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Thread: PS3 and XBox 2 Processors to be Exactly the Same !

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default PS3 and XBox 2 Processors to be Exactly the Same !

    IBM (the manufacturers of some of the parts for the PS3 and Xbox 2) told Alex Albrecht that the processors they are putting in the new PS3 and Xbox2 are going to be the same processor, with the parts around it arranged slightly differently. Alex pried this information out of an IBM employee, likely while interviewing him for the show on which Alex is a cohost, The Screen Savers. Alex equivocates by saying "Now again, this is a rumor... so no Slashdotting". Too late for that, but keep in mind this is just hearsay at this point.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Re: PS3 and XBox 2 Processors to be Exactly the Sa

    This is wrong. Did you mean Nintendo's next system and Xbox 2? Those are also both PowerPC-based, although even those are still unlikely to be "exactly alike". But PS3 and Xbox? No. It doesn't matter who is manufacturing the chips. The design is what counts, and they're going to be radically different. The PS3 cells will have a PowerPC chip at their core, but they're shoving a bunch of vector chips in with them, taking the brute force approach once again.

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