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Thread: nxMakaqu 1.0

  1. #1

    Default nxMakaqu 1.0

    nxMakaqu is a merger between two engines for idSoftware's Quake: Fragger's Makaqu and BlackAura's nxQuake. This is now the definitive Quake engine for the Dreamcast. The features include SDL sound, support for CD audio, proper support for the official mission packs, an improved nxQuake modlist with fixed modlist scrolling and swap disc support for the modlist, multiple resolutions selectable in the modlist, VMU support for savegames, savestates and config files with independent VMU files for each game, and many other features too numerous to list.

    For the complete list of features, and the download, check out this topic at the DCEmulation forums.

  2. #2


    At last!, wonderful news, can't wait to give it a try.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    =) GREAT!!!!!

    But i don't uderstand, can work MODS official made with QUAKE?

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sep 2005
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    can sonone tell me step by step how to burn this i have the quake paks but i am lost (dont know if i should use the scrambled or unscrambled bin and what abot an ip bin and 1st read bin) im just lost thank guys

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by gymguy
    can sonone tell me step by step how to burn this i have the quake paks but i am lost (dont know if i should use the scrambled or unscrambled bin and what abot an ip bin and 1st read bin) im just lost thank guys

    BOOTDREAMS by LyingWake should do the job perfectly. It doesn't even need scrambled bins, it tests and if needed scrambles them by itself for you!

    Download and enjoy this great little proggy

    nxMakaqu needs the following file structure:

    \nxMakaqu\ < = = = = (nxMakaqu plain files go here)

    Regarding the IP.BIN: Just use any IP.BIN from some other Dreamcast homebrew.

    Hope it solves your probs

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sep 2005
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    thanks finally got it burned its great playing quake on the dc but is there anyway to up the resolution like in the pc version after abit of time with radquake i couldnt take it anymore i hope this isnt the same way.(dreamcast either doesent have the memory or this is the best that software rendering can be)I dont want to sound like im knocking the program its great what you guys do keeping the dc alive and kicking and i want to say thanks for all the hard work i just had a question

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sep 2005
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    i got it hold down x brings up different resolutions in mod list any chance of getting 640 x 480 at full speed as i notice it slows down abit or is it not going tohappen because of the dc not being able to handle it

  9. #9


    nxMakaqu v1.0 uses software rendering. It's not because the DC could not handle 640x480, it's just because it's not exactly easy to actually use the PowerVR2-DC. But who knows ? Maybe there will be another version someday ?

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