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Thread: The About Me Topic :)

  1. #21

    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name and where I live etc.

    My name's Stephane. I live in the east region of Belgium, in a town called Heusy. I'm living in a very quiet appartement. I have a day job as a Java/c/c++/c#/.net developer. I'm doing a lot of funny stuff like generating PDF on the fly, programming jsp/servlets, thins kind of things.

    How did I get into the Dreamcast scene?

    A friend of mine (Kroustibat, SMSPlus) had done a very good emulator on this platform. Having done a spectrum emu running on the gp32, and owning a dc I thought it would be cool to see if porting the emu could be quickly done. It took me only one week to have the emu running. It's now much more polished than the gp32 version. I'm adding features almost every week. The DC is very fun to develop for !

    Thoughts about the scene...

    It seems like it will be alive forever. There are lots of talended devers on the DC and I hope that we will see soon a nice genesis emu.

    Why am I here?

    To post news/updates about my emu, discuss dcprogramming and so on...

    Other interests...

    Mainly music. I own a lot of music gear, and when I have one or two minutes left I'm composing ambient stuff.

    I like going to progressive rock concerts. We have a local club which allows us to see many very good bands, like Epica, After Forever, The Gathering, Flower Kings, RPWL, Camel, and many many others.

    Development on the games consoles.

    The future

    Dunno, really. I don't want to be a pro dever forever. I'd like to change my orientation quite a bit. Probably as an analyst or as a project leader.
    ---&&&&Speccyal K, the 48k/128 speccy emulator for the GP32 handheld console. Also available on the DC.&&&&Go to to download the latest version.

  2. #22
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    [quote author=tyrell link=board=off;num=1083421276;start=15#20 date=06/23/04 at 08:57:04]
    I like going to progressive rock concerts. We have a local club which allows us to see many very good bands, like Epica, After Forever, The Gathering, Flower Kings, RPWL, Camel, and many many others.

    Any Dream Theater involved in your music interests? If not, you should definitely check them out. They're about the best prog rock (prog metal?) band I've ever experienced.

    BTW - Welcome to the scene (even though you've been here for a few months already). Glad to have you aboard.
    DCHelp - A Newbie's Best Friend
    DC Evolution - Disc Images
    The DreamZone Forums

    I Refuse To Help Anyone That Says They've Tried Everything.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    curt, check out the band sikth, modern schizo prog-metal. you may like or hate it

  4. #24
    DCEmu Rookie krowstrife's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name- Joseph Norton
    Location- Independemce, MO
    religion- antesist
    Video Game Systems-
    Atari VCS,Oddessy2,ColecoVision,Coleco Colortorn,Nes,SmS,Genesis/megadrive,SNES,Saturn,Ps, PsOne,n64,Dreamcast,PS2,Gamecube,Xbox

    Hand-Held- Gbc,Gba,Neo*Geo pocket color,virtual Boy, N-gage, gamegear

    Name and Where I come from

    Hi I am Joseph, I am from independence, missouri
    its a small town famous for people leaving (the trails west for anyone familar to Us history).oh yeah mecca for morons and CoC
    I am 15 have no job in high shcool(well its summer),

    How did I get into the Dreamcast scene?
    well I not really involed as in I can't program. but i play beats of rage and emus

    Why am I here?

    well I started to learn about my N-gage and Dreamcast and emus for them, I like posting here about ngage and the other dicussions

    Other interests...
    Videogames,History of Videogames,some Anime,Sentai,Martial Arts (amatuar), emulation, Collecting Video Game Systems from 70'S and up,computing around my pc,spamming stupid people with my mad video graphical skills

    Interesting Facts
    I have robbed a bank, never been in jail,IQ is 130.
    I have modified this post 15 times
    Yes that is the only interesting facts I can say

    Future Hopes

    - being with my girlfriend for as long as i can, get a Neo*Geo,getting a copie of Panzer Dragoon Saga,completing that said game,Finish my all N-gage review,Make the first episode of the CRAZY JOE CRACKA SHOW,finish high school,get into DigiPen university,write my seven books and three movies, learn japanese, go to japan


    Heavy metal,aremeain folk,Nu-metal,soft rock,jazz,classical,barouqe,romantic(period),class ic hiphop

    Fav band- System of a down

    BQQ(yes that jazz and video games are the only good things us americans ever did)
    mexican food
    those are the four food groups

    Favorites ;D

    game overall- pong!(arcade,atari,coleco colortorn)

    Fighting game- king of fighters (n*g,arcade,saturn,ps,dc,gc,hopefully n-gage)

    Rpg-Final fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger {tie} (snes)

    Puzzle- Tetris *(nEs,Xbox)

    Sports- Nba LIVE 97 (Saturn)

    Action-Zelda OoT and MM *(n64)

    party game- Super Smash Bros (n64)

    Scary-Enternal Darkness

    mindless game with no plot- Animal Crossing and GTAvc {tie} (GC,Ds-PS2,Xbox)

    Online- FFXI and Ultima Online third dawn (pc,PS2)

    Fps- Doom,heretic,hexan

    System- Saturn

    HandHeld- NGPC and N-Gage

    favorite controller deisign- sega saturn model two for fighting, action, and adventure games_ PS digital for rpgs and racing game

    Dislike >

    Xbox controller
    Over obession with GTA
    PC games (don't like the upgrades for hardware)
    people dissing Apple computers
    windows Xp
    over obession with halo

  5. #25
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Name Brandon Geveshausen
    I live in Independence
    i like spaggetti and tacoes
    my favorite video game charcter is megaman

  6. #26
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    Woo! Time to bump an old topic out of boredom!

    Oh wait.. it's sticky.

    Name and Where I Live, etc

    As my username implies, my name is Dan Potter. Some of you may have heard of me, though I'm somewhat obscure. During my time in the DC scene I've lived in Austin, TX, Tucson, AZ, and Portland, OR (all in the US). I'm now living with my wife of several years in Portland. (Hi Keith! My condolences on your location north of the river...)

    Little known fact: Dan's wife is also a Dreamcast fan!

    I work at a day job as a software developer writing aircraft flight data analysis and visualization software. No, it's not nearly as interesting as it sounds. ("Oh, I update bank software for the Y2K switch...&quot

    How Did I Get Into the DC Scene

    Bought a used DC in 2000 at the Tucson Mall's Software Etc to play Soul Calibur. My friends in Austin sent me a link to CDX, the proverbial gears started turning and the proverbial light bulb came on, and I started searching for how to put my own code in a bootable CD. That let me to Hitmen, Marcus Comstedt, and the YG dcdev list.

    The first hit was free. Little did I realize what I was getting myself into by working with Tursi to make libdream... .. huh, what's that? Back in my day you whippersnappers, we didn't have web forums about DC dev, and we liked it!

    Thoughts About the Scene

    It was a complete thrill ride from the beginning and it's been a blast to make and maintain KOS and FoF, and I understand a little why people can get so addicted to public office (where at least the honest ones spend all their time trying to do nice things for other people!) Unfortunately I also understand why people retire quietly from public office after a while, too.

    I think Sega pulling out of the DC market in their abrupt way was a fatal death stroke for the DC. They could have retired it slowly, but it's obvious that someone up high had a grudge against it. That sudden lack of interest in the DC didn't really do wonders for the DC scene either. FoF did reasonably well for what it was, but comparing notes with shareware developers on the PC and Mac has given me a better understanding of the words "niche market".

    Hobbyists still seem to be going strong with it though, and that's great to see. Plus there's the commercial homebrew due out from GOAT Store still, which is promising.

    Honestly though after almost 4 years I'm a little bored with it all these days, but to those of you who are still going strong with your hobby, I salute you!

    Why Start Cryptic Allusion?

    CA has been around for a long, long time.. much longer than the DC scene. It's only during the scene that we got an excuse to make it a "real" business, and that was for the purpose of selling FoF and future games.

    Tryptonite is now shaping up to be the Duke Nukem Forever of the DC scene but we'll see what happens...

    Is It Going to Plan?

    Not really, but what ever does? It's gone some interesting places I hadn't hoped for and it's not going some other places I'd really hoped for. The best thing it's accomplished for me though is that it gave me an excuse to go to conventions and meet a lot of DC scene fans. That's the been the best part about it all!

    Or does this question mean "getting into the scene"? In that case, heck no! Yowsers! I never even intended to do that. Talk about jumping on the tiger's back.

    The Future

    I'm fickle, so it's hard to say. As I said I don't have as much interest in the DC anymore and I've been getting an interest in doing Mac and maybe PC shareware games lately. Plus I have other big interests like spending time with my wife, and other side interests like cycling, art, and writing. I'd really like to finish up our current DC projects at the least but ... Cleo cannot see! the crystal ball is murky
    Cryptic Allusion Games / Cryptic Allusion, LLC

  7. #27
    DCEmu Pro
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    [quote author=Dan Potter link=board=off;num=1083421276;start=15#25 date=01/08/05 at 20:39:54] ("Oh, I update bank software for the Y2K switch...&quot[/quote]
    lol, its 2005, how have they survived for the last 5 years?

  8. #28
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    [quote author=Mental2k link=board=off;num=1083421276;start=15#26 date=01/13/05 at 13:55:39]
    lol, its 2005, how have they survived for the last 5 years?


    I suppose you haven't seen Office Space? No, that's not what I really do as a day job.

    Cryptic Allusion Games / Cryptic Allusion, LLC

  9. #29
    Dream Coder
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    since it's back ill do it to!

    Name and Where I Live, etc
    My name is Donald. My home is in Miami, FL but right now im in Pittsburgh, PA studying at Carnegie Mellon University. I plan on majoring in CS, but my true hope for making a living would be to invent somethingand not have to work =P.

    How did I get into the DC scene?

    I actually joined before i owned a DC. I was wondering if i should get a DC for christmas of 2001. I did and got Dsnes. Then I did nothing for a long time until i came back to the forums about a year ago last month and became friends with Ian Micheal. I helped him with some of the things he was working on and in turn he helped me get a dcdev environment set up. From there, well it doesnt really matter, i havnt done much of importance, but yea =P.

    Thoughts about the scene

    Frankly i feel that it is very redundant for no real reason. We have about 4 major websites that all end up posting the same news, yet in order to keep up to date you have to kind of be at all of them because of the forum discussion. I understand why its like that, but also that it doesnt help anything.


    Some of my friends call me Pope Donald because of a series of incidents when i "blessed people" using a waterbottle with the lid not on all the way.
    If anyone is looking to buy, sell, trade games and support a developer directly at the same time, consider joining Goozex. Enjoy!

  10. #30
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Default Re: The About Me Topic :)

    As im fairly new to the scene most of you wont know me so...

    Name and where I live

    ** Name Coming Soon** im from a delighful little town in West London also known as Hounslow. Lived since i was born and although its a complete sh*thole its still got that cosy home feel to it

    How did I get into the DC scene?

    Well i bought a DC on the cheap only about 3 months ago now and when searching google i found this site and im glad i did. Although i dont play much of the homebrew as im on a 56k dial up so downloading large files isnt really an option, i use loads of the emus to play games that i never had the first time round and would be too hard to track down now.

    Thoughts about the Scene

    To any coder or developer of any game - you are amazing. i used to program small games for my old Amstrad CPC464 and that was hard enough to learn that language, but compared to the code used now it may as well have been english because the code now is SOOOO more complicated, im currently trying to learn C++ but as always its hard to find the time and its hard anyway.

    The future

    Im only in sixth form now and only 17 so theres alot of time for me to learn some code and maybe program some simple games for DC. I'd like to take up developing games as a hobby, because since my 464 broke ive been wanting to create some games.

    Oh and good topic wraggster

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