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Thread: DS Speculation Splendor

  1. #1

    Default DS Speculation Splendor

    This thing I have...this DS...

    It has unmistakibly more potential than any other gaming machine in exsistence.

    And yet I see so little,

    IT NEEDS more than ever : MARIO PAINT DS

    If this never happens I have officially lost hope in Nintendo

    Plus. If I get a flash cart, can I run SNES Mario paint on it somehow?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: DS Speculation Splendor

    Whoa! slow down. The DS has been out for less then two weeks. A gba flashcart will probably only take advantage of the gba hadware and currently no snes emulator for gba runs mario paint... yet.

    more than likely you will have to wait for some kind of flash card for the DS to come out. and the homebrew and emulation scene for the DS is just starting. give it about 6 months and im sure alot more will be known about the DS and emulation.

  3. #3

    Default Re: DS Speculation Splendor

    Mario Paint should be the launch game!

    All im wondering is weather or not anybody has heard the word

  4. #4

    Default Re: DS Speculation Splendor

    sqrew mario paint! why the hell havent they made a zelda game for it. and if they ever do they beter use the online feture or els

  5. #5

    Default Re: DS Speculation Splendor

    There is no way waiting for a zelda release on the DS wouldent pay off.

    Mario paint is over due.

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