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Thread: Analyst Predicts PS3 Lead, Next-Gen PSP

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Analyst Predicts PS3 Lead, Next-Gen PSP

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    Gamers can barely predict what will happen within the industry between today and tomorrow, let alone sound respectable and forecasting two years from. That's the job of analysts at Piper Jaffray, though, and their latest release includes such whoppers as: PlayStation 3 leading in hardware sales and a new PSP model next year.
    Piper Jaffray says by 2008, PlayStation 3 will have grabbed 45-50% of the hardware market, with Xbox 360 barely trailing at 35-40% and Nintendo dropping to a minority share of 15%. In fact, they predict Revolution adoption to move at an almost snail's pace, with only half a million units next year, two in 2007 and three in 2008.

    The race between Sony and Microsoft, however, will far more competitive, but Piper Jaffray eventually predicts PlayStation 3 will pull ahead of the pack. In the end, though, the competition between the three systems will produce an impressive 30% total increase in consumer purchases for videogame systems.

    Almost more interesting, however, is the speculation Sony will release a "next-generation PSP" with an audio/video hard-drive next summer. A remodled version of the PSP with two analog sticks would be fantastic, but Sony purposely cutting into the lucrative sales of memory sticks doesn't really jive with a philosophy based on the bottom line.

    They're the ones paid to be analysts, though, not me, so we'll see how Piper Jaffray's predictions roll out over the next few years.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Remodeled PSP with a harddrive? Am I the only one who feels robbed? But I guess they are just following the Nintendo trend of releasing a new revision of the hardware every 1 to 2 years. Sony should really work on getting a better game line up instead of focusing on media playback.

    Nintendo released 2 new Gameboys this year! Gameboy Micro and Gameboy Advance SP with a backlight (instead of frontlight).

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie Datahax's Avatar
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    If they're gona do that then they should definately offer free or very cheap upgrades to all the people who bought the original PSP's not that long ago. Or at least offer an upgrade package where we can change things about ourselves.

    I mean come on, who the hell has the money after buying a PSP to turn around and buy ANOTHER one.

  4. #4


    I would put good money against a PSP with hard drive coming out next year.

    also I think they have hugely underestimated the power of Nintendo. I think Revolution is going to rock, and bring in more new gamers than the other two graphic boxes. They offer nothing new other than nicer looking and MORE EXPENSIVE games! Hardly something that will lure in new gamers.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie oldsage's Avatar
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    You guys seriously think they'll give you "cheap upgrades"? LOL...

    I'm with Mr. Klepek though, i'm almost certain they make more money off mem sticks then game media and hardware... Then again, if that's the case, why don't they allow homebrew?

    We'll see...

    EDIT: @parabolee, new gamers means a lot of hardware, but not that many games... If i'm not mistaken, the money comes from games, not hardware...

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie Datahax's Avatar
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    I never said I thought they would I said they SHOULD. Big difference.

    And I doubt the PSP will ever come with a harddrive. It'll make it bigger and even more bulky. Plus rumor has it a 10Gig Memory stick is coming out of Sandisk soon.

    Personally I think Sony should put some kind of way to keep people from copying the UMD discs, and then allow homebrew. That prevents piracy and would gain them tons of money of people buying the console for homebrew and for memorysticks.

    As for the revolution, the controler looks like my air conditioner remote with an analogue stick attached via a cable. I can't imagine playing games on that thing, but maybe I'm just oldschool.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie Gnoccir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapyi
    Remodeled PSP with a harddrive? Am I the only one who feels robbed? But I guess they are just following the Nintendo trend of releasing a new revision of the hardware every 1 to 2 years. Sony should really work on getting a better game line up instead of focusing on media playback.

    Nintendo released 2 new Gameboys this year! Gameboy Micro and Gameboy Advance SP with a backlight (instead of frontlight).
    I hate to say it because I love my psp but if they want to make money they need some better games. I'm having fun with these games but so far I haven't played any thing that was like...WOAH I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!

    It seems like alot of people are caught up in the trend of having whats new and as soon as they realize that there are like 10 games released in the last 6 months, they're gonna be like uhhh what do I do now?

    anyway my random ramblings

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie Zaibach333's Avatar
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    has anyone been keeping up to date with sony hardware? they can turn cameras into dinky little things. I'm sure by the time a psp is released with a hardrive they will have changed the design a bit and it wont be too diferent in size.

    I thought the ps3 was going to have a duo slot? and I think it would be cool to do the nintendo thing and be able to use the psp as a controller. dual joysticks would make games like coded arms worthwhile.

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