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Thread: DSOrganize WIP News

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS DSOrganize WIP News

    Dragonminded posted some news at his site:

    First, I will start with an announcement. From here on out, M3 products WILL NOT be officially supported. I will still put out compiles with the current (semi-working) 2.25 drivers, but I will not actively continue to fix them. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I started DSOrganize as a fun little project, and with the constant stress on card compatibility, it is becoming a chore. I have tried numerous things, including using old beta drivers, and the newest drivers on the CVS. Even when I don't change the driver, compatibility changes per compile. So I repeat, I will NOT support ANY M3 device officially any longer. This includes the M3CF, M3SD, M3miniSD, and the G6, as well as any other new products that they spit out.

    The second announcement goes out to card makers, as well as casual homebrewers. Card makers, PLEASE consider releasing official drivers in source form to the community. When you make a new card and claim it is compatible with homebrew, new users do not understand that drivers have to be written. The creators of homebrew take the heat because logically, if a card suports homebrew and a homebrew isn't working, it must be the programmer. Also, homebrewers PLEASE research what you are buying. I am more than happy to reply to a personal email on what I recommend to use with DSOrganize, and I'm sure most other homebrewers would be happy to do the same. There is also a perfectly usable FAQ and forums for you to find out other's successes with cards. If you have a product that is not supported by DSOrganize, please petition your card maker to put out official drivers. Asking me only does so much good, as I can only implement your card if there is a reliable driver. Asking chishm is only so good, as he would need to spend many hours reversing the card, and sometimes doesn't even have the card to test on.

    As of right now, DSOrganize is tested working on GBAMP, NinjaDS, MK2 and MK3 (although NeoFlash products don't boot homebrew, they still work as storage when booted from a GBAMP). These are the only cards I own, thus the only cards I can guarantee the greatest success on. Reports state that EZ4 with read only support works, and SC CF, SC SD, and SCLite are all working, although I cannot guarantee it works to your satisfaction.

    Also, before making bug reports, PLEASE be sure you are doing things correctly. For example, I got a ton of reports saying .ds.gba didn't boot on M3 and to please merge the homebrew databases so M3 could get .nds. I deleted all my work on the M3 database and merged it with the GBAMP database as so numerously requested, only to get a flood of reports saying that their M3 doesn't work with .nds. A recent conversation with someone has revealed the fact that .ds.gba booted by just pushing A TWICE. This will NOT be reversed, as I am not redoing all those packages, so in the future, please investigate to see if there is something you could be doing different.

    I know that this sounds very rash, but I am starting to get tired of working on DSOrganize due to all the stress of keeping multiple releases and constantly trying to fix things not related to my code. I hope you all understand.

    Wow hes obviously not happy, heres the site link -->

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    This sucks.

    I'm a happy m3 sd lite card owner. If DSOrganise doesnt support it and is therefor unusable on my hardware, there would be nothing else than to part with this really fine #1 daily usable homebrew.

    O btw, i noticed m3 change their firmware frequently. Does that mean every update would make a big chance of not running DSOrganize?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster
    Wow hes obviously not happy
    I'm not surprised.

    I own a G6, it would be nice product, but their lack of help for homebrewers is frustrating, especially when, from a legal standpoint, these cartridges are built for homebrew use.

    All the team seem interested in is releasing new patches for the latest commercial games to be pirated, and they do this in minutes.

    Why don't they take homebrew seriously and do this one small thing to set us up. I've said before that this should be their No.1 priority but they just ignore it and carry on patching commercial games.

  4. #4
    DS LUA Coder Junixx's Avatar
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    I'm glad i have a GBAMP right now, i can understand him getting frustrated with all the bugfixes and stuff

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro iball's Avatar
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    I don't blame Dragonminded one bit, and were I in his particular situation then I would do the same.
    I know that M3 is driving both him and Chism nuts with refusing to release the driver source for their flashcarts so it can be rolled up into one FATlib for homebrew developers to use to create ONE homebrew file that can be used on all flashcarts.
    Datel is also notorious for this in regard to the MMD.
    Supercard seems to have already been worked out though.

  6. #6


    Well, I totally understand the frustration, and I really appreciate all the effort that has gone into this. It's an *incredibly* useful program.

    At the same time, this is very disappointing news for me, since I sunk a fair amount of money into getting an M3 (I chose it over the Supercard because GBA homebrew is also important to me), and this program is the single biggest reason I bought it in the first place.

    Bah. If only the GP2x had a touchscreen....

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    You can start .nds files on the M3 by pressing Start instead of pressing A..

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i have a g6, i canīt find a dsorganize that works there, does anyone has it??

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