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Thread: Can Mobile Phones Takeover from Traditional Consoles?

  1. #21
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    consoles are made for games (control layout, size (for better performance), screen size, etc.), while mobile phones are made to call others in a small package.

  2. #22



    Evolution on technology is alway the word of the day in both the mobile phones and the game console business.

    Cell phones start as a wireless option of telephonic communication and ended with wireless internet and multimedia product. And still continues to evolve. altough you can play games on mobiles, this will not represent a threat to consoles in the gaming area.

    The reasons are simple. First of all, power. Consoles also evolve from simple gaming machines to a complete multimedia experience with internet connectivity and VoIP features. Consoles offers more memory, a comfortable controller, processing power and screen outputs than the small screen, akward buttons and simple audio offered on mobiles.

    Second, type of gamer. Casual and non-casual gamers will probably take the mobile to play games while waiting on a medical clinic, or on the bus or train. Hardcore gamers will like to spend more time and effort on finishing their favorite game in house.

    Last, but not least, design. A Mobile phone will always be a phone. It is their reason of its existence. Doesn't matter if you have a complete OS with most of PC and gaming features, it will always be a phone. A game console will always be a game console, despite the efforts of manufacturers on creating a pseudo-pc of their hardware.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Legend acn010's Avatar
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    yup yup!
    first, the first cell phone was a size of a battery car with a wheel with numbers.
    then the phones where a size of a brick without the screen
    then, with the red LED screen.
    later, smaller flat brick XD
    then the flip phones, still bulky though.
    now with walkytalky thingy
    then thinner flat with black and white LCD screen.
    then the color lcd screen (like the gameboy color screen)
    then came out the first camera phone that is detachable.
    then integrated ones (what a waste of money)
    then the videos (crappy quality though and even 10 sec thing)
    then flatter and flater example the motorola RAZR.
    then MP3 player.
    then videos!
    till now!!
    yay. how many years the phone had evolve till now, now they even fit on the tightest jeans from a sexy girl

  4. #24
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Phones won't take take over the handheld-console market anymore than Pcs take over consoles and the other way round, but phones (and other handheld devices) will be more suitable for gaming and multimedia in future. Some phones already have special hardware implemented especially for gaming (eg. some Sony Ericcson models).
    I assume that more of the big players in the console market will release more games for them too. EA is developing, Square-Enix wants to bring their games to west someday etc.

    As for displays, maybe we will see this sort of screens more on regular phones someday:
    see also the attachment.

  5. #25
    DCEmu Pro
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    phones will never pose a challenge. guarentee that

  6. #26
    DCEmu Rookie r2works's Avatar
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    i already read about future phones being equiped with GPUs.

    I think its only a matter of time where companies like Sony and Mircosoft release a mobile device that can do everything (the PSP is the start of this). Why do you think Sony is more conserned with added features then it is with games? Why do you think there are soo many homebrew aps that allow your PSP to function like a PC?

    because there is a market for it.

    the only thing holding back mobile phones now besides GPU and gaming companies (which really go hand and hand) is the lack of controls.

  7. #27
    DCEmu Newbie Erban's Avatar
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    Well I dont think the screen size will be much of a prob in the future,with sony deving a new roll up screen and the like....

    r2works I totally agree the only thing holding mobile devices back is CONTROLS!!!!

  8. #28
    DCEmu Coder MasterChafed's Avatar
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    I think that phones will never beat out consoles in the long run. I mena, sure phones have hundreds of cheap games, but thats really what they are too, just cheap games. I have always found the button to be too close, to hard to press, and not very fast when it comes to response times. Now, I am not saying I hate games on phones, they are great, I am just saying that when it all comes down to the end of the day, what are you going to be playing at home, a cheap version of Oblivion and Lumines and Doom (the list goes on), or are you going to be sitting down in a nice comfy chair with your hands wrapped around the nice grips of a controller playing mainstream games with mainstream hardware and have acurates responses, easy controlls, and the comfort of looking at the nice large clairity of a tv?

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  9. #29
    DCEmu Newbie
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    whats a mobile phone?

  10. #30


    Personally I've found current mobile phone games to be playable but way too short (yep even shorter than PSP games ) but they provide a bit of light relief when on short journeys when I don't have my psp with me.

    The raw processing power of phones will never be able to compete with that of specifically designed gaming hand helds but the progress of mobile phone technology is something to embrace and not to fear.

    The future for mobile phones will bring 4G and 5G which will give phenomenal streaming potential but with skype type applications possibly appearing for the PSP (enabling PSP owners to talk to each other for free) shouldn't it be mobile phone companies who should be concerned ??

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