I don't see 1.2, I can only find 1.1.2. Where is it?
This news is actually quite late, (my fault for being lazy and also i didnt know what was new :P)[br][br]Propeller yesterday told me what was new with DC FreeDev which for those who dont know is a Dev Environment for both the GP32 and Dreamcast and a very useful one at that because it features support for Chankast too.[br][br]Heres what was new in the last release:[br][br] *New, reworked and tested templates. [br]* Chankast support for homebrew executables. Una-i from the Chankast team worked with me to bring the Dreamcast emulation to program testing. Debugging is going to be implemented on future releases. [br]* USB support for Gp32. Now you can get your executables uploaded right after a succesful compilation. [br]* More documentation. Now you have some ARM and SH4 docs available at the ftp, plus some nice tutorials for the IDE. [br]* Dreamcast binaries are automatically generated. Just burn them and you're done! [br][br]Download it at the Official English Mirror at DC Homebrew [br][br]Any questions can be directed to this thread for the Author to help your understanding out.
I don't see 1.2, I can only find 1.1.2. Where is it?
1.1.2 is 1.2
Can DCFreedev take a source and compile it into a binary?
/me is not a devver you see
when i try to compile the basic templete for dreamcast it says dreamcast.o missing...i was wondering where i could get this file cause im just startin to learn to program
Good luck finding out the dreamcast.o problem. I have the same problem, and have been asking around over at the gp32spain boards. Either they are just a) ignoring me b) don't know the answer therefore ignoring me or c) can't understand what I am saying so they are ignoring me. Anycase, I was totally pumped and ready to start DC dev'ing, but now I am turned off due to lack of community support for this tool that is supposedly made to make things easier for people jumping in. (Can ya tell I'm bitter? I had some pre-lim artwork, a design doc, and even makings of my own redering engine ready to go...until the compiling problems)
ya i have been trying to solve the problem but i cant see to find out its makin me mad and i was all ready to try and do some dc devvin also
gcc+cygwin... its the way to go...
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[quote author=DCEmu_Newsposter link=board=Dev;num=1095510602;start=0#0 date=09/18/04 07:30:02]Chankast support for homebrew executables. Una-i from the Chankast team worked with me to bring the Dreamcast emulation to program testing. Debugging is going to be implemented on future releases.[/quote]
Anyone give any details on this? Is Chankast version different than the latest released version?
Currently I use a bat files, and vbs file to build a cd image with mkisof and then it launches Chankast and uses vbs to start it.
i couldnt get this to install on my pc, threw up some strange error
I wanted to install the DCFreeDev but it doesn't work. I get an error message from the installer. The problem is that I can't change the installation drive. > It's hard coded that it only installs at the C: drive but I don't have a C: drive. I have only a G: harddrive! :P I'm not joking! ;D
Why can't I change the installation drive? ???
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