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Thread: BlackAura? Any Progress to Report

  1. #1

    Smile BlackAura? Any Progress to Report

    I was just wondering if theres been any progress on your Genisis+ port. Im not baggering you for a a release as i have an Xbox for all my emulation needs but I still lover my old DC and have been watching and waiting for some progress for a while. Its been a bit of a dream of mine to see a Genisis EMU running well on the DC and always thought that G+ was its best hope. Earlier on in the year you said you had made some good progress but was unable to compile your source. Is there any chance of a new preview release or a version 1 in the near future. Im ever since your posts in July & August i've been diying to see whats changed. As i said im not baggering you for a realease and or info im just a Emulation fan the gaming comes in a close second!


  2. #2


    True, i hope wich first of end of this year, get-out a release, finally LEGAL of genesis, and specially with 6 button support =|, if you have a X-BOX, you don't have problems on emulation =), you are a great fan of dreamcast =).

  3. #3


    The dreamcast spelt the end for Sega as we all knew and loved it. The dreamcast will be the last piece of hardware we will ever see. Its the DC scene and the love that peole have for it that keeps me intrested. I've always had a soft spot for it. I have been waiting for a legal EMU that could play Genisis games on the DC for years now. I've always said that there would be no greater send off to segas hardware side than being able to play (well) Segas biggest hardware sucsess on what Sega belive was it's biggest failer. (but i'm sure everone in these forums dosn't belive that)

    So long live the Dreamcast, Sega's Hardware and the people that love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4


    BA already mentioned a few weeks ago that he will try to get a new release out soon. Have more patience.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Apr 2004
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    yes I cant wait for this either, but for now I'm really enjoying the current release!

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