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Thread: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

  1. #1

    Default Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    There's been a new attempt started by Portoguese DC fans to bring ATOMISWAVE games to the SEGA Dreamcast. Similar to the NAOMI arcade board (Border Down), the ATOMISWAVE board by Sammy (Guilty Gear X) is nothing less then a slightly modified Dreamcast so it would be very easy to port these games to our little white wonder.[br] [br]These screenshots were taken from the game Dolphin Blue, a Metal Slug type 2 player and 2 dimensional action game with 3D polygon graphics.[br]If you'd like to support this idea you can sign this petition or -even better- write online a little message to Sammy! The official ATOMISWAVE website can be found here

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    The link that Max offered to send your opinions directly to Sammy should not *be overlooked and I would appreciate if everyone who is interested in an ATOMISWAVE port to DC actually uses the possibility to write a few lines to Sammy:

    Here's my letter:

    Dear Sammy,

    my question is, wouldn't it be a good idea to port available ATOMISWAVE games to the SEGA Dreamcast as it would be an easy task to do so due to the technical similarity of the SEGA Dreamcast and the ATOMISWAVE arcade board?
    There is an installed base of 11 Million SEGA Dreamcasts and most users still have a huge interest in buying new games for it. Also there is a huge amateur programing scene and a highly developed SEGA Dreamcast news network all around the world. *Recent releases such as ''Puyo Puyo Fever'' by SEGA show the still existant relevance of the SEGA Dreamcast in today's hardware market. In fact the SEGA Dreamcast fan base all around the world is starving for new releases for it - especially unique games like ''Dolphin Blue'' would be highly demanded.
    A lot of Dreamcast users have always been fans of Sammy and SNK/Playmore games so they would welcome a new ''Guilty Gear'' or ''King of Fighters'' game with open arms too.

    Yours sincerly,


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    just did

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    Just wanna tell you that this petition within its third day has now been signed by 366 subscribers!


    Max aka Freeze of Dreamcast Scene still takes your contributions to the paper petition he runs and will send them to SAMMY!

    Here's what he said:

    Actually, I had contact to Sammy once. Due my experiences with Playmore I noticed that Japanese-based developer are much more friendly to you if you write Japanese petitions.

    Currently we have about 300 "real" and 2.000 online signatures and an Japanese translator guy. With the re-opening of DCS in a couple of weeks I also set up some professional petitions in English and Japanese and this will finally go out to Sammy my snail mail.
    Just set up your own little petition, sign it and pass them over to Max:

    Post contact

    Zeilerbergstrasse 52
    85405 Nandlstadt
    Germany / Europe

    Mail contact

    info (at) dreamcast-scene (dot) com

    ...and/or drop SAMMY online a few lines about our 2nd little *NeoGeo *;D with this contact form

    I've got reply from André Oliveira as I send him a new text for his petition based of az_bonts suggestion and a little additions I wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I'm working to change the petition text...
    Well, i'm portuguese and my native language is not the english... but i know
    recognize my errors and off course i'll change the petition text....

    There's no login or something to the petition site so there's no option to
    change the text..... so i'll contact the owner of the site to change text i
    it's possible...

    sorry my bad english and thanks for the suport.

    it's a good cause to the dreamcast all-world community

    ...and from SAMMY as I send them the request quoted in my second post in this thread:

    Thank you for your inquiry about our product.

    It is not scheduled to convert ATOMISWAVE titles into
    DREAMCAST at this moment. We will make good use of your idea in our
    future development.

    Thank you.

    Sammy Corporation
    public relations dept.
    23-2, Higashi-ikebukuro, 2-chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 170-8436, Japan
    E-mail$B!'([email protected]$B!!(B

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    Hey there, I found your site today while randomly surfing for info on Dolphin Blue. I love the petition idea, and have both added my name to it and wrote a letter to Sammy. I'm going to pass the petition link on to a gaming website I'm on, and hopefully we can get Sammy to give us some love. In case anyone wants any ideas or anything, here's the rather long-winded :-[ text of my letter:
    As many other videogame fans have no doubt been doing in the last few days, I am writing in an effort to make you aware of the gaming community's interest in home ports of current and upcoming Atomiswave games. Due to the Atomiswave's similarity to the Sega Dreamcast console, ports of popular Atomiswave games like Dolphin Blue, The Rumble Fish, Guilty Gear X 1.5 or even Guilty Gear Isuka (although it is already headed to the Playstation 2) would not take as much effort as porting to other systems. Despite the Dreamcast's technical discontinuation, recent releases such as King Of Fighters 2002, Ikaruga, BorderDown, Psyvriar 2 and Puyo Puyo Fever prove not only that the console still has some life in it, but that there are many dedicated fans worldwide who are willing to purchase games released on the system. I implore you, along with the Dreamcast gaming community, to consider bringing us ports of some of the more popular Atomiswave games.

    I realize also that the Dreamcast might not be as appealing from a market standpoint, despite it's current fanbase, on account of it's discontinuation. I also wanted to inform you that there is indeed interest in the gaming community in a home version of the Atomiswave system. With the NeoGeo hardware now discontinued, and home NeoGeo systems being far beyond the price range of the average consumer, the market is ripe for a company to step in and bring gaming back to its roots, away from the flashy 3d and fancy production preferred by the likes of Sony and Microsoft, and back to arcade experiences that worked well with but never relied completely on the graphics. With Sammy's aquisition of Sega, you have a seasoned console manufacturer under your wing, and with the proper marketing (decidedly Sega's stumbling block in the past) a new console could be the Neo Geo of the next generation (hopefully without the exorbitant price tag) and would be immensely appealing to retro gamers and new gamers alike who are looking for solid gameplay and an enjoyably experience.

    I realize that my one voice is not nearly enough to sway a company of this size, but I hope I will be heard and taken into consideration, as well as any other videogame fans who write to you with these same ideas. There is a petition currently making the rounds in messageboards asking for Atomiswave ports for Dreamcast, and I am sure that when it is finally submitted you will see that there is indeed demand and a market for these kinds of ports.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and take my request into consideration.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    a few hundred more real signatures and another thousand e-signatures and maybe some more emails to sammy directly and I think we got this thing sewed up. Now if only we could think of a way to get the CPS2 to stuff over to the DC.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    [quote author=Greatsaintlouis link=board=dcgame;num=1086515461;start=0#4 date=06/09/04 at 05:29:00]Hey there, I found your site today while randomly surfing for info on Dolphin Blue. *I love the petition idea, and have both added my name to it and wrote a letter to Sammy. *I'm going to pass the petition link on to a gaming website I'm on, and hopefully we can get Sammy to give us some love. *In case anyone wants any ideas or anything, here's the rather long-winded *:-[ text of my letter: [...]

    Wow, a great letter! Thank you for your support, Greatsaintlouis! Be sure you get an additional 'paper' petition rollin' and send your stuff to Max aka Freeze over at (adress see in my post above yours)



  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    I doubt the plan works because companies dont care about gamers anymore.
    I'm gonna buy a Atomiswave soon so i'll be happy regradless but it would still be nice to not have to buy $500 games everyone I want.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    Hopefully it works ;D

    The Atomiswave is pretty comparable to NAOMI 2 so it has more RAM and stuff, but it should be very easy to do a decent port to DC:

    Atomiswave specs:
    CPU : Hitachi SH-4 64-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)
    Graphic Engine : PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC)
    Sound Engine : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)
    Main RAM : 32 megs
    Main Memory : 16 MByte
    Graphic Memory : 16 MByte
    Sound Memory : 8 MByte
    DC specs:
    16 MB main operating RAM
    8 MB video RAM (VRAM)
    2 MB sound RAM 128KB Flash RAM
    = adds to 24 MB MAIN RAM (excluding sound)

    32 > 24 = The rest actually is identical

    Easy as hell to convert that down!

    Yes, the games look damn great! I'd really like to buy Dolphin Blue and Guilty Gear Isuka (both by SAMMY itself) for DC - if it would be possible *

    For SNK it's something like the official NEOGEO 2 and beside that SEGA and SAMMY are like one company now:

    So why not giving it a try?

    MVS 2 = Atomiswave (and that's offical!)

    AES 2 = Dreamcast?

    You see what the petition(s) is all about if it would have success...


  10. #10

    Default Re: Dreamcast ATOMISWAVE Petition

    I'll get right on that paper petition too, I really want to see this stuff work.

    In case anyone's interested, I put the petition link on a board that I'm on, and the thread can be found here: The forums there in general deal with rare, unreleased, and developer games and systems, so if you're interested in that sort of thing, feel free to look around as well.

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