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Thread: It is possible...???

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default It is possible...???

    Well, many of you now that waht dc doesnt have and need to have it is a good media player like players of other consoles that can play everything with good quality, dreamcast doesnt have it, and i was thinking in this, when i remember that VideoLanClient is SDL and doesnt need codecs to ru (its amazing, it runs all vids without codecs) because it uses hardware to desencript the vids, but, it is possible to port to dc, because i think it works under DirectX and if this is true i think this is not possible, also there is DC Media Playare but it is not so good, cant play good quality vids, and DCDIVX can **** your DC CD reader...

    sooo...what do you think????i think that if we havent got a god media player, we havent got a good console, and thats why we have to discuss theese and try to work...

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    is the source available?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    yes, and it has been ported to GNU/Linux flavours, all BSD flavours, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, Solaris, QNX, Familiar Linux...
    so i think if we get the surce code, and if we talk with the programmers i think they can be very usefull to us

  4. #4
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    got a link buddy?

    btw your avatar isnt showing up

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    You're kinda wrong, Adrimaster:

    *VLC needs codecs. The client side is the one that doesn't need codecs, because it uses, as far as I know, the VLC formats for streaming the media. But the "server" side DOES need them... The fact that you need to decode something implies the use of coDECs.

    *Decent DIVX/MPEG4 playback on DC is a hard goal to meet. You need to optimize every function, even adding lots of ASM code, for everything to work. Using SDL would only slow the decoding process, adding an inaceptably high overhead.

    *There are some good solutions that need more develop, like Mekanaizer's divx player or Bero's once great now forgotten DC Movie Player (we've got the source, remember?). I would like to encourage every developer interested on video playback on DC to work on these projects.

    Sorry boy, nice try.


  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    I also ported Smpeg to dc and made it open source.. On my sourceforge site.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    I think we got actually enough with the Video & Media Player available on the DC, moreover the quality and speed when playback are great if you compare the power of the cpu's and graphical chips included in consoles of new generation like ps2 and xbox.
    If we compare the SH4 with its 200 Mhz (32 bit) and compares the EE and the Intel PIII @ 733, the Nvidia 256 and the PVR (cheap and old generation Graph chip with 8 Mb) with the power of other consoles, is a disadvantage in comparation absolutely.

    The DC already has all these tools , tools that works much than better.

    Talking about coDecs, I agree totally with Propeller idea. No more impressions to be added.

    In this case , I know that somebody has ported qnx to the DC, I have NetBSD 1.6.2 for the dreamcast, but it's a bad idea to boot an operating system just to watch a movie or listen a MP3. The Mekanaizer and Bero's player are tools than a PC user can't imagine. I own an UltraSparc machine running Solaris and I guarantize you , that is more faster and gets much more quality in the DC that in a Sun's machine. In the DC is so simply , just put the CD turn on the console , change the disk and watch the miracle. Also I have various Macintosh and I can't find a logical explanation about the question you are trying to suggest.
    In Asia, are very fond of the VCD and the SVCD and there are some applications , free and commercial that can do as well that purpose.
    If you have a great PC with a very powerfull graphics card, nobody thinks about the compression ratios, because it's not necessary. Remember the DC is just 16 Mb Ram and 8 for the video.

    I believe that propeller has said a right answer and being honest I still can't find what you meant, but anyway what we need are coders working on it, the rest if you preffer is talk by talk, just buy a new generation console and sell your DC
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  8. #8
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    [quote author=Ian_micheal link=board=homebrew;num=1083521686;start=0#5 date=05/03/04 at 00:01:58]
    I also ported Smpeg to dc and made it open source.. On my sourceforge site. [/quote]

    Yes Mr.Michael, that's true and even is free. You are right. A million thanks for remember us that great and fine work you did.
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    I totally agree with ron, and also wanna thank Ian Micheal for his work.. I didn't want to name any of the options available, because I wanted my answer to be concise and clear, but your soft is so cool, Ian And, of course, is a good candidate to be tried.

    Remember also the old Gyplay, Project Mayo, and a big etc...

    I mean, there's no point on trying to port something new, rather than improving the software we already have, and which CAN be improved.


  10. #10
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: It is possible...???

    Entiendo por tu forma de escribir que eres Español y que probablemente te hayas expresado incorrectamente. Quiero pensar que desconoces actualmente cuantos rerproductores de media (cuando me refiero a media es todo, desde un mp3, un divx, un Xvid, un vcd....) hay para DreamCast. Tan solo debes de echar un vistazo para saber como esta la SCENE, y te puedo garantizar que hay muchisimo más de lo que te imaginas. *Creo que lo que sugieres deberias de replantearlo porque pienso que estas en un error, pero aún así como te he contestado mira primero todo lo que hay que no es poco, si no te convence como yo mismo te he respondido, ya sabes.... vende tu DC y comprate una consola de las que se supone bajo tu punto de vista *que son "de las buenas".

    Edito y añado, no es necesario portar nada nuevo cuando lo que hay es sobradamente bueno y con una calidad extraordinaria, pruebalo por ti mismo. Quizás es muchisimo más interesante mejorar y optimizar lo que ya existe que perder el tiempo con proyectos heredados de otras plataformas
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

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