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Thread: SDL Wolf3d sbi files

  1. #1
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default SDL Wolf3d sbi files

    Thought I'd put these up here for anyone who wants to play around with it. At this point, it should be playable (but I really suck at playing video games, so I haven't gotten very far when testing to make sure stuff works). Config files still seem to work if/when they want to, but saving works. I've been using bz2 compression for the saves, although I may switch to gzip if I get around to seeing if it compresses better. If I do that, your saves will naturally be useless with the next version which is why I'm not doing a public release quite yet.

    All three Spear of Destiny missions should work. You need your *.sod, *.sd1, *.sd2 and *.sd3 files for the full version of SoD, and you'll be presented with a menu before the game loads so you can pick which mission you want to play.

    This should be completely playable without a keyboard. They keyboard works, and the mouse will try to work. DC Controller should be as follows (this will also show up in the SBI help window for those of you who use Selfboot Inducer)

    In menus, "A" is "Yes" or "Select", "B" backs out.
    "Start" sometimes also functions as "Esc," but I don't think I remembered to put that in everywhere. If it doesn't work, try "B."
    D-Pad navigates menus. Up/Down to type when you're required to enter text, Right/Left to go forward/backspace when entering text.

    In game, D-Pad or analog stick will move around.
    "A" will fire.
    "B" will open doors, flip switches, etc.
    "X" should be run.
    "Y" should cycle through available weapons.
    Ltrig/Rtrig will strafe.
    "Start" exits to the menu.

    Keyboard controls should be the same as PC:

    Arrows move.
    Alt strafes.
    Left Ctrl fires.
    Space opens doors.
    Esc goes to menu.

    Your *.wl1, *.wl6, *.sod or *.sdm files go in:
    For SoD Full version, your *.sd1, *.sd2, and *.sd3 files also go in

    This is based on Steven Fuller's Linux port of Wolf3d and the GP32 port, which is where I got the code for PC Speaker sounds and most of the code for the controller stuff.

    I threw a couple of "Easter Eggs" in. Neither was difficult to do. One will make the music play out your back speakers if you have your DC hooked through a ProLogic receiver (and will probably cause the music to go away if you've got a Mono setup). I'll let you figure out what the other one is. It's just ssomething I found in the source and changed one "#ifdef ..." to "if(something)..."

    If you use Selfboot Inducer, just remove the ".zip" extension from the filenames and drop them in your Sbi folder. If you don't use SBI, just unzip the files and you'll find the binary in Inducer/Games, and you'll need to scramble it. I included the Shareware data files in the Shareware SBI files.

    Enjoy, but don't be surprised to find bugs.

  2. #2


    I've been playing it all this morning until I got a little bit of motion sickness and had to stop.

    I haven't played this since it first came out, so it was fun to play it again. Though, it's age shows now.

    Anywho, your port plays great. I noticed that clicking disney sound source enables the drawing of celings and floors. Was that the other "easter egg" you were talking about?

    That's pretty funky. I can see why it's not enabled by default, as it makes things too $#@!bersome - but it is neat to try for a while.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Coder
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    The other easter egg only really works if you have a ProLogic receiver. I couldn't get the sound to play right until I forced it into stereo by making a copy of every sample. If you have the music on and you select "AdLib" music again, every sample played on the right channel is the negative of what is on the left (basically, they're 180 degrees out of phase from one another), which will cause the music and AdLib sound effects to play out your back speakers on a ProLogic system. There's no real reason for it except that I wanted to see if it would work. Clicking it again will make it play normally, just like clicking "Disney Sound Source" a second time will turn off the ceiling and floors.

    Thanks for the positive feedback.

  4. #4


    138, I -!-LOVE-!- this port! It blew my mind. I didn't play Wolfenstein in years and it was so much fun with your port! Played it for hours with a friend Finally the DC got decent ports of all the id classix!

    Here's my bugreport for now:
    - At times the game seem to crash after the credits screen is displayed (black screen of death)
    - If you confirmed to overwrite an existing save state, it says "Saving" and seemed to have saved successfully, but loading that same save state brings you back to the previous save state.

    Those two are all the major bugs I found, other than that your port already seems to be 100% perfect!

    Btw, I am working on a Wolf3D-DCEvo release as we speak
    If it's okay with you, DCEvo could release it about the same time as when your port will be released publically. I'm gonna put up a beta up as soon as I got it compiled.

  5. #5


    Atm, I'm doing some more research on more TCs/Mods for the Wolfenstein/Spear of Destiny compilation and came across this:

    Due to the game content, this game may not be ordered by residents of Germany.
    I knew the game's illegal here, but that I even couldn't order it from outside... >_<

  6. #6
    DCEmu Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser
    138, I -!-LOVE-!- this port! It blew my mind. I didn't play Wolfenstein in years and it was so much fun with your port! Played it for hours with a friend Finally the DC got decent ports of all the id classix!

    Here's my bugreport for now:
    - At times the game seem to crash after the credits screen is displayed (black screen of death)
    You mean when it's about to load the menu? I know that if you have a lot of saves, it may give a black screen for a while before the menu comes up. I haven't had it crash in a while, so I'll have to look and see if I can reproduce that and fix it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser
    - If you confirmed to overwrite an existing save state, it says "Saving" and seemed to have saved successfully, but loading that same save state brings you back to the previous save state.
    I'll have to figure that one out too. I hadn't noticed that it did that. It's supposed to delete the old save before writing the new one if you're overwriting an existing save. I'll have to figure out why it isn't doing that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser
    Those two are all the major bugs I found, other than that your port already seems to be 100% perfect!

    Btw, I am working on a Wolf3D-DCEvo release as we speak
    If it's okay with you, DCEvo could release it about the same time as when your port will be released publically. I'm gonna put up a beta up as soon as I got it compiled.
    That sounds cool. I've still got a little more work to do, but it would be pretty sweet to have an image with all sorts of mods and whatnot.

    Thanks for the bug report and feedback.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by OneThirty8
    You mean when it's about to load the menu? I know that if you have a lot of saves, it may give a black screen for a while before the menu comes up.
    Actually that definitly could have caused the prob! Still, I am sure I waited a while before reseting my DC.

    Quote Originally Posted by OneThirty8
    That sounds cool. I've still got a little more work to do, but it would be pretty sweet to have an image with all sorts of mods and whatnot.
    On sunday eve I compiled a disc with some mods and I think, I am not putting all mods on there, just a selection of some of the mods that I got now - some are great but others do not seem to be that good. Since then I had not much time to work on the project again. I hope I can search for more mods tomorrow.

    What if you would add a Mod loader ? nxDoom i.e. allows having a text file with the details, like names, cheats, etc. - I am thinking of sth. like this:

    Pacman 3D,/wolf3d/pacman/,name of the author

    Would it be possible to imitate the menu from the Wolf3D shareware (with music, etc) ?

    Just throwing out ideas, I am currently working with hexedited bins - those do the job pretty good.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser
    What if you would add a Mod loader ? nxDoom i.e. allows having a text file with the details, like names, cheats, etc. - I am thinking of sth. like this:

    Pacman 3D,/wolf3d/pacman/,name of the author
    I was thinking about doing something like that. I would have to look into it a bit more to figure out exactly how to go about it. It would need to ensure that each mod was for the correct game/version, so either a text file or a simple binary file should do the trick, but I haven't had time lately to work on it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser
    Would it be possible to imitate the menu from the Wolf3D shareware (with music, etc) ?
    It might be possible, but I had something a bit simpler in mind. Certainly a graphical menu is not out of the question, but using the game music and then freeing whatever resources and resetting whatever systems the sound uses before the game actually starts might make me think too much. I'm a bit fried from school lately trying to finish up my BA and make sure I have enough of the right kinds of credits to get into a decent MA or PhD program, which is why I haven't finished up and officially released my initial port. I'm also not a very good programmer. It's taken me much longer to do what I've done than it would have taken most of the other guys around here to get the same amount accomplished, especially considering the amount of code I borrowed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser
    Just throwing out ideas, I am currently working with hexedited bins - those do the job pretty good.
    That works, but it would certainly be easier to have a menu built in to select the games from.

    I really do want to get this finished up and out there, so some stuff may not get fixed right away. The bug where the game crashes before the menu sounds like an actual bug. When I had a bunch of saves and it was taking a while to read them, it wasn't minutes long. It just looked like it was going to crash for about 5 seconds, but it was just reading the save files and it hadn't drawn the menu screen yet. It might be longer if you have more saves than I did (half of my VMU was full of other crap), but I don't think it should be long enough to convince you that it crashed.

  9. #9


    Regarding the menu: Don't worry, I'll try sth like I suggested (imitating Wolf3d menu as mod loader) with DreamInducer - should turn out to be pretty similar to what I been thinking of in the first place

    Quote Originally Posted by OneThirty8
    I really do want to get this finished up and out there, so some stuff may not get fixed right away. The bug where the game crashes before the menu sounds like an actual bug.
    Yeah, could be but it didn't happen to me again since then. Two or three times that's it. It's been the Wolf3d sharware btw.

    I'd say *RELEASE IT*

  10. #10
    DCEmu Coder
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    Yeah... I will soon. Quite a bit of schoolwork to get through over the next week or two, but if all else fails then I think Spring Break is early this year. There's quite a bit on my back burner, actually, and never enough time to get to all of it. :-/

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