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Thread: PS3’s Cell three times more powerful as the Xbox 360 processor?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    ps3 PS3’s Cell three times more powerful as the Xbox 360 processor?

    This summer Sony created a training website for Canadian Wal Mart employees. The access codes got leaked when a store visitor saw a manager put up internal documents around the store.

    After logging in, Sony marketing spin quotes can be found while employees read, learn & test their PS3 knowledge. Here’s the real gem:

    “Welcome to your PS3 Retail Online Training. We trust that you will find the following information valuable and assist you in understanding and explaining PS3 Technology to your customers and staff. … The Cell Processor is essentially as powerful as 3 Xbox 360 CPU’s or 35 PlayStation® 2 CPU’s”

  2. #2
    PS Beta Tester & Mod DPyro's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Wii User zidanerick's Avatar
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    Or 6,387 PS1 CPU's or 530,295 Amiga 500 CPU's or 600million times more powerful then the original Pong game, should i keep going?

    Comparing Game consoles is just plain stupid nowadays, the graphics are good enough now on the XBOX 360 for any game they wish to do.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    the xbox 360 really is amazing, and for the ps3 to be 3 times as powerful that still is really amazing.

    I read that it'll be like 4 years before we can tell any differance between 360 and ps3 graphics.. hmm...

  5. #5
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    Well the PS3 is the flagship for a whole new type of processor...

  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular
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    It has been generally accepted that the xbox360 and ps3 will have very similar specs. If the cell processor were truly "3 times more powerful", sony would have let us know long before now.
    No, what we have here is some last-minute marketing propoganda. Sony have undoubtedly found one small element of their processor which has a higher numerical rating than that of the xbox360. "Powerful" is a very relative term, for it could apply to internal cache, bus speed, clock speed, number of cores or any other number of things. No, this is just Sony finally realizing that you can't hype a console on blu-ray alone.

  7. #7
    PSP Coder MikeDX's Avatar
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    I'm sony, and i've made a giant $#@! up with my release of the PS3

    Whilst you are waiting, listen to my bull$#@!.....
    Find yourself some ebay spelling mistake bargains!
    Use the power of the TYPING WAND! |Free PSP ISOs to download

    Pick of the google street views! Including topless girls

    Proud owner of a Nintendo Wii!
    PSP1. Black Jap 1000K: 1.5 -> 2.71SE-A -> 2.71SE-B -> 2.71SE-B' -> 2.71SE-B''
    PSP2. Black "non worker" from ebay: 2.6 (?) -> 2.71 -> 1.5 -> 2.71SE-B -> 2.71SE-B'
    PSP3: Black "Broken UMD Drive" UK 1003 2.0 -> 1.5 -> 2.71SE-B -> 2.71SE-B'
    Do you have a bricked psp?

  8. #8
    Registered User NoQuarter's Avatar
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    LMAO,the cell was a joint effort with IBM and Toshiba.
    I agree sony is full of it but the cell processor is not just for the PS3.It's gonna start appearing in PCs soon.
    Although the cell processor in the PS3 is a dumbed down version.
    I wonder if modding a PS3 with more powerfull incarnations of the cell will be possible,just a thought since one of the cells processing units is gonna be dedicated to security and it's classified as a computer so this would not be illegal.

    Might not work with the bios setup though.
    Well,we'll see.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Taken from another forum

    Originally Posted IN ANOTHER FORUM
    For your information people, this article claiming that Sony employees are made to say 'Ps3 CPU is 3 times as powerful as Xbox 360 CPU' is totally false. It's a known fake, and I'm quite surprised that so few people know this already.


  10. #10


    Well, it's not all just the processor. So many people make the mistake of comparing procs across the board. One, the cell is good with floating point calculations and thats very good with physics engines, but the problem is that the SPE's are engineered for specific tasks, so the problem with SPE's is that they are not multipurpose enough to get some true power potential from them. Add to that a weak branch prediction (which, depending on developement may or may not be that big of a deal) theres is much hype that is as of now unfounded. The real comparison is in the consoles architecutre. For example, the direct access of the cache and procedural synthesis must be taken into consideration. You will not see much of a difference between the 360 and PS3, thats my prediction. Don't get me wrong, there will be a difference, but not very much and especially not enough for the $200 price difference. As far as bluray being used for bigger and better games? Don't count on it. Game production is already expensive. To take full advantage of the large storage you can either hire many, many more programmers (EXPENSIVE!!) because of extra data that needs to be coded OR you take more time to release the game in question and keep the expenses, and as a result, game prices to a minimum. Problem with that, though, is there is a definate deadline. Take to long and the game engine is now outdated. So, until MUCH better programming tools are introduced, I'd only see the extra space being a "making off" and other extra content. Movies, thats a different story.

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