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Thread: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

  1. #1

    Default "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    Hi, I've just stumbled across this site, can anyone here help me please?

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question but can I buy a modern browser for the DC anywhere? I've been using the Dreamkey browser since it came out in '99 and frankly it's beginning to show it's age. Frequently I'm unable to browse various web pages, shop online or post at forums like this even! I hope this is compatible!

    Anyway does such a thing even exist? A disc you can put in your DC that loads up some sort of "Windows" - with higher compatibility, mopre features and ease of use like javascript, java, flash, proper stuff? I have no idea. Is it even legal to do that? I have neer owned a PC in my life, just the DC to go online and that's it. I cannot download anything so would love to know where I can get hold of such a disc? Surely someone has mnaged to "burn" such a thing (that's about the limit of my technical jargon there b the way so go easy on me!).

    Thanks if anyone takes the time to respond to this. I'm sure there may still be others nbthe same boat. Though at 4 1/2 years DC web browsing I must be pretty rare even if Id say so myself!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie AirRaven's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    4 and a half years??! With Dreamkey??!

    If you want to surf newer pages with DC, you're out of luck- the latest version of flash you can use on DC is version 3. There is no way that anyone could program a browser like you described on DC, mainly because it'd be too difficult. I suggest getting a PC- you can get a fairly decent PC for quite cheap nowdays. *If you are REALLY desperate, and can get access to a CD writer, go to {Sorry That Browser was a Hacked project and not supported by DCEmu although you ccan chat about it} - it's a browser collection for DC that is probably the best available at the moment. However, I would still say to get a PC if you want to surf newer pages.

    How you managed to put up with Dreamkey for so long I don't know- it has to be the worst internet browser I have ever seen!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    actually, psilocybin dreams is in no way better than dreamkey for browsing the web.
    as you mentionned its a browser compil, its core is planetweb 2.6 and it links you to some dreampassports -which is the japanese version of dk basically- hacked differently (and it makes it a lot more buggy than the official one).

    dreamkey is actually pretty good for the dc. dk3 is the best dc browser to me, after you used it for a long time you become used to tricks, and javascript codes in the url bar can really improve its capabilities.
    make a google search for dreamcast browser group and bookmarklets if you need more infos (but since you use dk for so long i assume you already know about that).

    as for the alternative to official browsers there are none at the moment, well there are still some text browsers you can use with dc linux if i recall correctly but thats nothing useful.
    a good hope is Jeremy Penner's (*) port of qnx, it allows you to use voyager, which is quite an obsolete browser but could still offer some fresh air and a pretty decent alternative. though there are no recent news about this project as far as i know.
    also metafox once said he was planning on making a homebrew browser so people stop using illegal rips of official browsers, but since kos still doesnt offer any easy way to use the modem that could take some time before being released, without mentioning all the other things a browser require.

    (*) EDIT: i hope nobody noticed i credited another jeremy not connected to the project at all instead of the actual author before sorry about that - DC tools and downloads

  4. #4
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    A homebrew Web Browser would be massive for the Dreamcast Scene and something all Dreamcast sites should Support.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    is it possible to use konkeror / nautilus / something like that with LinuxDC? does it have modem / bba support?
    i know that linuxdc is very slow, but...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    I hope that ApM will eventually release his QNX port. I'm not sure how good QNX's Voyager browser is, though. Screenshot:

  7. #7
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    fame, that my name at the bottom right of the screen ;D its the boob forums

  8. #8
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    I still think that project is fake.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    Why? QNX was designed for low-resource hardware, much of which has far fewer resources than a Dreamcast does. QNX is also highly portable. All he really needs to port is the kernel anyway, and most of the user-level apps will work. What's unbelievable about that?

  10. #10
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Proper" browsers on DCs?

    Lets hope we see it one day., sounds very interesting.

    Although im not 100% sure what QNX is :

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