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Thread: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC scene

  1. #21
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    It's very sad :'( and what I wish is all the best for Ian. It's a pitty one of the best DC Coders leaving the DC Scene. Anyway better times will come for Ian and for all. Good Luck in all your new adventures, Ian.
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  2. #22
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    I noticed Ian got no respect from the coders but Ian was adored by tons of people who dont even visit these sites. Just general emulation fans. People dont remember you for being a super leet coder they remember you for how many awsome things you make they that like and Ian domanited the scene with the most quanity and quality releases.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    How someone who hacks sites, threatens to post personal information, asks for sourcecode only to deny that he used said code, and frames other people for his mistakes can get respect is beyond me. Theives and the dishonest deserve no respect, period.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce


  5. #25
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    you guys just quitin bashing the guy after he leaves the scene thats pathetic and childish...get the hell over it....god whatever the case maybe i respected him let alone any contribution that was made to scene by anyone. like i said prior we should be thankful for anything we get no matter the means of getting it here. now enough of bad mouthing someone thats not even in the scene anymore to defend himself. thats pathetic and childish. i thought there was 20+ yr olds in here not 10yr olds.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    He pulls this "I quit the scene, so love me and give me huge thank-yous, bow down before me and kiss my feet as I am God to you, and if you love me enough I'll do you a favor and come back" crap once a year.

    I'm sick of it. Get over yourself Reaper, you backstabbing thief.

    Those of us who aren't naive enough to think that you did anything worthwhile aren't going to put up with it anymore.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    [quote author=MetaFox link=board=news;num=1097667811;start=15#22 date=10/13/04 at 13:06:06]How someone who hacks sites, threatens to post personal information, asks for sourcecode only to deny that he used said code, and frames other people for his mistakes can get respect is beyond me. *Theives and the dishonest deserve no respect, period.[/quote]
    He's brought us more usefull things than any other coder of the scene has. How cant you understand that people dont care how he did it we just care that we got it.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    [quote author=Cereal link=board=news;num=1097667811;start=15#26 date=10/13/04 at 14:39:21]
    He's brought us more usefull things than any other coder of the scene has. How cant you understand that people dont care how he did it we just care that we got it.[/quote]He's also brought more stress, hard feelings, and caused more good coders to quit than anyone else in "the scene".

    That far outweighs any of the source compilations that he has released.

    We are a tightly knit community without him. Full of goodwill and a true willingness to work with each other. He tears us apart. With him inside of our gates, we're a mere "scene". A rotting, decaying, cesspool. Full of hate and disgust.

    The rest of us truly are a "community", neigh, a family. Having him leave is the best thing that's happened to us since November 1998, when Sega first released the Dreamcast onto the world.

    You'll be seeing alot of good wonderful stuff being released now that the family is together once again.

  9. #29
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    Who are these so called good coders and what have they brought us? People are greedy its all about whats release not good intentions and friendlyness.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Ian micheal calls it for the day on the DC sce

    The Dreamcast coding community is all about good intentions and friendliness. Reaper may have only been interested in the quantity of the releases, and self glorification, but the Dreamcast coding community is interested in learning from each other, helping each other, bringing a true quality to releases, and bringing the Dreamcast back into the forefront in the general public's eye.

    There's alot of good stuff coming. We stand one united - to fight together to bring the Dreamcast community back to what it should be. It truly is a bright future that lies ahead. 8)

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