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Thread: availability of ds

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default availability of ds

    just a quick question from me
    its my b'day in two days and i am planning to buy a ds with the money i get
    will i be able to just walk into the store and pick it up off the shelf or do i need to preorder, because ive read that the ds is selling very well here in the uk. any answer will save me a half hour treck to the neaest game store. id rather not buy online as ive just removed three trojans from my computer
    also im gonna get two or three games and have definately decided on mario, but what other one or two should i get baring in mind i hate puzzlers and am a sports and golf fan (who has read that tiger woods isnt too good)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    well quite alow of people have said tiger woods is good but...

    you should def gt wario ware touched! it really is amazing!!

    as for availability you should be fine but just incase go here
    get your closest games number and ring then a day before a pre-order! if you can pre-order just ask how many they have in stock!

  3. #3
    PSP User aseddon130's Avatar
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    every store in wigan isnt sold out of the DS ... seems like nintendo ain't like Sony and they send out enough units of the console to go around (HINT FOR PSP LAUNCH SONY) but im in a mixed mind about the DS games, the launch titles do not impress me, ive played WarioWare and i got pretty much bored with the one on the stand (the demo), Ive had Asphalt GT and that was rank - the NGage version was better - Metriod Prime seems ok the demo you get with it is good (but its not out yet), the only games i want to try on the DS and i haven't is Mario (which u have wisely chosen - which i should add HAS been sold out in Game at one time) and if i had to choose 1 or 2 other games they wud probably be Tiger Woods and Mr Driller (he rules - you know it ) but since you dont like puzzle'rs go with Rayman DS ... although ive read that the camera system has some serious issues !

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    thanx for your replies
    i went and got my ds today and there was 4 in stock so no problems there.
    so far i am very impressed with it
    in the end i only got mario(which i am lucky to be playing for the first time, i used to be a playstation fan and never played the n64 other than goldeneye)
    even though i didnt play the original, i have to say, although i read otherwise, i think the d pad is excellent for controlling the game and i have had no trouble on that front
    the metroid hunters demo is very good and controls beatifally and has very stylish graphics. i am a big fps fan so i will definately get this game when its released.
    also the mario minigames are very good fun and maybe this means that i would enjoy warioware? it looks good but i am worried about getting bored with it after a while. how have others found the lifespan?

  5. #5


    I have the gamecube version of Wario Ware and it gešs boring after one hour

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    well i am a big fan of warioware.... i am still playin it and got it on launch... if u like mario's minigames you will probly like wario ware's....if on mario you keep trying to beat you highscore i bet you will do the same on wario so i wold say get it!!

  7. #7
    PSP User aseddon130's Avatar
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    the thing i liked about Metriod Prime was when u switch the controls around so that the touch screen is used for shooting and you aim with the Pen thing i found that to make it a little better, other than that it wasnt that good really - nothing really original ... but, saying that - its still one of the few DS games to look forward to.

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