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Thread: Be Careful of Fake/Bogus Downgraders

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Exclamation Be Careful of Fake/Bogus Downgraders

    This is a SERIOUS warning to all PSP owners above v1.50 who are after downgrading their PSPs, first of all if sites like PSP Emulation News, Emuholic, Max Console or PSP Hacks havent posted about it then its most likely fake or just some kids dream.

    Remember that these downgraders could brick (in other words kill your PSP) and until you hear it off a true legit source and not some scammers or lame site then dont touch them.

    Remember that PSPs dont come cheap and Sony will most likely not keep up their side of the Guarentee if you have tried a downgrader.

    Once the official teams have released the info we at PSP Emulation News will have it on the site but until then be careful.

  2. #2


    You forgot about PSPUpdates

    hehe, PSPU gives fair warning to those who download any "beta" downgrader or anything that may harm the PSP :P They did that with PSPersonalize, so I'm sure they will give warning to when it comes out. I have yet to see a fake article besides that one guy who said he hacked 1.51/2 that all PSP sites posted :P They also gave fair warning to users of the MS swap as well.

    Hehe, I just notied they were missing from the list, so I thought I would tell ya

    Anyways, I always check out these two sites to make sure ya got the news :P It's better to clarify news than to assume that it is always true..

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro YourStillWithMe's Avatar
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    Post Be smart

    I agree with Wraggster. Peopl are always trying to be the hero for everyone and crack a system or do soemthing great for the psp scene. Good dream, but its not gonna happen. Have it clarified and cleared by the huge psp sites such as this one, .psp-hacks pspupdates or

    Don't go thinking you'll be all cool if you get some kids leak of his so called DOWNGRADE and you wont tell everyone and you'll better than everyone else because you'll end up screwing yourself guys.

    Be careful everyone.

  4. #4


    The one thing that makes me hessitant about these downgraders are the fact that to downgrade, one must flash their PSP. Flashing their PSP with something made outside of Sony is always going to be a risk. I'm just happy I have a 1.5

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I'm not gonna do anything to my PSP until you post that it works wraggster. Sometimes PSPUpdates jumps the gun and posts news really fast. They are interested in having the latest news right away but that can be dangerous if its just some lamer who hasn't tested their latest downgrader... Not saying its a bad thing to post everything really quick, but it could be dangerous since downgraders are becoming a trend.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie Mr.Modem's Avatar
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    This is the most reliable site for PSP news IMHO. PSPUpdates tend to post news that turns out to be bull$#@!.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Modem
    This is the most reliable site for PSP news IMHO. PSPUpdates tend to post news that turns out to be bull$#@!.
    Hmm..give me one example...

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenIpaq
    Hmm..give me one example...
    STOP... lets not get into this again, keep the topic rolling eh?

  9. #9
    PSP Coder
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    Hahah, yes please.
    There is a reason that site was omitted from the list. We all know it, it's common knowledge among the "educated" who are enjoying their homebrew on the PSP.

    Let the ignorant flock there; less annoying comments and questions for the rest of us.

    So downgraders huh? anything that flashes your firmware should not be actively reported on because that builds up hype/hope/expectations and it's something that can potentially give you a nice, shiny, fingerprint-coated brick of $#@!.

    I am not viewing any videos or reading any comments on the downgraders until it's "out" and "verified"

    Though should it work, I'll have my lil White PSP playing homebrews just fine.
    Too bad it only seems to be "downgrading" to 1.5 from the IRC conversations I've seen.

    Should just go 1.0 and keep it pure... virgin white.

    I felt like using the term "virgin" in my post.
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