOS. Interestingly, some sort of compatibility is also promised for Kienct and Move owners.
    “We are perfecting the best sports game in the world with innovations that capture all the drama and unpredictability of real-world football,” FIFA 13’s executive producer David Rutter stated.
    “These are game-changing innovations that will revolutionize our artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and collisions to create a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, and deliver freedom and creativity in attack.”

    by Published on May 15th, 2012 22:34
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox 360 News

    Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot revealed the publisher's plans to capitalize on free-to-play and next-generation consoles today, as part of the company's Q4 2012 earnings report.
    With over £384 million earnings reported from casual games for the year, and a 110 percent growth in digital sales, the company has 15 online and digital titles slated for launch this quarter.

    One of these titles, Trials Evolution, has already been released, breaking XBLA sales records, with over 100,000 copies sold in the first 24 hours.
    Ubisoft also plans to release an online free-to-play version of the Silent Hunter franchise.
    "Thanks to our focus on ramping up our teams' online expertise, combined with the know-how brought in by our recent acquisitions and with the recruitment of specialized talent, we are now in a position to fully seize the numerous current and future opportunities of the video game industry," said Guillemot.

    by Published on May 14th, 2012 23:51
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox 360 News

    Former Xbox exec attributes part of console's current standing to "really, really bad" transition to PlayStation 3
    Former Xbox executive Robbie Bach attributes some of the Xbox 360's success to a series of "not so smart" decisions on the part of its main console rival, Sony.
    Speaking at the Northwest Entrepreneur Network - as reported by GeekWire - Bach detailed some of the key decisions that helped secure a place for the Xbox in the console market. However, a number of key factors had nothing to do with Microsoft at all.
    "[Sony] mismanaged [its] 70 per cent market share," Bach said. "The transition to PlayStation 3 was really, really bad. And really hard. They mismanaged their partners, they mismanaged their cost structure. They made their next platform so complicated that developers couldn't develop for it."
    Bach presided over Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices division for much of the Xbox era. During his tenure the console raced ahead of Sony's PlayStation, and Bach emphasised the importance of strong relationships with partners to achieving that goal.
    "You need friends. It's just the way life works," he continued. "It turned out we were able to convince retailers and publishers like Activision, Electronic Arts and others, that it was a good thing for Microsoft to be successful, because if we were not successful, the only game in town was Sony.
    "Being dependent on somebody else was bad for them, and so they supported us disproportionately to what they should have, mathematically."
    by Published on May 14th, 2012 00:54
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    2. Xbox 360 News
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    The ultimate Star wars fans game console, heres the details:

    Xbox 360 320GB Star Wars Console with Kinect

    This first ever custom Xbox 360 and Kinect bundle includes an R2-D2 blue-and-white themed console, a custom Xbox 360 Wireless Controller inspired by C-3PO and the first ever white Kinect sensor. Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways – no controller required. Easy to use and instantly fun, Kinect gets everyone off the couch moving, laughing and cheering. See a ball? Kick it. Control an HD movie with a wave of the hand. Want to join a friend in the fun? Simply jump in. Wi-Fi is built-in for easier connection to the world of entertainment on Xbox LIVE, where HD movies and TV stream in an instant. Xbox 360 is more games, entertainment and fun.

    Xbox 360 320GB Star Wars Console
    View larger.
    Product Features
    White Kinect Sensor: With this first ever white Kinect sensor, you can experience gaming like never before. Easy to use and fun for everyone, the Kinect sensor utilizes revolutionary full-body tracking to put you in the center of the fun. This amazing new technology allows the sensor to recognize your body and mirror your movements in the game, making you the controller. With Kinect Xbox 360 now has the best controller ever made – YOU.

    Built-in Wi-Fi: The new Xbox 360 is the only console with 802.11n Wi-Fi built-in for a faster and easier connection to Xbox LIVE. Stream HD movies and TV or download games from Xbox LIVE in 1080p and 5.1 surround sound from anywhere in the house. Compatible with b/g/n networks.

    Xbox LIVE: Xbox LIVE brings a world of entertainment to you. Instantly watch movies and TV streaming from Lovefilm, Netflix, Sky Player and more. In crystal-clear HD, or download game add-ons like new levels, characters, maps and songs. Easily jump right into online multiplayer fun and play along with friends around the world. Plus, get your favorite music from Last.fm, connect with friends on Facebook® and post Tweets on Twitter. Xbox LIVE is your connection to more games, entertainment and fun.

    C3-PO-themed Xbox 360 Wireless Controller: This custom award-winning, high-performance wireless controller features a range of up to 30 feet and a battery life of up to 30 hours on two AA batteries.

    More ports: Connect more accessories and storage solutions with added USB ports. Now with a total of 5, (3 back/2 front) you’ll find more places to plug and play. Plus, in addition to the standard Ethernet port and HDMI output, we’ve added an integrated optical audio out port for an easier connection to the booming sound of your A/V receiver.

    Kinect Star Wars game: Kinect Star Wars brings the Star Wars Universe to life like never before. Harnessing the controller-free power of Kinect for Xbox 360, Kinect Star Wars allows fans to physically experience training as a Jedi, using the Force and battling with a lightsaber. Using full body motions, players can live out the ultimate Star Wars fantasy, no controller required.

    What’s In The Box?
    R2-D2-themed 320GB Xbox 360 Console with custom sounds
    White Kinect Sensor for Xbox 360
    Kinect Star Wars game
    Kinect Adventures game
    C3PO-themed Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
    Xbox 360 wired headset

    One Month Xbox LIVE Gold Membership

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Xbox-320GB-S..._rd_i=11056131 ...
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