Sony to unleash fully wi-fi internet enabled PSP in Korea, with potential European release clue on top...

May 2. That's the answer to the question on the lips of every PSP-lovin' Korean out there waiting to find out when they can fondle Sony's handheld.

But even more exciting than that, when the PSP goes on sale in Korea it will come out of the box fully wi-fi internet enabled. Sony has signed a deal with Korea's biggest telecoms operator KT Corp. to equip the handheld with high-speed wireless access through any one of 14,000 hot spots throughout the country. Owners will also be able to set up a hotspot in their own homes.

Korean PSP owners will then be able to play multiplayer games across the internet and, evidently, browse websites and other online services. KT also promises "a variety of content" including online media players.

The PSP, which will retail for 328,000 Won (approximately $323 or £175) when it hits shelves in Korea, will come bundled with a one month free trial for the KT-powered online services, with a monthly subscription fee of around 3 quid thereafter.

It'll be the first time the PSP has been released with full online capabilities. The Japanese PSP, released last December, and the US PSP released last week, can play games online via a hotspot, but additional internet services are not available at the moment. Sony is expected to add these services in the future.

Altogether now: Sony is yet to confirm a price or release date for the PSP in Europe. May or June are looking most likely, and we're seriously hoping that Korea's May 2 date could be a big pointer towards a release window for us.

And European PSPers shouldn't get their hopes up for an online-ready PSP on these shores. Online multiplayer gaming will still be cool, but Korea's online infrastructure is far more advanced than ours, hence they get fancy internet PSPs. Boo!

Nonetheless, we contacted Sony to find out if these announcements offered any clues as to the PSP's European release but were told that no information would be available until the official Sony Computer Entertainment Europe announcement.