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Thread: Iwata Asks More about DSi

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS Iwata Asks More about DSi

    Nintendo today posted the latest Nintendo DSi themed volume of Iwata Asks. In last week's chat, the company president Satoru Iwata talked with members of the hardware team. In today's edition, Satoru Iwata throws questions towards the software team: Tomoaki Kuroume, Yoshihiro Matsushima, and Masahiro Imaizumi of the Software Development and Design department, as well as Shigeru Miyamoto and Yusuke Akifusa were on-hand to talk all about the features of the Nintendo DSi system.

    Kuroume's task was to bring new elements to the Nintendo DSi system. Both he and Matsushima worked on the Wii console and took their experiences to produce a friendly menu system for DSi. Matsushima felt that it was important that users understand the new items right away, so many of the features had to represent the camera, the SD card slot, and internal memory right away and make them easy to understand to the users.

    One of the first ideas to get the axe was the ability to make video calls between DSi systems using the cameras, a concept that was weeded out to ensure that the system would make its original release date.

    Imaizumi stepped up to the plate as the director of the Nintendo DSi camera applications and came up the concept of a digital camera you could play with. There are a total of 11 different ways to play with the camera, including the distortion lens, where you can bend subjects out of shape, and the graffiti lens where you can write and stamp on the images. Since there were a lot of women on his team, they came up with a lot of stamps, frames and other frills that would be considered "cute."

    Miyamoto wasn't deeply involved in the development of Nintendo DSi, but he did insist that art tools and a graphic editor should be included. He figured that it would be good if there are enough elements to fiddle around with. For a time he believed that cell phone texting was beating out videogaming as a time killer, so he wants everyone to walk around with a DSi and use it to kill time on the train by editing pictures and sending them to friends.

    Miyamoto also suggested that music playback should be a feature that's in right from the start and not added in after launch. Developers of the system were running low on time, but Iwata agreed with Miyamoto after the producer suggested features such as manipulating the pitch and playback speed using the stylus. The sound tools were added at the tail end of the DSi development, but the reason why it's so full featured is that staff from all over the company lent a hand to put in all the features.

    Matsushima also offered up one tidbit of information: PictoChat is now in color on the Nintendo DSi, and the messages will retain the color on the Nintendo DS and DS Lite systems.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie Flygon's Avatar
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    Too bad it is no justification for a missing GBA slot.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Really now what does a GBA slot (older technology) have to do with the future of Nintendo Handhelds. Were you equally mad when the DS came out and you couldn't play GB/GBC carts too? People get over it, we all have GBA's and NDS's that can play the GBA carts and load them on slot 2 devices. Not having the ability to play the GBA games on the DSi isn't that important. They will update or port GBA games to the DSi and we will still have our handhelds that play them anyway. I still use my GBA SP because it has a bigger screen than the DS to play the GBA games. Besides there are lots of options for playing GBA games. The handhelds (MP4 Players) in China are getting faster and can play GBA roms full speed with sound now and they have half a dozen other good emulators built in. I think we are missing the point that the DSi wasn't designed to play GBA games any more than say the N64 could play SNES or NES carts. Backwards compatibility is not necessary for the DSi. It has enough new features to hold its own. Besides at some point someone might make a working GBA emulator for the DSi.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    What irks me is that they focused on stuff that ammounts to novelties moreso than anything genuinely practical. See. DSi to DSi conferencing I would have freaking enjoyed, going with 'make goofy pictures' ....not so much.

    Still, I think that might be fixed when we get homebrew on the bloody thing.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie Flygon's Avatar
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    The fact that several DS games needed you to actually use the GBA slot to complete or heck, even play the game is probably reason enough.

  6. #6


    the fact the dsi has built in memory and an sd card slot will most certainly mean gba titles can be downloaded to the console and synced with ds games. and the peripherals that originally required the gba slot came from frankly rubbish games andgames that'll never see the light of day in the west.

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