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Thread: MY PSP got Partially Bricked!!! HELP!!

  1. #111
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Does anyone know if I can use the custom firmware concept?

  2. #112
    PSP User Apoklepz's Avatar
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    I suppose you could, but how would you flash your current firmware in the first place if you can't access any applications? The only way I've thought of is thru a UMD game save exploit, kinda like how GTA works homebrew for 2.60 firmware PSP's...If this could only be done through a 1.50 UMD (the only ones we can play on our half bricks right now) then I'm sure we could load any of the flash alternate homebrew applications and possibly restore our PSP's. But I do not know that this could be done yet...Somebody mentioned earlier in this thread of a possible WipeOut pure Exploit that supposedly Fanjita himself had talked about...But since everybody can play homebrew on 1.50, the urge to work on such an exploit is pointless....If only they knew how many bricks they could save and prevent at the same time.

  3. #113
    DCEmu Regular Anger's Avatar
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    the custom firmware concept is an idea that has been put to pratical use. it has a failsafe that allows you to trick your version into thinking its a 1.0 so you can run the 1.5 update. it is of no use to those who have already bricked there psp's but for someone who likes to protect there investment its a godsend - needless to say i am using it myself.

  4. #114
    PSP User Apoklepz's Avatar
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    Oh so what you're saying is I didn't care about messing up my "investment" in the first place when I altered my flash? If that's your point, you must take to consideration that I did indeed do my careful research before doing so...I didn't just go ahead and messed it up because I'm rich, snotty and could care less for it because I can buy another one....cause I'm really not...I have an average salary of $15 an hour and have to pay rent, car, power, water, cable ,food and college, it's not like I could just afford putting my PSP to waste in the first place....I however do own a second PSP, but that was a joint collaboration between one of my neighbours and me, so I didn't pay for it fully.

    Please understand I'm not madly ranting off at you, I just want to make it clear that I just didn't go along and brick my PSP just for the Heck of it...I did my research first, and overlooking the steps, I still don't know what went wrong.

  5. #115
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i was sorry to read your story abour your psp. but i do believe if u read the work on pspupdates about proof of conxept u will find that u might be able to restore your psp.
    may i suggest u contact the owner of the thread so u can get precise details in regards to solving your problem.
    and in future if u wise to change the font maybe u should usethe skylark program and phacker from the above site then u won't be able to brick your psp through bad fonts.......
    anyway best of luck
    i myself am pretty sure u can save your psp but as i said check the forum for the correct method....

  6. #116
    PSP User Apoklepz's Avatar
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    Thanks. Will do, but I didn't mess the PSP's flash with the Font change hack...that went smooth...what killed it was the menu name change hack...Just to clear that up.

  7. #117
    DCEmu Regular Anger's Avatar
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    i didnt mean it quite that way i was trying to point out it could have been used to recover a psp if this mod was done beforehand. i didnt mean to imply that you were careless or doing it on purpose. in fact this mod is as dangerous as the mod that you tried but this one if successfull could be used to fix your particular problem if this was available beforehand. unfortunatly it wasnt. anyway apologies for the misunderstanding.

  8. #118
    DCEmu Regular siulmagic's Avatar
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    i bricked my psp wile changing the opening_sound.rco but mine is a ful brick and the mod chip does unbrick your psp you need 2 psp the seocnd one has to have 1.50 frimware there are instructions o hwo to do ti but i forgot were they were =/ im contempolating on buying a motherboard ro the mod chip but the mod chip would be to rpice for me and id ont now enyone that can solder it ether

  9. #119
    DCEmu Newbie
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    So there is no solution except modchip and the UMD 1.5 exploit...I prefer the second solution cause I can't install the modchip...but its not gonna come...
    Maybe we can send an e-mail to fajita or dark_alex and ask them if they could or maybe have done an exploit for 1.5...

  10. #120
    DCEmu Regular Anger's Avatar
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    the whole world would know by now if there was an exploit for 1.5 because eveyone would probably have been using it. however since the change of firmwares by sony the hackers have been concentrating on 2.x firmware hacks so maybe noones looking for a 1.5 hack anymore.

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