KingCDR has released an application that will take .SMD and/or .BIN files and convert them into an executable that a Gizmondo can run.

<blockquote>How to Generate Games:

- If you're converting just one ROM:

-- Make sure the "File" Radio button is selected.
-- Select your ROM by using the "Load ROM..." Feature. Note that it must a 512Kb ROM file. This version now supports .smd files, as well as .bin files.
-- Type in a name for your ROM to be saved as (Output File Name).
-- Select your output directory
-- Hit the generate button

- If you're converting more than one ROM:

-- Make sure the "Directory" Radio button is selected.
-- Select the directory containing the ROMs using the "Load Dir..." Feature.
-- Select your output directory
-- Hit the generate button

- (If your Generating alot of ROMs --> EXE , it might take a while...please be patient)</blockquote>

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