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Thread: NEOGEO/AES Tests

  1. #141
    DCEmu Regular M Dash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codex
    The first Neo Geo roms, where -> MGD2 (Multi Game Doctor 2) <- dumps (you can compare it with .smc "Super MagiCom" roms...). That's why some roms where redumped (yes to be the closest to the original as possible).

    OH.... I see.... Well, tnx for teaching me!

  2. #142
    DCEmu Regular M Dash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonythekitty
    Um it looks like you guys are talking about a program to fix the roms, but I only speak English so if you could repeat if its important... I have gotten magicain lord to load, and I have used both dumped sets of roms that I have found, and it plays (hurray!) but the sound is really screwed up. Any chance of fixing this in the rom or is this an emulator fault? ALso anyone can tell me how to successfully use these prefetch files? I have put them in all the directories with the roms but when I load metalslugx or blazingstar it acts just like any large file (ie it crashes or either has garbled graphics after load.)


    1 - yes, plz read the posts with attention before posting.. because about the fix tool, we are speaking english.
    2 - if the sound of that game is screwed up: OR the emulator doesn't support the ROM at a decent rate to be able to play sounds correctly, OR the ROM sound files are corrupted/damaged.
    3 - about the prefetch files.... plz read the READ-ME file of the emu, ok? it's NOT supposed for you to HAVE the ROMs with the prefetchs in the same directory. don't change the structure of the emulator files :\

  3. #143

    Angry Final Post

    Quote Originally Posted by M Dash
    1 - yes, plz read the posts with attention before posting.. because about the fix tool, we are speaking english.
    2 - if the sound of that game is screwed up: OR the emulator doesn't support the ROM at a decent rate to be able to play sounds correctly, OR the ROM sound files are corrupted/damaged.
    3 - about the prefetch files.... plz read the READ-ME file of the emu, ok? it's NOT supposed for you to HAVE the ROMs with the prefetchs in the same directory. don't change the structure of the emulator files :\
    1. I cant understand the english that was spoken. I have downloaded Romrenamer tool .80 for neogeo files and followed command line structure of romrenamer mame NAME OF GAME as it suggested. It always says nothing to do. Even when I put all the files where they are supposed to go (the in_roms) dir and even when I know its a rom it is supposed to correct (blazing star) but it doesnt find anything to do.
    2.My specific question was on Magician Lord, if anyone knows if this is a problem in the rom (where I should keep looking for a good copy) or an emulator problem (where I should just give up until the next version)
    3. There is no documentation in MY readme file about the prefetches other than it supports 10 games with prefetch. It doesnt say what to do with the files or if they must be merged wit hthe roms, or where to put them or how to load them. I kept the prefetches in ALL directories just to be safe and Mslugx crashes the emu and blazing star has garbled graphics and I just wondered what I am doing wrong.

    In addition. Thanks to anyone who did try to help me. No thanks to those of you who didnt, or who just want to treat me like a fool. I am a casual user of these programs and do not spend nearly as much time with this as you guys do. I was able to fix the romconverter problems that you guys seemed to have without any outside help, so I must not be a complete idiot. I have fixed several of my own games. I a mjust having troubles with a few that are important to me, and wanted assistance. I am sorry if that is too much to ask. It seems to me that everyone on these boards is concentrating on games which this emulator will NEVER realistically play! I mean SVC Vs Capcom Chaos Blue? How much do you think you can get out of the dreamcasts dinky amount of ram before it just kicks the bucket and croaks? If you want to do something useful then you should like me concentrate on making or perfecting these under 16 meg files (mainly the ones under 8 meg) so that we can have a fullspeed emu for somethings. No matter how much prefetch you add you will never play SVC vs CAPCOM at fullspeed with no framskip and no lag. The DC processor is too weak and the ram too limited. Not to mention the uselessness of trying to perfect something that already has ports on several major consoles. Where can you buy a copy of Ghost Pilots or Magician Lord for your XBOX? NOWHERE. That is what we should be concentrating on.

    Thanks again to the author of this wonderful emulator if he reads these posts. I think this is promising! Cant wait for your next version!! Hope it comes swiftly I will check every day!

    Thanks to the Kairo who wrote the updated or hacked version of romrc. I couldnt understand one word in your post but downloading that file made several more of my games convert properly, so kudos!!!!

    I wont bug you guys again since I seem to have upset you so.

  4. #144
    DCEmu Regular M Dash's Avatar
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    first off, SvC IS AT full speed emulation. the only thing that keeps it are the MID-FIGHT loadings... if that is fixed, the game will run great!!
    second: i'm not treating u has a idiot or something. i simply tryed to help you with your problem!
    about the prefetchs, when u convert a ROM, the prefetch is automatically added to the AES ROM. try to convert e ROM without prefetch. if you check the LOG, you'll se a message saying: "WITHOUT PREFETCH!"... If the game has prefetch, it won't say nothing. so don't mess with the directory structure or prefetchs, because they are already ready to be used.

  5. #145
    DCEmu Newbie Codex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Dash
    first off, SvC IS AT full speed emulation.
    Which set you use? CRC's of each rom? Could you post a screenshot of your You can upload pics on ...

    See yaa!

  6. #146
    DCEmu Regular M Dash's Avatar
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    the set???? well... I... hmm... DELETED IT! X.X

    The set i have for PC is diferent of the one i used to convert and play in the DC.
    After converting to AES, i deleted the set!
    So i no longer have the set, and even if i have the files, i don't remember the CRCs of them :\

    Of course, i ahve the AES file. if that can help....


    I believe my set was this:

    c1 - 465d473b
    c2 - 3eb28f78
    c3 - f4d4ab2b
    c4 - a69d523a
    c5 - ba2a7892
    c6 - 37371ca1
    c7 - 56ac5fb9
    c8 - de99e613

    m1 - 941fb671
    p1 - 44304c0d
    s1 - aaef740c

    v1 - e7203930
    v2 - 675159c3
    v3 - f8810665
    v4 - b57b4ea3

  7. #147
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    Default Why does is the sound so messed up?

    Everyone is talking about how these games are running "fine". I can't get anything to run without a lot of memory skipping unless I turn the sound off. Is this pretty much par for the course? Plus, how do I integrate these prefetch files into the roms so that I can get the larger games to run "fine"? Right now they're decidedly less than fine and I don't notice any performance difference between larger games with prefetch files and those without.

    Otherwise great work, keep it up, wish I was smart enough to contribute more than criticism...

  8. #148
    DCEmu Regular M Dash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nevsky187
    Everyone is talking about how these games are running "fine". I can't get anything to run without a lot of memory skipping unless I turn the sound off. Is this pretty much par for the course? Plus, how do I integrate these prefetch files into the roms so that I can get the larger games to run "fine"? Right now they're decidedly less than fine and I don't notice any performance difference between larger games with prefetch files and those without.

    Otherwise great work, keep it up, wish I was smart enough to contribute more than criticism...

    The games DO run fine. Try running the AES's on Windows, but if they run bad, run them on the DC. they will go great! Integrate the Prefetch files?? oO;
    they're automaticaly added to the AES files when you convert them with the converter!!!
    If you don't see diference... that's because of your PC. anyways: on the Dreamcast, most of them run great!
    About the smart comment..... I won't say anything... you just judged yourself... nobody told you nothing about it.

  9. #149
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Alright now that i got the thing working using that tutorial i'm going to mention here the same as what i did in the tutorial post. There is some bad load times in SVC Chaos not just during the 1st battle it can also occur on the next battle. I find with pressing pause and letting it sit for a bit updates the loading a bit.

    You can however select your character which people are complaining about and you do it by holding start and using the D-Pad to select your character. However i wouldnt say this is totally playable yet nor is this emu in a playable state its new so lets wait until further updates instead of complaining about new releases. By the way the emu is great for a new release.


  10. #150
    Wii User AkumuHau's Avatar
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    is there any way to make rage of the dragons convertable? the romrc only has the decrypted version in, and hell if i know what that means

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